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Access Token Manipulation - Create Process with Token

RulenameAccess Token Manipulation - Create Process with Token
DescriptionThis query detects the use of the ‘runas’ command and checks whether the account used to elevate privileges isn’t the user’s own admin account.

Additionally, it will match this event to the logon events - to check whether it has been successful as well as augment the event with the new SID.
Required data connectorsMicrosoftThreatProtection
Query frequency1h
Query period1h
Trigger threshold0
Trigger operatorgt
Source Uri Rules/CreateProcessWithToken.yaml
Arm template8df80270-b4fa-4a7a-931e-8d17c0b321ae.json
Deploy To Azure
let RunAsProcess=DeviceProcessEvents
    | where FileName =~ "runas.exe" 
    // You can choose to filter out the local admin account. This is based on convention. Here, we assume that localadmin accounts
    // end with _ladmin (RID 500 / LAPS).
    | where not(AccountName has_any("_ladmin"))
    // De-obfuscate the commandline used. 
    | extend CleanProcessCommandLine=parse_command_line(tostring(ProcessCommandLine), "windows")
    // Exclude a user running something on their system through their admin account.
    | where CleanProcessCommandLine !contains strcat(AccountName, "_adm") // Replace this with your admin account naming convention.
    // Exclude local admin account activities by, for instance, the servicedesk that uses the LAPS provisioned account. This is optional. 
    // Disable the line below if the number of false positives is acceptable. 
    | where not(CleanProcessCommandLine has_any (":_ladmin")) // Replace this with your local RID500/LAPS account.
    // Extract the username for the elevation action.
    | extend ElevatedAccountName=extract("user:([a-zA-Z0-9\\\\]+)",1,tostring(CleanProcessCommandLine))
    // Strip the domain suffix.
    | extend CleanElevatedAccountName= trim("(.*\\\\)",ElevatedAccountName);
| join kind=leftouter ( 
    | project-rename CleanElevatedAccountName = AccountName
    ) on CleanElevatedAccountName,DeviceId
| project-rename ElevatedActionType=ActionType1,ElevatedAccountSid=AccountSid1
| project TimeGenerated,DeviceId,DeviceName,FileName,FolderPath,ProcessCommandLine,SHA256,ProcessIntegrityLevel,AccountDomain,AccountName,AccountSid, LogonId, InitiatingProcessFileName,InitiatingProcessFolderPath,InitiatingProcessCommandLine,CleanProcessCommandLine,ElevatedAccountName,CleanElevatedAccountName,ElevatedActionType,LogonType,ElevatedAccountSid
status: Available
triggerOperator: gt
triggerThreshold: 0
name: Access Token Manipulation - Create Process with Token
OriginalUri: Rules/CreateProcessWithToken.yaml
queryPeriod: 1h
severity: Medium
kind: Scheduled
- entityType: Host
  - columnName: DeviceName
    identifier: FullName
- entityType: Account
  - columnName: AccountSid
    identifier: Sid
  - columnName: AccountName
    identifier: Name
  - columnName: AccountDomain
    identifier: NTDomain
- entityType: Process
  - columnName: ProcessCommandLine
    identifier: CommandLine
queryFrequency: 1h
- T1134.002
- dataTypes:
  - DeviceProcessEvents
  - DeviceLogonEvents
  connectorId: MicrosoftThreatProtection
description: |
  This query detects the use of the 'runas' command and checks whether the account used to elevate privileges isn't the user's own admin account. 
  Additionally, it will match this event to the logon events - to check whether it has been successful as well as augment the event with the new SID.  
- PrivilegeEscalation
- DefenseEvasion
query: |
  let RunAsProcess=DeviceProcessEvents
      | where FileName =~ "runas.exe" 
      // You can choose to filter out the local admin account. This is based on convention. Here, we assume that localadmin accounts
      // end with _ladmin (RID 500 / LAPS).
      | where not(AccountName has_any("_ladmin"))
      // De-obfuscate the commandline used. 
      | extend CleanProcessCommandLine=parse_command_line(tostring(ProcessCommandLine), "windows")
      // Exclude a user running something on their system through their admin account.
      | where CleanProcessCommandLine !contains strcat(AccountName, "_adm") // Replace this with your admin account naming convention.
      // Exclude local admin account activities by, for instance, the servicedesk that uses the LAPS provisioned account. This is optional. 
      // Disable the line below if the number of false positives is acceptable. 
      | where not(CleanProcessCommandLine has_any (":_ladmin")) // Replace this with your local RID500/LAPS account.
