Dataverse - Terminated employee exfiltration over email
Id | de039242-47e0-43fa-84d7-b6be24305349 |
Rulename | Dataverse - Terminated employee exfiltration over email |
Description | This query identifies Dataverse exfiltration via email by terminated employees. |
Severity | High |
Tactics | Exfiltration |
Techniques | T1639 T1567 |
Required data connectors | AzureActiveDirectoryIdentityProtection IdentityInfo MicrosoftThreatProtection |
Kind | Scheduled |
Query frequency | 1h |
Query period | 14d |
Trigger threshold | 0 |
Trigger operator | gt |
Source Uri | Business Applications/Analytic Rules/Dataverse - Terminated employee exfiltration over email.yaml |
Version | 3.2.0 |
Arm template | de039242-47e0-43fa-84d7-b6be24305349.json |
// Note this detection relies upon the user's UPN matching their email address.
// UEBA can provide more accurate data if enabled.
let query_frequency = 1h;
let allowed_destination_smtp_domains = dynamic([
// Specify a list of recipient domains to exclude from alerting.
// Example:
// "", ""
let exfiltration_alert_users = SecurityAlert
| where Tactics has 'Exfiltration' and Entities has_all ('account', '32780')
| mv-expand DataverseEntities = todynamic(Entities)
| where DataverseEntities.AppId == 32780
| extend InstanceUrl = tostring(DataverseEntities.InstanceName)
| mv-expand AccountEntities = todynamic(Entities)
| where AccountEntities.Type == 'account'
| extend
AccountName = tostring(AccountEntities.Name),
UPNSuffix = tostring(AccountEntities.UPNSuffix)
| summarize InstanceUrls = make_set(InstanceUrl, 100) by AccountName, UPNSuffix
| extend UserId = tolower(strcat(AccountName, "@", UPNSuffix));
| join kind=inner (
| project UserId = tolower(UserPrincipalName), NotificationDate
| where startofday(NotificationDate) <= startofday(now()))
// Uncomment the below KQL if UEBA is available to gain more accurate
// email address data:
// | join kind=leftouter (_ASIM_IdentityInfo) on $left.UserId == $right.Username
// | extend UserId = iif(UserId == UserMailAddress or isempty(UserMailAddress), UserId, UserMailAddress))
on UserId
| join kind=inner (
| where TimeGenerated >= ago (query_frequency)
| where EmailDirection == "Outbound" and AttachmentCount > 0
| extend RecipientDomain = tolower(split(RecipientEmailAddress, '@')[1])
| where RecipientDomain !in (allowed_destination_smtp_domains)
| summarize
RecipientAddresses = make_set(RecipientEmailAddress, 1000),
Subject = make_set(Subject, 1000)
by SenderAddress = tolower(SenderMailFromAddress), SenderIPv4)
on $left.UserId == $right.SenderAddress
| mv-expand InstanceUrl = InstanceUrls to typeof(string)
| extend
CloudAppId = int(32780),
AccountName = tostring(split(UserId, "@")[0]),
UPNSuffix = tostring(split(UserId, "@")[1])
| project
status: Available
id: de039242-47e0-43fa-84d7-b6be24305349
alertDescriptionFormat: 'Departing or terminated user {{UserId}} was found to send email to external domains not on the allowed list: {{RecipientAddresses}}'
alertDisplayNameFormat: Email attachment sent externally by terminated user following Dataverse exfiltration alerts
query: |
// Note this detection relies upon the user's UPN matching their email address.
// UEBA can provide more accurate data if enabled.
let query_frequency = 1h;
let allowed_destination_smtp_domains = dynamic([
// Specify a list of recipient domains to exclude from alerting.
// Example:
// "", ""
let exfiltration_alert_users = SecurityAlert
| where Tactics has 'Exfiltration' and Entities has_all ('account', '32780')
| mv-expand DataverseEntities = todynamic(Entities)
| where DataverseEntities.AppId == 32780
| extend InstanceUrl = tostring(DataverseEntities.InstanceName)
| mv-expand AccountEntities = todynamic(Entities)
| where AccountEntities.Type == 'account'
| extend
AccountName = tostring(AccountEntities.Name),
UPNSuffix = tostring(AccountEntities.UPNSuffix)
| summarize InstanceUrls = make_set(InstanceUrl, 100) by AccountName, UPNSuffix
| extend UserId = tolower(strcat(AccountName, "@", UPNSuffix));
| join kind=inner (
| project UserId = tolower(UserPrincipalName), NotificationDate
| where startofday(NotificationDate) <= startofday(now()))
// Uncomment the below KQL if UEBA is available to gain more accurate
// email address data:
// | join kind=leftouter (_ASIM_IdentityInfo) on $left.UserId == $right.Username
// | extend UserId = iif(UserId == UserMailAddress or isempty(UserMailAddress), UserId, UserMailAddress))
on UserId
| join kind=inner (
| where TimeGenerated >= ago (query_frequency)
| where EmailDirection == "Outbound" and AttachmentCount > 0
| extend RecipientDomain = tolower(split(RecipientEmailAddress, '@')[1])
| where RecipientDomain !in (allowed_destination_smtp_domains)
| summarize
RecipientAddresses = make_set(RecipientEmailAddress, 1000),
Subject = make_set(Subject, 1000)
by SenderAddress = tolower(SenderMailFromAddress), SenderIPv4)
on $left.UserId == $right.SenderAddress
| mv-expand InstanceUrl = InstanceUrls to typeof(string)
| extend
CloudAppId = int(32780),
AccountName = tostring(split(UserId, "@")[0]),
UPNSuffix = tostring(split(UserId, "@")[1])
| project
OriginalUri: Business Applications/Analytic Rules/Dataverse - Terminated employee exfiltration over email.yaml
description: This query identifies Dataverse exfiltration via email by terminated employees.
