Microsoft Sentinel Analytic Rules
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SMBWindows Admin Shares

RulenameSMB/Windows Admin Shares
DescriptionThis query is based on detecting incoming RPC/TCP on the SCM, followed by the start of a child process of services.exe. Remotely interacting with the SCM triggers the RPC/TCP traffic on services.exe, and the creation of the child processes is a result of starting the service.

The query might look intimidating given its size. That’s why we’ve commented the query per logic block to walk you through the details.
Required data connectorsMicrosoftThreatProtection
Query frequency1h
Query period1h
Trigger threshold0
Trigger operatorgt
Source Uri Rules/SMBWindowsAdminShares.yaml
Arm template9da25366-2c77-41a5-a159-0da5e2f5fb90.json
Deploy To Azure
// This rule is fairly complex, hence this documentation.
// The rule tries to detect network activity from services.exe followed by the start of a new childvprocess of services.exe (i.e. a service start).
// The rule tries to filter false positives as much as possible. 
// Since the FileProfile info is currently super-unreliable (unsure why), we have to work around it.
// The following list of LOLBINs is used to include all results which have a high reputation, but are LOLBINs.
let lolbins = dynamic(["At.exe", "Atbroker.exe", "Bash.exe", "Bitsadmin.exe", "CertReq.exe", "Certutil.exe", "Cmd.exe", "Cmdkey.exe", "Cmstp.exe", "Control.exe", "Csc.exe", "Cscript.exe", "Desktopimgdownldr.exe", "Dfsvc.exe", "Diantz.exe", "Diskshadow.exe", "Dnscmd.exe", "Esentutl.exe", "Eventvwr.exe", "Expand.exe", "Extexport.exe", "Extrac32.exe", "Findstr.exe", "Forfiles.exe", "Ftp.exe", "GfxDownloadWrapper.exe", "Gpscript.exe", "Hh.exe", "Ie4uinit.exe", "Ieexec.exe", "Ilasm.exe", "Infdefaultinstall.exe", "Installutil.exe", "Jsc.exe", "Makecab.exe", "Mavinject.exe", "Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe", "Mmc.exe", "MpCmdRun.exe", "Msbuild.exe", "Msconfig.exe", "Msdt.exe", "Mshta.exe", "Msiexec.exe", "Netsh.exe", "Odbcconf.exe", "Pcalua.exe", "Pcwrun.exe", "Pktmon.exe", "Presentationhost.exe", "Print.exe", "Psr.exe", "Rasautou.exe", "Reg.exe", "Regasm.exe", "Regedit.exe", "Regini.exe", "Register-cimprovider.exe", "Regsvcs.exe", "Regsvr32.exe", "Replace.exe", "Rpcping.exe", "Rundll32.exe", "Runonce.exe", "Runscripthelper.exe", "Sc.exe", "Schtasks.exe", "Scriptrunner.exe", "SyncAppvPublishingServer.exe", "Ttdinject.exe", "Tttracer.exe", "vbc.exe", "Verclsid.exe", "Wab.exe", "Wmic.exe", "Wscript.exe", "Wsreset.exe", "Xwizard.exe", "AgentExecutor.exe", "Appvlp.exe", "Bginfo.exe", "Cdb.exe", "csi.exe", "Devtoolslauncher.exe", "dnx.exe", "Dotnet.exe", "Dxcap.exe", "Excel.exe", "Mftrace.exe", "Msdeploy.exe", "msxsl.exe", "ntdsutil.exe", "Powerpnt.exe", "rcsi.exe", "Sqldumper.exe", "Sqlps.exe", "SQLToolsPS.exe", "Squirrel.exe", "te.exe", "Tracker.exe", "Update.exe", "vsjitdebugger.exe", "Winword.exe", "Wsl.exe"]);
// First, we want to get all the network events triggered by services.exe.
let networkEvents = materialize(DeviceNetworkEvents
| where InitiatingProcessFileName in~ ("services.exe")
| where ActionType == "InboundConnectionAccepted"
| project-rename TimestampNetworkAct=Timestamp);
// Next, we want to get the list of child processes created by services.exe. 
let allServices = materialize ((
// This is for optimization purposes, as filtering is way faster than joins.
| where DeviceId in ((networkEvents | project DeviceId))
//svchost and sppsvc are created very often as child processes of services.exe
| where InitiatingProcessFileName =~ "services.exe" 
| project TimestampChild=Timestamp, DeviceId, DeviceName, FileName, ProcessCommandLine, SHA1, 
InitiatingProcessFileName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine, InitiatingProcessSHA1, InitiatingProcessId, TimestampServicesExe=InitiatingProcessCreationTime));
// Now we are going to join the process creations and network events 
// and filter out all the tables _after_ the join where the child process 
// of svchost is not created shortly after the network activity (between 0 and 10 seconds). 
