Id | e15944a8-4172-4208-a928-631e01920d9c |
Rulename | CDM_ContinuousDiagnostics&Mitigation_Posture |
Description | This hunting query is designed to monitor Azure policies aligned with the Continuous Diagnostics & Mitigation (CDM) Program. It provides a policy check assessment of current CDM policy status across capability areas. |
Severity | Medium |
Tactics | Discovery |
Techniques | T1082 |
Kind | Scheduled |
Source Uri | Queries/ContinuousDiagnostics&MitigationPosture.yaml |
Version | 1.0.0 |
Arm template | e15944a8-4172-4208-a928-631e01920d9c.json |
| where RecommendationDisplayName <> ""
| extend MaturityLevel=iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any("log", "defender", "asset", "arc"), "Hardware Asset Management (HWAM)",
iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any("allow", "software", "application"), "Software Asset Management (SWAM)",
iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any("account", "user", "identity", "trust"), "User Trust (TRUST)",
iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any("access", "auth", "key", "cert", "token"), "Credentials & Authenticators (CRED)",
iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any("priv", "admin", "root"), "Privileges (PRIV)",
iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any("network", "internet", "traffic", "firewall", "intrusion", "bound", "tls", "gateway", "subnet", "web", "url", "proxy", "just", "port", "JIT", "http"), "Boundary Protection (BOUND)",
iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any("event", "agent", "incident", "back", "privacy", "audit", "collect"), "Manage Events (MNGEVT)",
iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any("edr", "malware", "endpoint protection", "detect", "respon"), "Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR)",
iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any("aks", "contain", "kube", "supply"), "Design & Build in Security (DBS)",
iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any("data", "storage", "sql", "cmk", "key"), "Data Protection Management (DPM)", "Other"))))))))))
| where MaturityLevel in ('Hardware Asset Management (HWAM)', 'Software Asset Management (SWAM)', 'User Trust (TRUST)', 'Credentials & Authenticators (CRED)', 'Privileges (PRIV)', 'Boundary Protection (BOUND)', 'Manage Events (MNGEVT)', 'Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR)', 'Design & Build in Security (DBS)', 'Data Protection Management (DPM)')
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by AssessedResourceId, RecommendationDisplayName
| summarize
Failed = countif(RecommendationState == "Unhealthy"),
Passed = countif(RecommendationState == "Healthy"),
NotApplicable = countif(RecommendationState == "NotApplicable" or RecommendationState == "Removed"),
Applicable = countif(RecommendationState == "Unhealthy" or RecommendationState == "Healthy"),
Total = countif(RecommendationState == "Unhealthy" or RecommendationState == "Healthy" or RecommendationState == "NotApplicable" or RecommendationState == "Removed")
by MaturityLevel
| extend PassedControls = (Passed / todouble(Applicable)) * 100
| project MaturityLevel, Total, PassedControls, Passed, Failed, Applicable, NotApplicable
| sort by Total, Passed desc
| project CapabilityArea=MaturityLevel, Total, PassedControls, Passed, Failed, LastObserved=now()
name: CDM_ContinuousDiagnostics&Mitigation_Posture
OriginalUri: Queries/ContinuousDiagnostics&MitigationPosture.yaml
severity: Medium
kind: Scheduled
- entityType: []
- columnName: []
identifier: []
- Discovery
- T1082
requiredDataConnectors: []
description: |
'This hunting query is designed to monitor Azure policies aligned with the Continuous Diagnostics & Mitigation (CDM) Program. It provides a policy check assessment of current CDM policy status across capability areas.'
