Office 365 - Mail redirect via ExO transport rule
Id | edcfc2e0-3134-434c-8074-9101c530d419 |
Rulename | Office 365 - Mail redirect via ExO transport rule |
Description | Identifies when Exchange Online transport rule configured to forward emails. This could be an adversary mailbox configured to collect mail from multiple user accounts. |
Severity | Medium |
Tactics | Collection Exfiltration |
Techniques | T1114 T1020 |
Required data connectors | AzureActiveDirectory |
Kind | Scheduled |
Query frequency | 1h |
Query period | 1h |
Trigger threshold | 0 |
Trigger operator | gt |
Source Uri | Secure Access/Analytic Rules/Office 365 - Mail_redirect_via_ExO_transport_rule.yaml |
Version | 2.0.5 |
Arm template | edcfc2e0-3134-434c-8074-9101c530d419.json |
| where Workload == "Exchange"
| where Operation in~ ("New-TransportRule", "Set-TransportRule")
| mv-apply DynamicParameters = todynamic(tostring(AdditionalProperties.Parameters)) on (
summarize ParsedParameters = make_bag(pack(tostring(DynamicParameters.Name), DynamicParameters.Value))
| extend RuleName = case(
Operation =~ "Set-TransportRule", ObjectId, // Assuming ObjectId maps to what was previously OfficeObjectId
Operation =~ "New-TransportRule", ParsedParameters.Name,
| mv-expand ExpandedParameters = todynamic(tostring(AdditionalProperties.Parameters))
| where ExpandedParameters.Name in~ ("BlindCopyTo", "RedirectMessageTo") and isnotempty(ExpandedParameters.Value)
| extend RedirectTo = ExpandedParameters.Value
| extend ClientIPValues = extract_all(@'\[?(::ffff:)?(?P<IPAddress>(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)|[^\]]+)\]?([-:](?P<Port>\d+))?', dynamic(["IPAddress", "Port"]), ClientIp)[0]
| extend From = ParsedParameters.From
| project TimeGenerated, RedirectTo, IPAddress = tostring(ClientIPValues[0]), Port = tostring(ClientIPValues[1]), UserId, From, Operation, RuleName, Parameters = tostring(AdditionalProperties.Parameters)
| extend AccountName = tostring(split(UserId, "@")[0]), AccountUPNSuffix = tostring(split(UserId, "@")[1])
queryPeriod: 1h
version: 2.0.5
- Collection
- Exfiltration
queryFrequency: 1h
id: edcfc2e0-3134-434c-8074-9101c530d419
triggerOperator: gt
- dataTypes:
- EnrichedMicrosoft365AuditLogs
connectorId: AzureActiveDirectory
severity: Medium
- entityType: Account
- columnName: UserId
identifier: FullName
- columnName: AccountName
identifier: Name
- columnName: AccountUPNSuffix
identifier: UPNSuffix
- entityType: IP
- columnName: IPAddress
identifier: Address
triggerThreshold: 0
- T1114
- T1020
query: |
| where Workload == "Exchange"
| where Operation in~ ("New-TransportRule", "Set-TransportRule")
| mv-apply DynamicParameters = todynamic(tostring(AdditionalProperties.Parameters)) on (
summarize ParsedParameters = make_bag(pack(tostring(DynamicParameters.Name), DynamicParameters.Value))
| extend RuleName = case(
Operation =~ "Set-TransportRule", ObjectId, // Assuming ObjectId maps to what was previously OfficeObjectId
Operation =~ "New-TransportRule", ParsedParameters.Name,
| mv-expand ExpandedParameters = todynamic(tostring(AdditionalProperties.Parameters))
| where ExpandedParameters.Name in~ ("BlindCopyTo", "RedirectMessageTo") and isnotempty(ExpandedParameters.Value)
| extend RedirectTo = ExpandedParameters.Value
| extend ClientIPValues = extract_all(@'\[?(::ffff:)?(?P<IPAddress>(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)|[^\]]+)\]?([-:](?P<Port>\d+))?', dynamic(["IPAddress", "Port"]), ClientIp)[0]
| extend From = ParsedParameters.From
| project TimeGenerated, RedirectTo, IPAddress = tostring(ClientIPValues[0]), Port = tostring(ClientIPValues[1]), UserId, From, Operation, RuleName, Parameters = tostring(AdditionalProperties.Parameters)
| extend AccountName = tostring(split(UserId, "@")[0]), AccountUPNSuffix = tostring(split(UserId, "@")[1])
kind: Scheduled
name: Office 365 - Mail redirect via ExO transport rule
OriginalUri: Secure Access/Analytic Rules/Office 365 - Mail_redirect_via_ExO_transport_rule.yaml
description: |
'Identifies when Exchange Online transport rule configured to forward emails.
