Microsoft Sentinel Analytic Rules
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Imminent Ransomware

RulenameImminent Ransomware
DescriptionThis query checks for a series of commands that are commonly used by attackers to disable security tools and system recovery tools before deploying Macaw ransomware in an organization.
Query frequency1h
Query period1h
Trigger threshold0
Trigger operatorgt
Source Uri Defender XDR/Analytic Rules/Campaign/Macaw Ransomware/ImminentRansomware.yaml
Arm templatebb46dd86-e642-48a4-975c-44f5ac2b5033.json
Deploy To Azure
// Pivot on specific commands 
| where CommandLine has_any("-ExclusionPath", "Set-MpPreference", "advfirewall", "-ExclusionExtension", 
"-EnableControlledFolderAccess", "windefend", "onstart", "bcdedit", "Startup") 
// Making list of found commands 
| summarize CommandLine = make_set(CommandLine, 10000) by DvcId, Dvc, bin(TimeGenerated, 6h) 
// Extending columns for later aggregration, based on TTP
| extend StartUpExclusionPath = iff(CommandLine has_all("-ExclusionPath", "Startup"), 1, 0) 
| extend DefenderTamp = iff(CommandLine has "Set-MpPreference" 
and CommandLine has_any( 
"-SevereThreatDefaultAction 6" 
"-HighThreatDefaultAction 6", 
"-ModerateThreatDefaultAction 6", 
"-LowThreatDefaultAction 6" 
"-ScanScheduleDay 8"), 1, 0) 
| extend NetshFirewallTampering = iff(CommandLine has_all( "netsh", "advfirewall", "allprofiles state off"), 1, 0) 
| extend BatExclusion = iff(CommandLine has_all("-ExclusionExtension", ".bat"), 1, 0) 
| extend ExeExclusion = iff(CommandLine has_all("-ExclusionExtension", ".exe"), 1, 0) 
| extend DisableControlledFolderAccess = iff(CommandLine has_all("-EnableControlledFolderAccess", "Disabled"), 1, 0) 
| extend ScDeleteDefend = iff(CommandLine has_all("sc", "delete", "windefend"), 1, 0) 
| extend BootTampering = iff(CommandLine has_all("bcdedit", "default") and CommandLine has_any ("recoveryenabled No", "bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures"), 1, 0) 
| extend SchTasks = iff(CommandLine has_all("/sc", "onstart", "system", "/create", "/delay"), 1, 0) 
// Summarizing found commands 
| summarize by NetshFirewallTampering ,BatExclusion, ExeExclusion, DisableControlledFolderAccess, ScDeleteDefend, SchTasks, BootTampering, DefenderTamp, StartUpExclusionPath, DvcId, Dvc, TimeGenerated 
// Adding up each piece of evidence 
| extend EvidenceCount = NetshFirewallTampering + BatExclusion + ExeExclusion + DisableControlledFolderAccess + ScDeleteDefend + SchTasks + BootTampering + DefenderTamp + StartUpExclusionPath 
| where EvidenceCount > 4
| extend HostName = iff(Dvc has '.', substring(Dvc, 0, indexof(Dvc, '.')), Dvc)
| extend DnsDomain = iff(Dvc has '.', substring(Dvc, indexof(Dvc, '.') + 1), "")
id: bb46dd86-e642-48a4-975c-44f5ac2b5033
queryFrequency: 1h
- Schema: _ASim_ProcessEvent
  SchemaVersion: 0.1.4
- Ransomware Campaign
- Macaw Ransomware
version: 1.0.0
OriginalUri: Defender XDR/Analytic Rules/Campaign/Macaw Ransomware/ImminentRansomware.yaml
requiredDataConnectors: []
query: |
  // Pivot on specific commands 
  | where CommandLine has_any("-ExclusionPath", "Set-MpPreference", "advfirewall", "-ExclusionExtension", 
  "-EnableControlledFolderAccess", "windefend", "onstart", "bcdedit", "Startup") 
  // Making list of found commands 
  | summarize CommandLine = make_set(CommandLine, 10000) by DvcId, Dvc, bin(TimeGenerated, 6h) 
  // Extending columns for later aggregration, based on TTP
  | extend StartUpExclusionPath = iff(CommandLine has_all("-ExclusionPath", "Startup"), 1, 0) 
  | extend DefenderTamp = iff(CommandLine has "Set-MpPreference" 
  and CommandLine has_any( 
  "-SevereThreatDefaultAction 6" 
  "-HighThreatDefaultAction 6", 
  "-ModerateThreatDefaultAction 6", 
  "-LowThreatDefaultAction 6" 
  "-ScanScheduleDay 8"), 1, 0) 
  | extend NetshFirewallTampering = iff(CommandLine has_all( "netsh", "advfirewall", "allprofiles state off"), 1, 0) 
  | extend BatExclusion = iff(CommandLine has_all("-ExclusionExtension", ".bat"), 1, 0) 
  | extend ExeExclusion = iff(CommandLine has_all("-ExclusionExtension", ".exe"), 1, 0) 
  | extend DisableControlledFolderAccess = iff(CommandLine has_all("-EnableControlledFolderAccess", "Disabled"), 1, 0) 
  | extend ScDeleteDefend = iff(CommandLine has_all("sc", "delete", "windefend"), 1, 0) 
  | extend BootTampering = iff(CommandLine has_all("bcdedit", "default") and CommandLine has_any ("recoveryenabled No", "bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures"), 1, 0) 
  | extend SchTasks = iff(CommandLine has_all("/sc", "onstart", "system", "/create", "/delay"), 1, 0) 
  // Summarizing found commands 
  | summarize by NetshFirewallTampering ,BatExclusion, ExeExclusion, DisableControlledFolderAccess, ScDeleteDefend, SchTasks, BootTampering, DefenderTamp, StartUpExclusionPath, DvcId, Dvc, TimeGenerated 
  // Adding up each piece of evidence 
  | extend EvidenceCount = NetshFirewallTampering + BatExclusion + ExeExclusion + DisableControlledFolderAccess + ScDeleteDefend + SchTasks + BootTampering + DefenderTamp + StartUpExclusionPath 
  | where EvidenceCount > 4
  | extend HostName = iff(Dvc has '.', substring(Dvc, 0, indexof(Dvc, '.')), Dvc)
  | extend DnsDomain = iff(Dvc has '.', substring(Dvc, indexof(Dvc, '.') + 1), "")  
name: Imminent Ransomware
status: Available
kind: Scheduled
description: |
    This query checks for a series of commands that are commonly used by attackers to disable security tools and system recovery tools before deploying Macaw ransomware in an organization.