name: Dataverse - Terminated employee exfiltration over email
- T1639
- T1567
- entityType: Account
- identifier: Name
columnName: AccountName
- identifier: UPNSuffix
columnName: UPNSuffix
- entityType: IP
- identifier: Address
columnName: SenderIPv4
- entityType: CloudApplication
- identifier: AppId
columnName: CloudAppId
- identifier: InstanceName
columnName: InstanceUrl
triggerThreshold: 0
severity: High
- dataTypes:
- EmailEvents
connectorId: MicrosoftThreatProtection
- dataTypes:
- SecurityAlert
connectorId: AzureActiveDirectoryIdentityProtection
- dataTypes:
- IdentityInfo
connectorId: IdentityInfo
aggregationKind: AlertPerResult
queryFrequency: 1h
queryPeriod: 14d
version: 3.2.0
kind: Scheduled
- Exfiltration
triggerOperator: gt
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"workspace": {
"type": "String"
"resources": [
"apiVersion": "2024-01-01-preview",
"id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/de039242-47e0-43fa-84d7-b6be24305349')]",
"kind": "Scheduled",
"name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/de039242-47e0-43fa-84d7-b6be24305349')]",
"properties": {
"alertDetailsOverride": {
"alertDescriptionFormat": "Departing or terminated user {{UserId}} was found to send email to external domains not on the allowed list: {{RecipientAddresses}}",
"alertDisplayNameFormat": "Email attachment sent externally by terminated user following Dataverse exfiltration alerts"
"alertRuleTemplateName": "de039242-47e0-43fa-84d7-b6be24305349",
"customDetails": null,
"description": "This query identifies Dataverse exfiltration via email by terminated employees.",
"displayName": "Dataverse - Terminated employee exfiltration over email",
"enabled": true,
"entityMappings": [
"entityType": "Account",
"fieldMappings": [
"columnName": "AccountName",
"identifier": "Name"
"columnName": "UPNSuffix",
"identifier": "UPNSuffix"
"entityType": "IP",
"fieldMappings": [
"columnName": "SenderIPv4",
"identifier": "Address"
"entityType": "CloudApplication",
"fieldMappings": [
"columnName": "CloudAppId",
"identifier": "AppId"
"columnName": "InstanceUrl",
"identifier": "InstanceName"
"eventGroupingSettings": {
"aggregationKind": "AlertPerResult"
"OriginalUri": " Business Applications/Analytic Rules/Dataverse - Terminated employee exfiltration over email.yaml",
"query": "// Note this detection relies upon the user's UPN matching their email address.\n// UEBA can provide more accurate data if enabled.\nlet query_frequency = 1h;\nlet allowed_destination_smtp_domains = dynamic([\n// Specify a list of recipient domains to exclude from alerting.\n// Example:\n// \"\", \"\"\n ]);\nlet exfiltration_alert_users = SecurityAlert\n | where Tactics has 'Exfiltration' and Entities has_all ('account', '32780')\n | mv-expand DataverseEntities = todynamic(Entities)\n | where DataverseEntities.AppId == 32780\n | extend InstanceUrl = tostring(DataverseEntities.InstanceName)\n | mv-expand AccountEntities = todynamic(Entities)\n | where AccountEntities.Type == 'account'\n | extend\n AccountName = tostring(AccountEntities.Name),\n UPNSuffix = tostring(AccountEntities.UPNSuffix)\n | summarize InstanceUrls = make_set(InstanceUrl, 100) by AccountName, UPNSuffix\n | extend UserId = tolower(strcat(AccountName, \"@\", UPNSuffix));\nexfiltration_alert_users\n| join kind=inner (\n MSBizAppsTerminatedEmployees\n | project UserId = tolower(UserPrincipalName), NotificationDate\n | where startofday(NotificationDate) <= startofday(now()))\n // Uncomment the below KQL if UEBA is available to gain more accurate\n // email address data:\n // | join kind=leftouter (_ASIM_IdentityInfo) on $left.UserId == $right.Username\n // | extend UserId = iif(UserId == UserMailAddress or isempty(UserMailAddress), UserId, UserMailAddress))\n on UserId\n| join kind=inner (\n EmailEvents\n | where TimeGenerated >= ago (query_frequency)\n | where EmailDirection == \"Outbound\" and AttachmentCount > 0\n | extend RecipientDomain = tolower(split(RecipientEmailAddress, '@')[1])\n | where RecipientDomain !in (allowed_destination_smtp_domains)\n | summarize\n RecipientAddresses = make_set(RecipientEmailAddress, 1000),\n Subject = make_set(Subject, 1000)\n by SenderAddress = tolower(SenderMailFromAddress), SenderIPv4)\n on $left.UserId == $right.SenderAddress\n| mv-expand InstanceUrl = InstanceUrls to typeof(string)\n| extend\n CloudAppId = int(32780),\n AccountName = tostring(split(UserId, \"@\")[0]),\n UPNSuffix = tostring(split(UserId, \"@\")[1])\n| project\n UserId,\n InstanceUrl,\n SenderIPv4,\n RecipientAddresses,\n Subject,\n AccountName,\n UPNSuffix,\n CloudAppId\n",
"queryFrequency": "PT1H",
"queryPeriod": "P14D",
"severity": "High",
"status": "Available",
"subTechniques": [],
"suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
"suppressionEnabled": false,
"tactics": [
"techniques": [
"templateVersion": "3.2.0",
"triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
"triggerThreshold": 0
"type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"