Microsoft Sentinel Analytic Rules
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Detect port misuse by anomaly based detection ASIM Network Session schema

RulenameDetect port misuse by anomaly based detection (ASIM Network Session schema)
DescriptionThis rule detects anomalous pattern in port usage. The rule utilize ASIM normalization, and is applied to any source which supports the ASIM Network Session schema. To tune the rule to your environment configure it using the ‘NetworkSession_Monitor_Configuration’ watchlist. Note that to enhance performance, the rule uses summarized data generated from the summarization logic App.
Required data connectorsAIVectraStream
Query frequency1d
Query period14d
Trigger threshold0
Trigger operatorgt
Source Uri Session Essentials/Analytic Rules/DetectPortMisuseByAnomalyBasedDetection.yaml
Arm templatecbf07406-fa2a-48b0-82b8-efad58db14ec.json
Deploy To Azure
let lookback = 14d;
let mapping = _GetWatchlist('NetworkSession_Monitor_Configuration')
| where Type == "Detection" and ThresholdType == "Anomaly" and Severity != "Disabled"  
| extend Ports = split(Ports,","),
        App = split(App,","),
        Protocol = split(Protocol,","),
        Direction = split(Direction,","),
        Action = split(Action,",")
| project Ports, App, Protocol, Direction, Action, Type, ThresholdType, Threshold, Severity, Tactic, Name, Description
| mv-expand Ports
| mv-expand App
| mv-expand Protocol
| mv-expand Direction
| mv-expand Action
| extend Ports = tostring(Ports), App = tostring(App), Protocol = tostring(Protocol), Direction = tostring(Direction), Action = tostring(Action), Threshold = toint(Threshold)
let AnomalyThreshold = 2.5;
let eps = materialize (_Im_NetworkSession | project TimeGenerated | where TimeGenerated > ago(5m) | count | extend Count = Count/300);
let maxSummarizedTime = toscalar (
    union isfuzzy=true 
                | where EventTime_t > ago(lookback)
                | summarize max_TimeGenerated=max(EventTime_t)
                | extend max_TimeGenerated = datetime_add('minute',10,max_TimeGenerated)
            | project max_TimeGenerated = print_0
      | summarize maxTimeGenerated = max(max_TimeGenerated) 
let nosummary = materialize(
              union isfuzzy=true 
                    | where EventTime_t > ago(1d) 
                    | project v = int(2)
                    print int(1) 
                    | project v = print_0
                | summarize maxv = max(v)
                | extend nosum = (maxv > 1)
let allData = union isfuzzy=true 
        (datatable(exists:int, nosum:bool)[1,false] | where toscalar(eps) > 1000 | join (nosummary) on nosum) | join (
        _Im_NetworkSession(starttime=todatetime(ago(2d)), endtime=now())
        | where TimeGenerated > maxSummarizedTime
        | summarize Count=count() by NetworkProtocol, DstPortNumber, DstAppName, NetworkDirection, DvcAction, bin(TimeGenerated,10m)
        | extend EventTime = TimeGenerated, Count = toint(Count), DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber), exists=int(1)
        ) on exists
        | project-away exists, maxv, nosum*
        (datatable(exists:int, nosum:bool)[1,false] | where toscalar(eps) between (501 .. 1000) | join (nosummary) on nosum) | join (
        _Im_NetworkSession(starttime=todatetime(ago(3d)), endtime=now())
        | where TimeGenerated > maxSummarizedTime
        | summarize Count=count() by NetworkProtocol, DstPortNumber, DstAppName, NetworkDirection, DvcAction, bin(TimeGenerated,10m)
        | extend EventTime = TimeGenerated, Count = toint(Count), DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber), exists=int(1)
        ) on exists
        | project-away exists, maxv, nosum*
        (datatable(exists:int, nosum:bool)[1,false] | where toscalar(eps) <= 500 | join (nosummary) on nosum) | join (
        _Im_NetworkSession(starttime=todatetime(ago(4d)), endtime=now())
        | where TimeGenerated > maxSummarizedTime
        | summarize Count=count() by NetworkProtocol, DstPortNumber, DstAppName, NetworkDirection, DvcAction, bin(TimeGenerated,10m)