let serviceNetworkEvents = materialize(
    | join kind=inner hint.strategy=shuffle allServices on DeviceId, InitiatingProcessId, InitiatingProcessFileName
| where datetime_diff("Second", TimestampChild, TimestampNetworkAct) between (0 .. 10)
// Only get the results where the network activity occured more than 1 minute after services.exe has started (i.e. system boot).
| where datetime_diff("Second", TimestampNetworkAct, TimestampServicesExe) > 60);
// Next, we want to check the reputation of all procssess.
// Since FileProfile is not properly working, we use the built-in DeviceFileCertificateInfo for the AntiJoin.
// The goal is to create a list of SHA1 hashes of the spawned processess 
// which have a low prevelance and are not in de DeviceFileCertificateInfo.
let serviceNetworkEventsWithSHA1 = materialize(serviceNetworkEvents
| summarize count() by SHA1
| join kind=leftanti hint.strategy=broadcast DeviceFileCertificateInfo on SHA1
| where count_ < 100);
// Finally, we need to bring everything together.
// We take our subset of the child processess created by services.exe (serviceNetworkEvents).
// Everything which is on our deny-list of SHA1 processess OR are LOLBINs, are filtered out.
// Additionally, we filter out msiexec, since that appears to come very often.
| where SHA1 in ((serviceNetworkEventsWithSHA1 | project SHA1)) or FileName in~ (lolbins) 
| where ProcessCommandLine !~ "msiexec.exe /V" 
// This summarize is optional if you want to group similar stuff.
//| summarize ActionType=make_set(ActionType), RemoteIPs=make_set(strcat(RemoteIP, ":", RemotePort, " (", RemoteUrl, ")")), LocalPort=make_set(LocalPort) by bin(TimestampNetworkAct, 1m), DeviceId, DeviceName, LocalIP, Protocol, AdditionalFields, bin(TimestampChild, 1m), FileName, ProcessCommandLine, SHA1, InitiatingProcessFileName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine1, bin(TimestampServicesExe, 1m) 
queryPeriod: 1h
- LateralMovement
kind: Scheduled
description: |
  This query is based on detecting incoming RPC/TCP on the SCM, followed by the start of a child process of services.exe. Remotely interacting with the SCM triggers the RPC/TCP traffic on services.exe, and the creation of the child processes is a result of starting the service. 
  The query might look intimidating given its size. That's why we've commented the query per logic block to walk you through the details.  
triggerThreshold: 0
query: |
  // This rule is fairly complex, hence this documentation.
  // The rule tries to detect network activity from services.exe followed by the start of a new childvprocess of services.exe (i.e. a service start).
  // The rule tries to filter false positives as much as possible. 
  // Since the FileProfile info is currently super-unreliable (unsure why), we have to work around it.
  // The following list of LOLBINs is used to include all results which have a high reputation, but are LOLBINs.
  let lolbins = dynamic(["At.exe", "Atbroker.exe", "Bash.exe", "Bitsadmin.exe", "CertReq.exe", "Certutil.exe", "Cmd.exe", "Cmdkey.exe", "Cmstp.exe", "Control.exe", "Csc.exe", "Cscript.exe", "Desktopimgdownldr.exe", "Dfsvc.exe", "Diantz.exe", "Diskshadow.exe", "Dnscmd.exe", "Esentutl.exe", "Eventvwr.exe", "Expand.exe", "Extexport.exe", "Extrac32.exe", "Findstr.exe", "Forfiles.exe", "Ftp.exe", "GfxDownloadWrapper.exe", "Gpscript.exe", "Hh.exe", "Ie4uinit.exe", "Ieexec.exe", "Ilasm.exe", "Infdefaultinstall.exe", "Installutil.exe", "Jsc.exe", "Makecab.exe", "Mavinject.exe", "Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe", "Mmc.exe", "MpCmdRun.exe", "Msbuild.exe", "Msconfig.exe", "Msdt.exe", "Mshta.exe", "Msiexec.exe", "Netsh.exe", "Odbcconf.exe", "Pcalua.exe", "Pcwrun.exe", "Pktmon.exe", "Presentationhost.exe", "Print.exe", "Psr.exe", "Rasautou.exe", "Reg.exe", "Regasm.exe", "Regedit.exe", "Regini.exe", "Register-cimprovider.exe", "Regsvcs.exe", "Regsvr32.exe", "Replace.exe", "Rpcping.exe", "Rundll32.exe", "Runonce.exe", "Runscripthelper.exe", "Sc.exe", "Schtasks.exe", "Scriptrunner.exe", "SyncAppvPublishingServer.exe", "Ttdinject.exe", "Tttracer.exe", "vbc.exe", "Verclsid.exe", "Wab.exe", "Wmic.exe", "Wscript.exe", "Wsreset.exe", "Xwizard.exe", "AgentExecutor.exe", "Appvlp.exe", "Bginfo.exe", "Cdb.exe", "csi.exe", "Devtoolslauncher.exe", "dnx.exe", "Dotnet.exe", "Dxcap.exe", "Excel.exe", "Mftrace.exe", "Msdeploy.exe", "msxsl.exe", "ntdsutil.exe", "Powerpnt.exe", "rcsi.exe", "Sqldumper.exe", "Sqlps.exe", "SQLToolsPS.exe", "Squirrel.exe", "te.exe", "Tracker.exe", "Update.exe", "vsjitdebugger.exe", "Winword.exe", "Wsl.exe"]);
  // First, we want to get all the network events triggered by services.exe.