severity: High
triggerOperator: gt
- entityType: Host
  - columnName: Dvc
    identifier: FullName
  - columnName: HostName
    identifier: HostName
  - columnName: DnsDomain
    identifier: DnsDomain
triggerThreshold: 0
queryPeriod: 1h
- DefenseEvasion
- Persistence
- T1562
- T1547
  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "workspace": {
      "type": "String"
  "resources": [
      "apiVersion": "2024-01-01-preview",
      "id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/bb46dd86-e642-48a4-975c-44f5ac2b5033')]",
      "kind": "Scheduled",
      "name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/bb46dd86-e642-48a4-975c-44f5ac2b5033')]",
      "properties": {
        "alertRuleTemplateName": "bb46dd86-e642-48a4-975c-44f5ac2b5033",
        "customDetails": null,
        "description": "This query checks for a series of commands that are commonly used by attackers to disable security tools and system recovery tools before deploying Macaw ransomware in an organization.\n",
        "displayName": "Imminent Ransomware",
        "enabled": true,
        "entityMappings": [
            "entityType": "Host",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "Dvc",
                "identifier": "FullName"
                "columnName": "HostName",
                "identifier": "HostName"
                "columnName": "DnsDomain",
                "identifier": "DnsDomain"
        "OriginalUri": " Defender XDR/Analytic Rules/Campaign/Macaw Ransomware/ImminentRansomware.yaml",
        "query": "_ASim_ProcessEvent \n// Pivot on specific commands \n| where CommandLine has_any(\"-ExclusionPath\", \"Set-MpPreference\", \"advfirewall\", \"-ExclusionExtension\", \n\"-EnableControlledFolderAccess\", \"windefend\", \"onstart\", \"bcdedit\", \"Startup\") \n// Making list of found commands \n| summarize CommandLine = make_set(CommandLine, 10000) by DvcId, Dvc, bin(TimeGenerated, 6h) \n// Extending columns for later aggregration, based on TTP\n| extend StartUpExclusionPath = iff(CommandLine has_all(\"-ExclusionPath\", \"Startup\"), 1, 0) \n| extend DefenderTamp = iff(CommandLine has \"Set-MpPreference\" \nand CommandLine has_any( \n\"-SevereThreatDefaultAction 6\" \n\"-HighThreatDefaultAction 6\", \n\"-ModerateThreatDefaultAction 6\", \n\"-LowThreatDefaultAction 6\" \n\"-ScanScheduleDay 8\"), 1, 0) \n| extend NetshFirewallTampering = iff(CommandLine has_all( \"netsh\", \"advfirewall\", \"allprofiles state off\"), 1, 0) \n| extend BatExclusion = iff(CommandLine has_all(\"-ExclusionExtension\", \".bat\"), 1, 0) \n| extend ExeExclusion = iff(CommandLine has_all(\"-ExclusionExtension\", \".exe\"), 1, 0) \n| extend DisableControlledFolderAccess = iff(CommandLine has_all(\"-EnableControlledFolderAccess\", \"Disabled\"), 1, 0) \n| extend ScDeleteDefend = iff(CommandLine has_all(\"sc\", \"delete\", \"windefend\"), 1, 0) \n| extend BootTampering = iff(CommandLine has_all(\"bcdedit\", \"default\") and CommandLine has_any (\"recoveryenabled No\", \"bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures\"), 1, 0) \n| extend SchTasks = iff(CommandLine has_all(\"/sc\", \"onstart\", \"system\", \"/create\", \"/delay\"), 1, 0) \n// Summarizing found commands \n| summarize by NetshFirewallTampering ,BatExclusion, ExeExclusion, DisableControlledFolderAccess, ScDeleteDefend, SchTasks, BootTampering, DefenderTamp, StartUpExclusionPath, DvcId, Dvc, TimeGenerated \n// Adding up each piece of evidence \n| extend EvidenceCount = NetshFirewallTampering + BatExclusion + ExeExclusion + DisableControlledFolderAccess + ScDeleteDefend + SchTasks + BootTampering + DefenderTamp + StartUpExclusionPath \n| where EvidenceCount > 4\n| extend HostName = iff(Dvc has '.', substring(Dvc, 0, indexof(Dvc, '.')), Dvc)\n| extend DnsDomain = iff(Dvc has '.', substring(Dvc, indexof(Dvc, '.') + 1), \"\")\n",
        "queryFrequency": "PT1H",
        "queryPeriod": "PT1H",
        "severity": "High",
        "status": "Available",
        "subTechniques": [],
        "suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
        "suppressionEnabled": false,
        "tactics": [
        "tags": [
            "Schema": "_ASim_ProcessEvent",
            "SchemaVersion": "0.1.4"
          "Ransomware Campaign",
          "Macaw Ransomware"
        "techniques": [
        "templateVersion": "1.0.0",
        "triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
        "triggerThreshold": 0
      "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"