        | extend EventTime = TimeGenerated, Count = toint(Count), DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber), exists=int(1)
        ) on exists
        | project-away exists, maxv, nosum*
        | where EventTime_t > ago(lookback)
        | project-rename NetworkProtocol=NetworkProtocol_s, DstPortNumber=DstPortNumber_d, DstAppName=DstAppName_s, NetworkDirection=NetworkDirection_s, DvcAction=DvcAction_s, Count=count__d, EventTime=EventTime_t
        | extend Count = toint(Count),DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber) 
| where isnotempty(DstPortNumber)
| make-series Total=sum(Count) on EventTime from ago(lookback) to now() step 1d by DstPortNumber, NetworkProtocol, NetworkDirection, DvcAction
| extend (anomalies, score, baseline) = series_decompose_anomalies(Total, AnomalyThreshold, -1, 'linefit')
| mv-expand anomalies, score, baseline, EventTime, Total
| extend anomalies = toint(anomalies), score = toint(score), baseline = toint(baseline), EventTime = todatetime(EventTime), Total = tolong(Total)
| where EventTime >= ago(1d)
| extend DstPortNumber = trim_end(".0",tostring(DstPortNumber))
| where score > 2*AnomalyThreshold
| join kind=inner ['mapping'] where Ports == DstPortNumber
| where (Protocol == "*" or Protocol has NetworkProtocol)
                and (Direction == "*" or Direction has NetworkDirection)
                and (Action == "*" or Action has DvcAction)  
| project Name, Description, NetworkProtocol, DstPortNumber, NetworkDirection, DvcAction, Severity, Tactic
| summarize NetworkProtocols=make_set_if(NetworkProtocol,isnotempty(NetworkProtocol),20), 
                    DvcActions=make_set_if(DvcAction,isnotempty(DvcAction),10) by Name, Severity, Tactic, DstPortNumber, Description
- T1095
- T1059
- T1203
- T1190
name: Detect port misuse by anomaly based detection (ASIM Network Session schema)
- dataTypes:
  - AWSVPCFlow
  connectorId: AWSS3
- dataTypes:
  - DeviceNetworkEvents
  connectorId: MicrosoftThreatProtection
- dataTypes:
  - SecurityEvent
  connectorId: SecurityEvents
- dataTypes:
  - SecurityEvent
  connectorId: WindowsSecurityEvents
- dataTypes:
  - WindowsEvent
  connectorId: WindowsForwardedEvents
- dataTypes:
  - CommonSecurityLog
  connectorId: Zscaler
- dataTypes:
  - Syslog
  connectorId: MicrosoftSysmonForLinux
- dataTypes:
  - CommonSecurityLog
  connectorId: PaloAltoNetworks
- dataTypes:
  - VMConnection
  connectorId: AzureMonitor(VMInsights)
- dataTypes:
  - AzureDiagnostics
  connectorId: AzureFirewall
- dataTypes:
  - AzureDiagnostics
  connectorId: AzureNSG
- dataTypes:
  - CommonSecurityLog
  connectorId: CiscoASA
- dataTypes:
  - CommonSecurityLog
  connectorId: CiscoAsaAma
- dataTypes:
  - Corelight_CL
  connectorId: Corelight
- dataTypes:
  - VectraStream
  connectorId: AIVectraStream
- dataTypes:
  - CommonSecurityLog
  connectorId: CheckPoint
- dataTypes:
  - CommonSecurityLog
  connectorId: Fortinet
- dataTypes:
  - Syslog
  - CiscoMerakiNativePoller
  connectorId: CiscoMeraki
triggerThreshold: 0
id: cbf07406-fa2a-48b0-82b8-efad58db14ec
- CommandAndControl
- LateralMovement
- Execution
- InitialAccess
version: 1.0.2
  DstPortNumber: DstPortNumber
  AllDvcAction: DvcActions
  AllNetworkDirections: NetworkDirections
  AllNetworkProtocols: NetworkProtocols
queryPeriod: 14d
  alertDisplayNameFormat: Detected {{Name}}
  alertSeverityColumnName: Severity
  alertDescriptionFormat: '{{Description}}'
  alertTacticsColumnName: Tactic
triggerOperator: gt
kind: Scheduled
- Schema: ASimNetworkSessions
  SchemaVersion: 0.2.4
  aggregationKind: AlertPerResult
OriginalUri: Session Essentials/Analytic Rules/DetectPortMisuseByAnomalyBasedDetection.yaml
queryFrequency: 1d
severity: Medium
status: Available
description: |
    'This rule detects anomalous pattern in port usage. The rule utilize [ASIM]( normalization, and is applied to any source which supports the ASIM Network Session schema. To tune the rule to your environment configure it using the 'NetworkSession_Monitor_Configuration' watchlist. Note that to enhance performance, the rule uses summarized data generated from the summarization logic App.'
