AIShield - Image classification AI Model Evasion low suspicious vulnerability detection
Id | c4bedb3c-4fb8-4b1c-af5b-8229bd25f521 |
Rulename | AIShield - Image classification AI Model Evasion low suspicious vulnerability detection |
Description | This alert creates an incident when Image classification AI Model Evasion low suspicious, high severity vulnerability detected from the AIShield. |
Severity | High |
Required data connectors | BoschAIShield |
Kind | Scheduled |
Query frequency | 1h |
Query period | 1h |
Trigger threshold | 0 |
Trigger operator | gt |
Source Uri | AI Security Monitoring/Analytic Rules/ImageClassficationModelEvasionLowSuspiciousVulnDetection.yaml |
Version | 1.0.4 |
Arm template | c4bedb3c-4fb8-4b1c-af5b-8229bd25f521.json |
| where Message has 'Image Classification AI Model Evasion Attack Identified'
| where Severity =~ 'Medium'
| where SuspiciousLevel =~ 'low suspicious attack'
| extend NTDomain = tostring(split(Computer, '\\')[0]), HostName = tostring(split(Computer, '.')[0])
triggerThreshold: 0
severity: High
status: Available
- fieldMappings:
- columnName: HostName
identifier: HostName
- columnName: NTDomain
identifier: NTDomain
entityType: Host
- fieldMappings:
- columnName: SourceName
identifier: Address
entityType: IP
version: 1.0.4
tactics: []
queryFrequency: 1h
aggregationKind: SingleAlert
name: AIShield - Image classification AI Model Evasion low suspicious vulnerability detection
query: |
| where Message has 'Image Classification AI Model Evasion Attack Identified'
| where Severity =~ 'Medium'
| where SuspiciousLevel =~ 'low suspicious attack'
| extend NTDomain = tostring(split(Computer, '\\')[0]), HostName = tostring(split(Computer, '.')[0])
triggerOperator: gt
relevantTechniques: []
- dataTypes:
- AIShield
connectorId: BoschAIShield
kind: Scheduled
OriginalUri: AI Security Monitoring/Analytic Rules/ImageClassficationModelEvasionLowSuspiciousVulnDetection.yaml
description: |
'This alert creates an incident when Image classification AI Model Evasion low suspicious, high severity vulnerability detected from the AIShield.'
id: c4bedb3c-4fb8-4b1c-af5b-8229bd25f521
queryPeriod: 1h
alertSeverityColumnName: Severity
alertDescriptionFormat: |
This query detects Image Classification AI Model Evasion low suspicious, medium severity alert from AIShield generated at {{TimeGenerated}}.\n\nPlease check the source for more information and investigate further.
alertDisplayNameFormat: AIShield - Image Classification AI Model Evasion low suspicious vulnerability detected.
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"workspace": {
"type": "String"
"resources": [
"apiVersion": "2024-01-01-preview",
"id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/c4bedb3c-4fb8-4b1c-af5b-8229bd25f521')]",
"kind": "Scheduled",
"name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/c4bedb3c-4fb8-4b1c-af5b-8229bd25f521')]",
"properties": {
"alertDetailsOverride": {
"alertDescriptionFormat": "This query detects Image Classification AI Model Evasion low suspicious, medium severity alert from AIShield generated at {{TimeGenerated}}.\\n\\nPlease check the source for more information and investigate further.\n",
"alertDisplayNameFormat": "AIShield - Image Classification AI Model Evasion low suspicious vulnerability detected.",
"alertSeverityColumnName": "Severity",
"alertTacticsColumnName": null
"alertRuleTemplateName": "c4bedb3c-4fb8-4b1c-af5b-8229bd25f521",
"customDetails": null,
"description": "'This alert creates an incident when Image classification AI Model Evasion low suspicious, high severity vulnerability detected from the AIShield.'\n",
"displayName": "AIShield - Image classification AI Model Evasion low suspicious vulnerability detection",
"enabled": true,
"entityMappings": [
"entityType": "Host",
"fieldMappings": [
"columnName": "HostName",
"identifier": "HostName"
"columnName": "NTDomain",
"identifier": "NTDomain"
"entityType": "IP",
"fieldMappings": [
"columnName": "SourceName",
"identifier": "Address"
"eventGroupingSettings": {
"aggregationKind": "SingleAlert"
"OriginalUri": " AI Security Monitoring/Analytic Rules/ImageClassficationModelEvasionLowSuspiciousVulnDetection.yaml",
"query": "AIShield\n| where Message has 'Image Classification AI Model Evasion Attack Identified'\n| where Severity =~ 'Medium'\n| where SuspiciousLevel =~ 'low suspicious attack'\n| extend NTDomain = tostring(split(Computer, '\\\\')[0]), HostName = tostring(split(Computer, '.')[0])\n",
"queryFrequency": "PT1H",
"queryPeriod": "PT1H",
"severity": "High",
"status": "Available",
"subTechniques": [],
"suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
"suppressionEnabled": false,
"tactics": [],
"techniques": [],
"templateVersion": "1.0.4",
"triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
"triggerThreshold": 0
"type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"