      // Extract the username for the elevation action.
      | extend ElevatedAccountName=extract("user:([a-zA-Z0-9\\\\]+)",1,tostring(CleanProcessCommandLine))
      // Strip the domain suffix.
      | extend CleanElevatedAccountName= trim("(.*\\\\)",ElevatedAccountName);
  | join kind=leftouter ( 
      | project-rename CleanElevatedAccountName = AccountName
      ) on CleanElevatedAccountName,DeviceId
  | project-rename ElevatedActionType=ActionType1,ElevatedAccountSid=AccountSid1
  | project TimeGenerated,DeviceId,DeviceName,FileName,FolderPath,ProcessCommandLine,SHA256,ProcessIntegrityLevel,AccountDomain,AccountName,AccountSid, LogonId, InitiatingProcessFileName,InitiatingProcessFolderPath,InitiatingProcessCommandLine,CleanProcessCommandLine,ElevatedAccountName,CleanElevatedAccountName,ElevatedActionType,LogonType,ElevatedAccountSid  
id: 8df80270-b4fa-4a7a-931e-8d17c0b321ae
version: 1.0.0
  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "workspace": {
      "type": "String"
  "resources": [
      "apiVersion": "2024-01-01-preview",
      "id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/8df80270-b4fa-4a7a-931e-8d17c0b321ae')]",
      "kind": "Scheduled",
      "name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/8df80270-b4fa-4a7a-931e-8d17c0b321ae')]",
      "properties": {
        "alertRuleTemplateName": "8df80270-b4fa-4a7a-931e-8d17c0b321ae",
        "customDetails": null,
        "description": "This query detects the use of the 'runas' command and checks whether the account used to elevate privileges isn't the user's own admin account. \nAdditionally, it will match this event to the logon events - to check whether it has been successful as well as augment the event with the new SID.\n",
        "displayName": "Access Token Manipulation - Create Process with Token",
        "enabled": true,
        "entityMappings": [
            "entityType": "Host",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "DeviceName",
                "identifier": "FullName"
            "entityType": "Account",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "AccountSid",
                "identifier": "Sid"
                "columnName": "AccountName",
                "identifier": "Name"
                "columnName": "AccountDomain",
                "identifier": "NTDomain"
            "entityType": "Process",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "ProcessCommandLine",
                "identifier": "CommandLine"
        "OriginalUri": " Rules/CreateProcessWithToken.yaml",
        "query": "let RunAsProcess=DeviceProcessEvents\n    | where FileName =~ \"runas.exe\" \n    // You can choose to filter out the local admin account. This is based on convention. Here, we assume that localadmin accounts\n    // end with _ladmin (RID 500 / LAPS).\n    | where not(AccountName has_any(\"_ladmin\"))\n    // De-obfuscate the commandline used. \n    | extend CleanProcessCommandLine=parse_command_line(tostring(ProcessCommandLine), \"windows\")\n    // Exclude a user running something on their system through their admin account.\n    | where CleanProcessCommandLine !contains strcat(AccountName, \"_adm\") // Replace this with your admin account naming convention.\n    // Exclude local admin account activities by, for instance, the servicedesk that uses the LAPS provisioned account. This is optional. \n    // Disable the line below if the number of false positives is acceptable. \n    | where not(CleanProcessCommandLine has_any (\":_ladmin\")) // Replace this with your local RID500/LAPS account.\n    // Extract the username for the elevation action.\n    | extend ElevatedAccountName=extract(\"user:([a-zA-Z0-9\\\\\\\\]+)\",1,tostring(CleanProcessCommandLine))\n    // Strip the domain suffix.\n    | extend CleanElevatedAccountName= trim(\"(.*\\\\\\\\)\",ElevatedAccountName);\nRunAsProcess\n| join kind=leftouter ( \n    DeviceLogonEvents\n    | project-rename CleanElevatedAccountName = AccountName\n    ) on CleanElevatedAccountName,DeviceId\n| project-rename ElevatedActionType=ActionType1,ElevatedAccountSid=AccountSid1\n| project TimeGenerated,DeviceId,DeviceName,FileName,FolderPath,ProcessCommandLine,SHA256,ProcessIntegrityLevel,AccountDomain,AccountName,AccountSid, LogonId, InitiatingProcessFileName,InitiatingProcessFolderPath,InitiatingProcessCommandLine,CleanProcessCommandLine,ElevatedAccountName,CleanElevatedAccountName,ElevatedActionType,LogonType,ElevatedAccountSid\n",
        "queryFrequency": "PT1H",
        "queryPeriod": "PT1H",
        "severity": "Medium",
        "status": "Available",
        "subTechniques": [
        "suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
        "suppressionEnabled": false,
        "tactics": [
        "techniques": [
        "templateVersion": "1.0.0",
        "triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
        "triggerThreshold": 0
      "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"