  let networkEvents = materialize(DeviceNetworkEvents
  | where InitiatingProcessFileName in~ ("services.exe")
  | where ActionType == "InboundConnectionAccepted"
  | project-rename TimestampNetworkAct=Timestamp);
  // Next, we want to get the list of child processes created by services.exe. 
  let allServices = materialize ((
  // This is for optimization purposes, as filtering is way faster than joins.
  | where DeviceId in ((networkEvents | project DeviceId))
  //svchost and sppsvc are created very often as child processes of services.exe
  | where InitiatingProcessFileName =~ "services.exe" 
  | project TimestampChild=Timestamp, DeviceId, DeviceName, FileName, ProcessCommandLine, SHA1, 
  InitiatingProcessFileName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine, InitiatingProcessSHA1, InitiatingProcessId, TimestampServicesExe=InitiatingProcessCreationTime));
  // Now we are going to join the process creations and network events 
  // and filter out all the tables _after_ the join where the child process 
  // of svchost is not created shortly after the network activity (between 0 and 10 seconds). 
  let serviceNetworkEvents = materialize(
      | join kind=inner hint.strategy=shuffle allServices on DeviceId, InitiatingProcessId, InitiatingProcessFileName
  | where datetime_diff("Second", TimestampChild, TimestampNetworkAct) between (0 .. 10)
  // Only get the results where the network activity occured more than 1 minute after services.exe has started (i.e. system boot).
  | where datetime_diff("Second", TimestampNetworkAct, TimestampServicesExe) > 60);
  // Next, we want to check the reputation of all procssess.
  // Since FileProfile is not properly working, we use the built-in DeviceFileCertificateInfo for the AntiJoin.
  // The goal is to create a list of SHA1 hashes of the spawned processess 
  // which have a low prevelance and are not in de DeviceFileCertificateInfo.
  let serviceNetworkEventsWithSHA1 = materialize(serviceNetworkEvents
  | summarize count() by SHA1
  | join kind=leftanti hint.strategy=broadcast DeviceFileCertificateInfo on SHA1
  | where count_ < 100);
  // Finally, we need to bring everything together.
  // We take our subset of the child processess created by services.exe (serviceNetworkEvents).
  // Everything which is on our deny-list of SHA1 processess OR are LOLBINs, are filtered out.
  // Additionally, we filter out msiexec, since that appears to come very often.
  | where SHA1 in ((serviceNetworkEventsWithSHA1 | project SHA1)) or FileName in~ (lolbins) 
  | where ProcessCommandLine !~ "msiexec.exe /V" 
  // This summarize is optional if you want to group similar stuff.