query: |
  let lookback = 14d;
  let mapping = _GetWatchlist('NetworkSession_Monitor_Configuration')
  | where Type == "Detection" and ThresholdType == "Anomaly" and Severity != "Disabled"  
  | extend Ports = split(Ports,","),
          App = split(App,","),
          Protocol = split(Protocol,","),
          Direction = split(Direction,","),
          Action = split(Action,",")
  | project Ports, App, Protocol, Direction, Action, Type, ThresholdType, Threshold, Severity, Tactic, Name, Description
  | mv-expand Ports
  | mv-expand App
  | mv-expand Protocol
  | mv-expand Direction
  | mv-expand Action
  | extend Ports = tostring(Ports), App = tostring(App), Protocol = tostring(Protocol), Direction = tostring(Direction), Action = tostring(Action), Threshold = toint(Threshold)
  let AnomalyThreshold = 2.5;
  let eps = materialize (_Im_NetworkSession | project TimeGenerated | where TimeGenerated > ago(5m) | count | extend Count = Count/300);
  let maxSummarizedTime = toscalar (
      union isfuzzy=true 
                  | where EventTime_t > ago(lookback)
                  | summarize max_TimeGenerated=max(EventTime_t)
                  | extend max_TimeGenerated = datetime_add('minute',10,max_TimeGenerated)
              | project max_TimeGenerated = print_0
        | summarize maxTimeGenerated = max(max_TimeGenerated) 
  let nosummary = materialize(
                union isfuzzy=true 
                      | where EventTime_t > ago(1d) 
                      | project v = int(2)
                      print int(1) 
                      | project v = print_0
                  | summarize maxv = max(v)
                  | extend nosum = (maxv > 1)
  let allData = union isfuzzy=true 
          (datatable(exists:int, nosum:bool)[1,false] | where toscalar(eps) > 1000 | join (nosummary) on nosum) | join (
          _Im_NetworkSession(starttime=todatetime(ago(2d)), endtime=now())
          | where TimeGenerated > maxSummarizedTime
          | summarize Count=count() by NetworkProtocol, DstPortNumber, DstAppName, NetworkDirection, DvcAction, bin(TimeGenerated,10m)
          | extend EventTime = TimeGenerated, Count = toint(Count), DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber), exists=int(1)
          ) on exists
          | project-away exists, maxv, nosum*
          (datatable(exists:int, nosum:bool)[1,false] | where toscalar(eps) between (501 .. 1000) | join (nosummary) on nosum) | join (
          _Im_NetworkSession(starttime=todatetime(ago(3d)), endtime=now())
          | where TimeGenerated > maxSummarizedTime
          | summarize Count=count() by NetworkProtocol, DstPortNumber, DstAppName, NetworkDirection, DvcAction, bin(TimeGenerated,10m)
          | extend EventTime = TimeGenerated, Count = toint(Count), DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber), exists=int(1)
          ) on exists
          | project-away exists, maxv, nosum*
          (datatable(exists:int, nosum:bool)[1,false] | where toscalar(eps) <= 500 | join (nosummary) on nosum) | join (
          _Im_NetworkSession(starttime=todatetime(ago(4d)), endtime=now())
          | where TimeGenerated > maxSummarizedTime
          | summarize Count=count() by NetworkProtocol, DstPortNumber, DstAppName, NetworkDirection, DvcAction, bin(TimeGenerated,10m)
          | extend EventTime = TimeGenerated, Count = toint(Count), DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber), exists=int(1)
          ) on exists
          | project-away exists, maxv, nosum*
          | where EventTime_t > ago(lookback)
          | project-rename NetworkProtocol=NetworkProtocol_s, DstPortNumber=DstPortNumber_d, DstAppName=DstAppName_s, NetworkDirection=NetworkDirection_s, DvcAction=DvcAction_s, Count=count__d, EventTime=EventTime_t
          | extend Count = toint(Count),DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber) 
  | where isnotempty(DstPortNumber)
  | make-series Total=sum(Count) on EventTime from ago(lookback) to now() step 1d by DstPortNumber, NetworkProtocol, NetworkDirection, DvcAction
  | extend (anomalies, score, baseline) = series_decompose_anomalies(Total, AnomalyThreshold, -1, 'linefit')
  | mv-expand anomalies, score, baseline, EventTime, Total
  | extend anomalies = toint(anomalies), score = toint(score), baseline = toint(baseline), EventTime = todatetime(EventTime), Total = tolong(Total)