query: |
| where RecommendationDisplayName <> ""
| extend MaturityLevel=iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any("log", "defender", "asset", "arc"), "Hardware Asset Management (HWAM)",
iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any("allow", "software", "application"), "Software Asset Management (SWAM)",
iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any("account", "user", "identity", "trust"), "User Trust (TRUST)",
iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any("access", "auth", "key", "cert", "token"), "Credentials & Authenticators (CRED)",
iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any("priv", "admin", "root"), "Privileges (PRIV)",
iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any("network", "internet", "traffic", "firewall", "intrusion", "bound", "tls", "gateway", "subnet", "web", "url", "proxy", "just", "port", "JIT", "http"), "Boundary Protection (BOUND)",
iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any("event", "agent", "incident", "back", "privacy", "audit", "collect"), "Manage Events (MNGEVT)",
iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any("edr", "malware", "endpoint protection", "detect", "respon"), "Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR)",
iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any("aks", "contain", "kube", "supply"), "Design & Build in Security (DBS)",
iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any("data", "storage", "sql", "cmk", "key"), "Data Protection Management (DPM)", "Other"))))))))))
| where MaturityLevel in ('Hardware Asset Management (HWAM)', 'Software Asset Management (SWAM)', 'User Trust (TRUST)', 'Credentials & Authenticators (CRED)', 'Privileges (PRIV)', 'Boundary Protection (BOUND)', 'Manage Events (MNGEVT)', 'Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR)', 'Design & Build in Security (DBS)', 'Data Protection Management (DPM)')
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by AssessedResourceId, RecommendationDisplayName
| summarize
Failed = countif(RecommendationState == "Unhealthy"),
Passed = countif(RecommendationState == "Healthy"),
NotApplicable = countif(RecommendationState == "NotApplicable" or RecommendationState == "Removed"),
Applicable = countif(RecommendationState == "Unhealthy" or RecommendationState == "Healthy"),
Total = countif(RecommendationState == "Unhealthy" or RecommendationState == "Healthy" or RecommendationState == "NotApplicable" or RecommendationState == "Removed")
by MaturityLevel
| extend PassedControls = (Passed / todouble(Applicable)) * 100
| project MaturityLevel, Total, PassedControls, Passed, Failed, Applicable, NotApplicable
| sort by Total, Passed desc
| project CapabilityArea=MaturityLevel, Total, PassedControls, Passed, Failed, LastObserved=now()
id: e15944a8-4172-4208-a928-631e01920d9c
version: 1.0.0
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"workspace": {
"type": "String"
"resources": [
"apiVersion": "2024-01-01-preview",
"id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/e15944a8-4172-4208-a928-631e01920d9c')]",
"kind": "Scheduled",
"name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/e15944a8-4172-4208-a928-631e01920d9c')]",
"properties": {
"alertRuleTemplateName": "e15944a8-4172-4208-a928-631e01920d9c",
"customDetails": null,
"description": "'This hunting query is designed to monitor Azure policies aligned with the Continuous Diagnostics & Mitigation (CDM) Program. It provides a policy check assessment of current CDM policy status across capability areas.'\n",
"displayName": "CDM_ContinuousDiagnostics&Mitigation_Posture",
"enabled": true,
"entityMappings": [
"entityType": [],
"fieldMappings": [
"columnName": [],
"identifier": []
"OriginalUri": " Queries/ContinuousDiagnostics&MitigationPosture.yaml",
"query": "SecurityRecommendation\n| where RecommendationDisplayName <> \"\"\n| extend MaturityLevel=iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any(\"log\", \"defender\", \"asset\", \"arc\"), \"Hardware Asset Management (HWAM)\",\n iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any(\"allow\", \"software\", \"application\"), \"Software Asset Management (SWAM)\",\n iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any(\"account\", \"user\", \"identity\", \"trust\"), \"User Trust (TRUST)\",\n iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any(\"access\", \"auth\", \"key\", \"cert\", \"token\"), \"Credentials & Authenticators (CRED)\",\n iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any(\"priv\", \"admin\", \"root\"), \"Privileges (PRIV)\",\n iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any(\"network\", \"internet\", \"traffic\", \"firewall\", \"intrusion\", \"bound\", \"tls\", \"gateway\", \"subnet\", \"web\", \"url\", \"proxy\", \"just\", \"port\", \"JIT\", \"http\"), \"Boundary Protection (BOUND)\",\n iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any(\"event\", \"agent\", \"incident\", \"back\", \"privacy\", \"audit\", \"collect\"), \"Manage Events (MNGEVT)\",\n iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any(\"edr\", \"malware\", \"endpoint protection\", \"detect\", \"respon\"), \"Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR)\",\n iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any(\"aks\", \"contain\", \"kube\", \"supply\"), \"Design & Build in Security (DBS)\",\n iff(RecommendationDisplayName has_any(\"data\", \"storage\", \"sql\", \"cmk\", \"key\"), \"Data Protection Management (DPM)\", \"Other\"))))))))))\n| where MaturityLevel in ('Hardware Asset Management (HWAM)', 'Software Asset Management (SWAM)', 'User Trust (TRUST)', 'Credentials & Authenticators (CRED)', 'Privileges (PRIV)', 'Boundary Protection (BOUND)', 'Manage Events (MNGEVT)', 'Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR)', 'Design & Build in Security (DBS)', 'Data Protection Management (DPM)')\n| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by AssessedResourceId, RecommendationDisplayName\n| summarize\n Failed = countif(RecommendationState == \"Unhealthy\"),\n Passed = countif(RecommendationState == \"Healthy\"),\n NotApplicable = countif(RecommendationState == \"NotApplicable\" or RecommendationState == \"Removed\"),\n Applicable = countif(RecommendationState == \"Unhealthy\" or RecommendationState == \"Healthy\"),\n Total = countif(RecommendationState == \"Unhealthy\" or RecommendationState == \"Healthy\" or RecommendationState == \"NotApplicable\" or RecommendationState == \"Removed\")\n by MaturityLevel\n| extend PassedControls = (Passed / todouble(Applicable)) * 100\n| project MaturityLevel, Total, PassedControls, Passed, Failed, Applicable, NotApplicable\n| sort by Total, Passed desc\n| project CapabilityArea=MaturityLevel, Total, PassedControls, Passed, Failed, LastObserved=now()\n",
"severity": "Medium",
"subTechniques": [],
"suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
"suppressionEnabled": false,
"tactics": [
"techniques": [
"templateVersion": "1.0.0"
"type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"