  //| summarize ActionType=make_set(ActionType), RemoteIPs=make_set(strcat(RemoteIP, ":", RemotePort, " (", RemoteUrl, ")")), LocalPort=make_set(LocalPort) by bin(TimestampNetworkAct, 1m), DeviceId, DeviceName, LocalIP, Protocol, AdditionalFields, bin(TimestampChild, 1m), FileName, ProcessCommandLine, SHA1, InitiatingProcessFileName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine1, bin(TimestampServicesExe, 1m)   
severity: Medium
- entityType: Host
  - identifier: FullName
    columnName: DeviceName
- entityType: Account
  - identifier: Sid
    columnName: InitiatingProcessAccountSid
  - identifier: Name
    columnName: InitiatingProcessAccountName
  - identifier: NTDomain
    columnName: InitiatingProcessAccountDomain
- entityType: Process
  - identifier: CommandLine
    columnName: InitiatingProcessCommandLine
- entityType: IP
  - identifier: Address
    columnName: RemoteIP
id: 9da25366-2c77-41a5-a159-0da5e2f5fb90
version: 1.0.0
status: Available
triggerOperator: gt
queryFrequency: 1h
name: SMB/Windows Admin Shares
- T1021.002
- connectorId: MicrosoftThreatProtection
  - DeviceProcessEvents
  - DeviceNetworkEvents
  - DeviceFileCertificateInfo
OriginalUri: Rules/SMBWindowsAdminShares.yaml
  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "workspace": {
      "type": "String"
  "resources": [
      "apiVersion": "2024-01-01-preview",
      "id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/9da25366-2c77-41a5-a159-0da5e2f5fb90')]",
      "kind": "Scheduled",
      "name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/9da25366-2c77-41a5-a159-0da5e2f5fb90')]",
      "properties": {
        "alertRuleTemplateName": "9da25366-2c77-41a5-a159-0da5e2f5fb90",
        "customDetails": null,
        "description": "This query is based on detecting incoming RPC/TCP on the SCM, followed by the start of a child process of services.exe. Remotely interacting with the SCM triggers the RPC/TCP traffic on services.exe, and the creation of the child processes is a result of starting the service. \nThe query might look intimidating given its size. That's why we've commented the query per logic block to walk you through the details.\n",
        "displayName": "SMB/Windows Admin Shares",
        "enabled": true,
        "entityMappings": [
            "entityType": "Host",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "DeviceName",
                "identifier": "FullName"
            "entityType": "Account",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "InitiatingProcessAccountSid",
                "identifier": "Sid"
                "columnName": "InitiatingProcessAccountName",
                "identifier": "Name"
                "columnName": "InitiatingProcessAccountDomain",
                "identifier": "NTDomain"
            "entityType": "Process",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "InitiatingProcessCommandLine",
                "identifier": "CommandLine"
            "entityType": "IP",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "RemoteIP",
                "identifier": "Address"
        "OriginalUri": " Rules/SMBWindowsAdminShares.yaml",
        "query": "// This rule is fairly complex, hence this documentation.\n// The rule tries to detect network activity from services.exe followed by the start of a new childvprocess of services.exe (i.e. a service start).\n// The rule tries to filter false positives as much as possible. \n// Since the FileProfile info is currently super-unreliable (unsure why), we have to work around it.\n// \n// The following list of LOLBINs is used to include all results which have a high reputation, but are LOLBINs.\nlet lolbins = dynamic([\"At.exe\", \"Atbroker.exe\", \"Bash.exe\", \"Bitsadmin.exe\", \"CertReq.exe\", \"Certutil.exe\", \"Cmd.exe\", \"Cmdkey.exe\", \"Cmstp.exe\", \"Control.exe\", \"Csc.exe\", \"Cscript.exe\", \"Desktopimgdownldr.exe\", \"Dfsvc.exe\", \"Diantz.exe\", \"Diskshadow.exe\", \"Dnscmd.exe\", \"Esentutl.exe\", \"Eventvwr.exe\", \"Expand.exe\", \"Extexport.exe\", \"Extrac32.exe\", \"Findstr.exe\", \"Forfiles.exe\", \"Ftp.exe\", \"GfxDownloadWrapper.exe\", \"Gpscript.exe\", \"Hh.exe\", \"Ie4uinit.exe\", \"Ieexec.exe\", \"Ilasm.exe\", \"Infdefaultinstall.exe\", \"Installutil.exe\", \"Jsc.exe\", \"Makecab.exe\", \"Mavinject.exe\", \"Microsoft.Workflow.Compiler.exe\", \"Mmc.exe\", \"MpCmdRun.exe\", \"Msbuild.exe\", \"Msconfig.exe\", \"Msdt.exe\", \"Mshta.exe\", \"Msiexec.exe\", \"Netsh.exe\", \"Odbcconf.exe\", \"Pcalua.exe\", \"Pcwrun.exe\", \"Pktmon.exe\", \"Presentationhost.exe\", \"Print.exe\", \"Psr.exe\", \"Rasautou.