This could be an adversary mailbox configured to collect mail from multiple user accounts.'
status: Available
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"workspace": {
"type": "String"
"resources": [
"apiVersion": "2024-01-01-preview",
"id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/edcfc2e0-3134-434c-8074-9101c530d419')]",
"kind": "Scheduled",
"name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/edcfc2e0-3134-434c-8074-9101c530d419')]",
"properties": {
"alertRuleTemplateName": "edcfc2e0-3134-434c-8074-9101c530d419",
"customDetails": null,
"description": "'Identifies when Exchange Online transport rule configured to forward emails.\nThis could be an adversary mailbox configured to collect mail from multiple user accounts.'\n",
"displayName": "Office 365 - Mail redirect via ExO transport rule",
"enabled": true,
"entityMappings": [
"entityType": "Account",
"fieldMappings": [
"columnName": "UserId",
"identifier": "FullName"
"columnName": "AccountName",
"identifier": "Name"
"columnName": "AccountUPNSuffix",
"identifier": "UPNSuffix"
"entityType": "IP",
"fieldMappings": [
"columnName": "IPAddress",
"identifier": "Address"
"OriginalUri": " Secure Access/Analytic Rules/Office 365 - Mail_redirect_via_ExO_transport_rule.yaml",
"query": "EnrichedMicrosoft365AuditLogs\n| where Workload == \"Exchange\"\n| where Operation in~ (\"New-TransportRule\", \"Set-TransportRule\")\n| mv-apply DynamicParameters = todynamic(tostring(AdditionalProperties.Parameters)) on (\n summarize ParsedParameters = make_bag(pack(tostring(DynamicParameters.Name), DynamicParameters.Value))\n )\n| extend RuleName = case(\n Operation =~ \"Set-TransportRule\", ObjectId, // Assuming ObjectId maps to what was previously OfficeObjectId\n Operation =~ \"New-TransportRule\", ParsedParameters.Name,\n \"Unknown\"\n )\n| mv-expand ExpandedParameters = todynamic(tostring(AdditionalProperties.Parameters))\n| where ExpandedParameters.Name in~ (\"BlindCopyTo\", \"RedirectMessageTo\") and isnotempty(ExpandedParameters.Value)\n| extend RedirectTo = ExpandedParameters.Value\n| extend ClientIPValues = extract_all(@'\\[?(::ffff:)?(?P<IPAddress>(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)|[^\\]]+)\\]?([-:](?P<Port>\\d+))?', dynamic([\"IPAddress\", \"Port\"]), ClientIp)[0]\n| extend From = ParsedParameters.From\n| project TimeGenerated, RedirectTo, IPAddress = tostring(ClientIPValues[0]), Port = tostring(ClientIPValues[1]), UserId, From, Operation, RuleName, Parameters = tostring(AdditionalProperties.Parameters)\n| extend AccountName = tostring(split(UserId, \"@\")[0]), AccountUPNSuffix = tostring(split(UserId, \"@\")[1])\n",
"queryFrequency": "PT1H",
"queryPeriod": "PT1H",
"severity": "Medium",
"status": "Available",
"subTechniques": [],
"suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
"suppressionEnabled": false,
"tactics": [
"techniques": [
"templateVersion": "2.0.5",
"triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
"triggerThreshold": 0
"type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"