  | where EventTime >= ago(1d)
  | extend DstPortNumber = trim_end(".0",tostring(DstPortNumber))
  | where score > 2*AnomalyThreshold
  | join kind=inner ['mapping'] where Ports == DstPortNumber
  | where (Protocol == "*" or Protocol has NetworkProtocol)
                  and (Direction == "*" or Direction has NetworkDirection)
                  and (Action == "*" or Action has DvcAction)  
  | project Name, Description, NetworkProtocol, DstPortNumber, NetworkDirection, DvcAction, Severity, Tactic
  | summarize NetworkProtocols=make_set_if(NetworkProtocol,isnotempty(NetworkProtocol),20), 
                      DvcActions=make_set_if(DvcAction,isnotempty(DvcAction),10) by Name, Severity, Tactic, DstPortNumber, Description  
  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "workspace": {
      "type": "String"
  "resources": [
      "apiVersion": "2024-01-01-preview",
      "id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/cbf07406-fa2a-48b0-82b8-efad58db14ec')]",
      "kind": "Scheduled",
      "name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/cbf07406-fa2a-48b0-82b8-efad58db14ec')]",
      "properties": {
        "alertDetailsOverride": {
          "alertDescriptionFormat": "{{Description}}",
          "alertDisplayNameFormat": "Detected {{Name}}",
          "alertSeverityColumnName": "Severity",
          "alertTacticsColumnName": "Tactic"
        "alertRuleTemplateName": "cbf07406-fa2a-48b0-82b8-efad58db14ec",
        "customDetails": {
          "AllDvcAction": "DvcActions",
          "AllNetworkDirections": "NetworkDirections",
          "AllNetworkProtocols": "NetworkProtocols",
          "DstPortNumber": "DstPortNumber"
        "description": "'This rule detects anomalous pattern in port usage. The rule utilize [ASIM]( normalization, and is applied to any source which supports the ASIM Network Session schema. To tune the rule to your environment configure it using the 'NetworkSession_Monitor_Configuration' watchlist. Note that to enhance performance, the rule uses summarized data generated from the summarization logic App.'\n",
        "displayName": "Detect port misuse by anomaly based detection (ASIM Network Session schema)",
        "enabled": true,
        "entityMappings": null,
        "eventGroupingSettings": {
          "aggregationKind": "AlertPerResult"
        "OriginalUri": " Session Essentials/Analytic Rules/DetectPortMisuseByAnomalyBasedDetection.yaml",
        "query": "let lookback = 14d;\nlet mapping = _GetWatchlist('NetworkSession_Monitor_Configuration')\n| where Type == \"Detection\" and ThresholdType == \"Anomaly\" and Severity != \"Disabled\"  \n| extend Ports = split(Ports,\",\"),\n        App = split(App,\",\"),\n        Protocol = split(Protocol,\",\"),\n        Direction = split(Direction,\",\"),\n        Action = split(Action,\",\")\n| project Ports, App, Protocol, Direction, Action, Type, ThresholdType, Threshold, Severity, Tactic, Name, Description\n| mv-expand Ports\n| mv-expand App\n| mv-expand Protocol\n| mv-expand Direction\n| mv-expand Action\n| extend Ports = tostring(Ports), App = tostring(App), Protocol = tostring(Protocol), Direction = tostring(Direction), Action = tostring(Action), Threshold = toint(Threshold)\n;\nlet AnomalyThreshold = 2.5;\nlet eps = materialize (_Im_NetworkSession | project TimeGenerated | where TimeGenerated > ago(5m) | count | extend Count = Count/300);\nlet maxSummarizedTime = toscalar (\n    union isfuzzy=true \n        (\n            NetworkCustomAnalytics_protocol_CL\n                | where EventTime_t > ago(lookback)\n                | summarize max_TimeGenerated=max(EventTime_t)\n                | extend max_TimeGenerated = datetime_add('minute',10,max_TimeGenerated)\n        ),\n        (\n            print(ago(lookback))\n            | project max_TimeGenerated = print_0\n        )\n      | summarize maxTimeGenerated = max(max_TimeGenerated) \n    );\nlet nosummary = materialize(\n              union isfuzzy=true \n                (\n                    NetworkCustomAnalytics_protocol_CL\n                    | where EventTime_t > ago(1d) \n                    | project v = int(2)\n                ),\n                (\n                    print int(1) \n                    | project v = print_0\n                )\n                | summarize maxv = max(v)\n                | extend nosum = (maxv > 1)\n              );\nlet allData = union isfuzzy=true \n    (\n        (datatable(exists:int, nosum:bool)[1,false] | where toscalar(eps) > 1000 | join (nosummary) on nosum) | join (\n        _Im_NetworkSession(starttime=todatetime(ago(2d)), endtime=now())\n        | where TimeGenerated > maxSummarizedTime\n        | summarize Count=count() by NetworkProtocol, DstPortNumber, DstAppName, NetworkDirection, DvcAction, bin(TimeGenerated,10m)\n        | extend EventTime = TimeGenerated, Count = toint(Count), DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber), exists=int(1)\n        ) on exists\n        | project-away exists, maxv, nosum*\n    ),\n    (\n        (datatable(exists:int, nosum:bool)[1,false] | where toscalar(eps) between (501 .. 1000) | join (nosummary) on nosum) | join (\n        _Im_NetworkSession(starttime=todatetime(ago(3d)), endtime=now())\n        | where TimeGenerated > maxSummarizedTime\n        | summarize Count=count() by NetworkProtocol, DstPortNumber, DstAppName, NetworkDirection, DvcAction, bin(TimeGenerated,10m)\n        | extend EventTime = TimeGenerated, Count = toint(Count), DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber), exists=int(1)\n        ) on exists\n        | project-away exists, maxv, nosum*\n    ),\n    (\n        (datatable(exists:int, nosum:bool)[1,false] | where toscalar(eps) <= 500 | join (nosummary) on nosum) | join (\n        _Im_NetworkSession(starttime=todatetime(ago(4d)), endtime=now())\n        | where TimeGenerated > maxSummarizedTime\n        | summarize Count=count() by NetworkProtocol, DstPortNumber, DstAppName, NetworkDirection, DvcAction, bin(TimeGenerated,10m)\n        | extend EventTime = TimeGenerated, Count = toint(Count), DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber), exists=int(1)\n        ) on exists\n        | project-away exists, maxv, nosum*\n    ),\n    (\n        NetworkCustomAnalytics_protocol_CL\n        | where EventTime_t > ago(lookback)\n        | project-rename NetworkProtocol=NetworkProtocol_s, DstPortNumber=DstPortNumber_d, DstAppName=DstAppName_s, NetworkDirection=NetworkDirection_s, DvcAction=DvcAction_s, Count=count__d, EventTime=EventTime_t\n        | extend Count = toint(Count),DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber) \n    )\n;\nallData\n| where isnotempty(DstPortNumber)\n| make-series Total=sum(Count) on EventTime from ago(lookback) to now() step 1d by DstPortNumber, NetworkProtocol, NetworkDirection, DvcAction\n| extend (anomalies, score, baseline) = series_decompose_anomalies(Total, AnomalyThreshold, -1, 'linefit')\n| mv-expand anomalies, score, baseline, EventTime, Total\n| extend anomalies = toint(anomalies), score = toint(score), baseline = toint(baseline), EventTime = todatetime(EventTime), Total = tolong(Total)\n| where EventTime >= ago(1d)\n| extend DstPortNumber = trim_end(\".0\",tostring(DstPortNumber))\n| where score > 2*AnomalyThreshold\n| join kind=inner ['mapping'] where Ports == DstPortNumber\n| where (Protocol == \"*\" or Protocol has NetworkProtocol)\n                and (Direction == \"*\" or Direction has NetworkDirection)\n                and (Action == \"*\" or Action has DvcAction)  \n| project Name, Description, NetworkProtocol, DstPortNumber, NetworkDirection, DvcAction, Severity, Tactic\n| summarize NetworkProtocols=make_set_if(NetworkProtocol,isnotempty(NetworkProtocol),20), \n                    NetworkDirections=make_set_if(NetworkDirection,isnotempty(NetworkDirection),5), \n                    DvcActions=make_set_if(DvcAction,isnotempty(DvcAction),10) by Name, Severity, Tactic, DstPortNumber, Description\n",
        "queryFrequency": "P1D",
        "queryPeriod": "P14D",
        "severity": "Medium",
        "status": "Available",
        "subTechniques": [],
        "suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
        "suppressionEnabled": false,
        "tactics": [
        "tags": [
            "Schema": "ASimNetworkSessions",
            "SchemaVersion": "0.2.4"
        "techniques": [
        "templateVersion": "1.0.2",
        "triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
        "triggerThreshold": 0
      "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"