let lbtime = 30m;
let msgthreshold = 3;
let msgszthreshold = 3000000;
| where TimeGenerated > ago(lbtime)
| where EventType == 'message'
| where NetworkDirection == 'outbound'
| where NetworkBytes > msgszthreshold
| summarize count() by SrcUserUpn, DstUserUpn
| where count_ > msgthreshold
| extend AccountCustomEntity = SrcUserUpn
description: |
'Detects when multiple emails with large size where sent to the same recipient.'
OriginalUri: https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Sentinel/blob/master/Solutions/Proofpoint On demand(POD) Email Security/Analytic Rules/ProofpointPODMultipleLargeEmailsToSameRecipient.yaml
severity: Medium
status: Available
kind: Scheduled
- T1567
- Exfiltration
queryFrequency: 30m
- fieldMappings:
- columnName: AccountCustomEntity
identifier: FullName
entityType: Account
triggerThreshold: 0
queryPeriod: 30m
triggerOperator: gt
version: 1.0.1
id: d1aba9a3-5ab1-45ef-8ed4-da57dc3c0d32
name: ProofpointPOD - Multiple large emails to the same recipient
query: |
let lbtime = 30m;
let msgthreshold = 3;
let msgszthreshold = 3000000;
| where TimeGenerated > ago(lbtime)
| where EventType == 'message'
| where NetworkDirection == 'outbound'
| where NetworkBytes > msgszthreshold
| summarize count() by SrcUserUpn, DstUserUpn
| where count_ > msgthreshold
| extend AccountCustomEntity = SrcUserUpn
- dataTypes:
- ProofpointPOD_message_CL
connectorId: ProofpointPOD
"$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentTemplate.json#",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"workspace": {
"type": "String"
"resources": [
"apiVersion": "2024-01-01-preview",
"id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/d1aba9a3-5ab1-45ef-8ed4-da57dc3c0d32')]",
"kind": "Scheduled",
"name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/d1aba9a3-5ab1-45ef-8ed4-da57dc3c0d32')]",
"properties": {
"alertRuleTemplateName": "d1aba9a3-5ab1-45ef-8ed4-da57dc3c0d32",
"customDetails": null,
"description": "'Detects when multiple emails with large size where sent to the same recipient.'\n",
"displayName": "ProofpointPOD - Multiple large emails to the same recipient",
"enabled": true,
"entityMappings": [
"entityType": "Account",
"fieldMappings": [
"columnName": "AccountCustomEntity",
"identifier": "FullName"
"OriginalUri": "https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Sentinel/blob/master/Solutions/Proofpoint On demand(POD) Email Security/Analytic Rules/ProofpointPODMultipleLargeEmailsToSameRecipient.yaml",
"query": "let lbtime = 30m;\nlet msgthreshold = 3;\nlet msgszthreshold = 3000000;\nProofpointPOD\n| where TimeGenerated > ago(lbtime)\n| where EventType == 'message'\n| where NetworkDirection == 'outbound'\n| where NetworkBytes > msgszthreshold\n| summarize count() by SrcUserUpn, DstUserUpn\n| where count_ > msgthreshold\n| extend AccountCustomEntity = SrcUserUpn\n",
"queryFrequency": "PT30M",
"queryPeriod": "PT30M",
"severity": "Medium",
"status": "Available",
"subTechniques": [],
"suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
"suppressionEnabled": false,
"tactics": [
"techniques": [
"templateVersion": "1.0.1",
"triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
"triggerThreshold": 0
"type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"