Microsoft Sentinel Analytic Rules
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AD FS Abnormal EKU object identifier attribute

RulenameAD FS Abnormal EKU object identifier attribute
DescriptionThis detection uses Security events from the “AD FS Auditing” provider to detect suspicious object identifiers (OIDs) as part EventID 501 and specifically part of the Enhanced Key Usage attributes.

This query checks to see if you have any new OIDs in the last hour that have not been seen in the previous day. New OIDs should be validated and OIDs that are very long, as indicated

by the OID_Length field, could also be an indicator of malicious activity.

In order to use this query you need to enable AD FS auditing on the AD FS Server.

Required data connectorsSecurityEvents
Query frequency1h
Query period1d
Trigger threshold0
Trigger operatorgt
Source Uri
Arm templatecfc1ae62-db63-4a3e-b88b-dc04030c2257.json
Deploy To Azure
// change the starttime value for a longer period of known OIDs
let starttime = 1d;
// change the lookback value for a longer period of lookback for suspicious/abnormal
let lookback = 1h;
let OIDList = SecurityEvent
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(starttime)
| where EventSourceName == 'AD FS Auditing'
| where EventID == 501
| where EventData has '/eku'
| extend OIDs = extract_all(@"<Data>([\d+\.]+)</Data>", EventData)
| mv-expand OIDs
| extend OID = tostring(OIDs)
| extend OID_Length = strlen(OID)
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, EventSourceName, EventID, OID, OID_Length, EventData
| where TimeGenerated >= ago(lookback)
| join kind=leftanti (
| where TimeGenerated between (ago(starttime) .. ago(lookback))
| summarize by OID
) on OID
| extend HostName = tostring(split(Computer, ".")[0]), DomainIndex = toint(indexof(Computer, '.'))
| extend HostNameDomain = iff(DomainIndex != -1, substring(Computer, DomainIndex + 1), Computer)
triggerOperator: gt
triggerThreshold: 0
name: AD FS Abnormal EKU object identifier attribute
    tier: Community
    - Security - Others
    - Identity
    kind: Community
    name: Microsoft Security Research
queryPeriod: 1d
severity: High
- Nobelium
- MagicWeb
kind: Scheduled
- entityType: Host
  - columnName: Computer
    identifier: FullName
  - columnName: HostName
    identifier: HostName
  - columnName: HostNameDomain
    identifier: DnsDomain
queryFrequency: 1h
- T1552
- dataTypes:
  - SecurityEvent
  connectorId: SecurityEvents
description: |
  'This detection uses Security events from the "AD FS Auditing" provider to detect suspicious object identifiers (OIDs) as part EventID 501 and specifically part of the Enhanced Key Usage attributes.
  This query checks to see if you have any new OIDs in the last hour that have not been seen in the previous day. New OIDs should be validated and OIDs that are very long, as indicated
  by the OID_Length field, could also be an indicator of malicious activity.
  In order to use this query you need to enable AD FS auditing on the AD FS Server.
- CredentialAccess
query: |
  // change the starttime value for a longer period of known OIDs
  let starttime = 1d;
  // change the lookback value for a longer period of lookback for suspicious/abnormal
  let lookback = 1h;
  let OIDList = SecurityEvent
  | where TimeGenerated >= ago(starttime)
  | where EventSourceName == 'AD FS Auditing'
  | where EventID == 501
  | where EventData has '/eku'
  | extend OIDs = extract_all(@"<Data>([\d+\.]+)</Data>", EventData)
  | mv-expand OIDs
  | extend OID = tostring(OIDs)
  | extend OID_Length = strlen(OID)
  | project TimeGenerated, Computer, EventSourceName, EventID, OID, OID_Length, EventData
  | where TimeGenerated >= ago(lookback)
  | join kind=leftanti (
  | where TimeGenerated between (ago(starttime) .. ago(lookback))
  | summarize by OID
  ) on OID
  | extend HostName = tostring(split(Computer, ".")[0]), DomainIndex = toint(indexof(Computer, '.'))
  | extend HostNameDomain = iff(DomainIndex != -1, substring(Computer, DomainIndex + 1), Computer)  
id: cfc1ae62-db63-4a3e-b88b-dc04030c2257
version: 1.0.4
  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "workspace": {
      "type": "String"
  "resources": [
      "apiVersion": "2024-01-01-preview",
      "id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/cfc1ae62-db63-4a3e-b88b-dc04030c2257')]",
      "kind": "Scheduled",
      "name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/cfc1ae62-db63-4a3e-b88b-dc04030c2257')]",
      "properties": {
        "alertRuleTemplateName": "cfc1ae62-db63-4a3e-b88b-dc04030c2257",
        "customDetails": null,
        "description": "'This detection uses Security events from the \"AD FS Auditing\" provider to detect suspicious object identifiers (OIDs) as part EventID 501 and specifically part of the Enhanced Key Usage attributes.\nThis query checks to see if you have any new OIDs in the last hour that have not been seen in the previous day. New OIDs should be validated and OIDs that are very long, as indicated\nby the OID_Length field, could also be an indicator of malicious activity.\nIn order to use this query you need to enable AD FS auditing on the AD FS Server.\nReferences:\n\n\n'\n",
        "displayName": "AD FS Abnormal EKU object identifier attribute",
        "enabled": true,
        "entityMappings": [
            "entityType": "Host",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "Computer",
                "identifier": "FullName"
                "columnName": "HostName",
                "identifier": "HostName"
                "columnName": "HostNameDomain",
                "identifier": "DnsDomain"
        "OriginalUri": "",
        "query": "// change the starttime value for a longer period of known OIDs\nlet starttime = 1d;\n// change the lookback value for a longer period of lookback for suspicious/abnormal\nlet lookback = 1h;\nlet OIDList = SecurityEvent\n| where TimeGenerated >= ago(starttime)\n| where EventSourceName == 'AD FS Auditing'\n| where EventID == 501\n| where EventData has '/eku'\n| extend OIDs = extract_all(@\"<Data>([\\d+\\.]+)</Data>\", EventData)\n| mv-expand OIDs\n| extend OID = tostring(OIDs)\n| extend OID_Length = strlen(OID)\n| project TimeGenerated, Computer, EventSourceName, EventID, OID, OID_Length, EventData\n;\nOIDList\n| where TimeGenerated >= ago(lookback)\n| join kind=leftanti (\nOIDList\n| where TimeGenerated between (ago(starttime) .. ago(lookback))\n| summarize by OID\n) on OID\n| extend HostName = tostring(split(Computer, \".\")[0]), DomainIndex = toint(indexof(Computer, '.'))\n| extend HostNameDomain = iff(DomainIndex != -1, substring(Computer, DomainIndex + 1), Computer)\n",
        "queryFrequency": "PT1H",
        "queryPeriod": "P1D",
        "severity": "High",
        "subTechniques": [],
        "suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
        "suppressionEnabled": false,
        "tactics": [
        "tags": [
        "techniques": [
        "templateVersion": "1.0.4",
        "triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
        "triggerThreshold": 0
      "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"