exe\", \"Reg.exe\", \"Regasm.exe\", \"Regedit.exe\", \"Regini.exe\", \"Register-cimprovider.exe\", \"Regsvcs.exe\", \"Regsvr32.exe\", \"Replace.exe\", \"Rpcping.exe\", \"Rundll32.exe\", \"Runonce.exe\", \"Runscripthelper.exe\", \"Sc.exe\", \"Schtasks.exe\", \"Scriptrunner.exe\", \"SyncAppvPublishingServer.exe\", \"Ttdinject.exe\", \"Tttracer.exe\", \"vbc.exe\", \"Verclsid.exe\", \"Wab.exe\", \"Wmic.exe\", \"Wscript.exe\", \"Wsreset.exe\", \"Xwizard.exe\", \"AgentExecutor.exe\", \"Appvlp.exe\", \"Bginfo.exe\", \"Cdb.exe\", \"csi.exe\", \"Devtoolslauncher.exe\", \"dnx.exe\", \"Dotnet.exe\", \"Dxcap.exe\", \"Excel.exe\", \"Mftrace.exe\", \"Msdeploy.exe\", \"msxsl.exe\", \"ntdsutil.exe\", \"Powerpnt.exe\", \"rcsi.exe\", \"Sqldumper.exe\", \"Sqlps.exe\", \"SQLToolsPS.exe\", \"Squirrel.exe\", \"te.exe\", \"Tracker.exe\", \"Update.exe\", \"vsjitdebugger.exe\", \"Winword.exe\", \"Wsl.exe\"]);\n// First, we want to get all the network events triggered by services.exe.\nlet networkEvents = materialize(DeviceNetworkEvents\n| where InitiatingProcessFileName in~ (\"services.exe\")\n| where ActionType == \"InboundConnectionAccepted\"\n| project-rename TimestampNetworkAct=Timestamp);\n// Next, we want to get the list of child processes created by services.exe. \nlet allServices = materialize ((\nDeviceProcessEvents \n// This is for optimization purposes, as filtering is way faster than joins.\n| where DeviceId in ((networkEvents | project DeviceId))\n//svchost and sppsvc are created very often as child processes of services.exe\n| where InitiatingProcessFileName =~ \"services.exe\" \n| project TimestampChild=Timestamp, DeviceId, DeviceName, FileName, ProcessCommandLine, SHA1, \nInitiatingProcessFileName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine, InitiatingProcessSHA1, InitiatingProcessId, TimestampServicesExe=InitiatingProcessCreationTime));\n// Now we are going to join the process creations and network events \n// and filter out all the tables _after_ the join where the child process \n// of svchost is not created shortly after the network activity (between 0 and 10 seconds). \nlet serviceNetworkEvents = materialize(\n(networkEvents \n    | join kind=inner hint.strategy=shuffle allServices on DeviceId, InitiatingProcessId, InitiatingProcessFileName\n) \n| where datetime_diff(\"Second\", TimestampChild, TimestampNetworkAct) between (0 .. 10)\n// Only get the results where the network activity occured more than 1 minute after services.exe has started (i.e. system boot).\n| where datetime_diff(\"Second\", TimestampNetworkAct, TimestampServicesExe) > 60);\n// Next, we want to check the reputation of all procssess.\n// Since FileProfile is not properly working, we use the built-in DeviceFileCertificateInfo for the AntiJoin.\n// The goal is to create a list of SHA1 hashes of the spawned processess \n// which have a low prevelance and are not in de DeviceFileCertificateInfo.\nlet serviceNetworkEventsWithSHA1 = materialize(serviceNetworkEvents\n| summarize count() by SHA1\n| join kind=leftanti hint.strategy=broadcast DeviceFileCertificateInfo on SHA1\n| where count_ < 100);\n// Finally, we need to bring everything together.\n// We take our subset of the child processess created by services.exe (serviceNetworkEvents).\n// Everything which is on our deny-list of SHA1 processess OR are LOLBINs, are filtered out.\n// Additionally, we filter out msiexec, since that appears to come very often.\nserviceNetworkEvents\n| where SHA1 in ((serviceNetworkEventsWithSHA1 | project SHA1)) or FileName in~ (lolbins) \n| where ProcessCommandLine !~ \"msiexec.exe /V\" \n// This summarize is optional if you want to group similar stuff.\n//| summarize ActionType=make_set(ActionType), RemoteIPs=make_set(strcat(RemoteIP, \":\", RemotePort, \" (\", RemoteUrl, \")\")), LocalPort=make_set(LocalPort) by bin(TimestampNetworkAct, 1m), DeviceId, DeviceName, LocalIP, Protocol, AdditionalFields, bin(TimestampChild, 1m), FileName, ProcessCommandLine, SHA1, InitiatingProcessFileName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine1, bin(TimestampServicesExe, 1m) \n",
        "queryFrequency": "PT1H",
        "queryPeriod": "PT1H",
        "severity": "Medium",
        "status": "Available",
        "subTechniques": [
        "suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
        "suppressionEnabled": false,
        "tactics": [
        "techniques": [
        "templateVersion": "1.0.0",
        "triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
        "triggerThreshold": 0
      "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"