DEV-0270 New User Creation
Id | 7965f0be-c039-4d18-8ee8-9a6add8aecf3 |
Rulename | DEV-0270 New User Creation |
Description | The following query tries to detect creation of a new user using a known DEV-0270 username/password schema |
Severity | High |
Tactics | Persistence |
Techniques | T1098 |
Required data connectors | MicrosoftThreatProtection SecurityEvents WindowsSecurityEvents |
Kind | Scheduled |
Query frequency | 6h |
Query period | 6h |
Trigger threshold | 0 |
Trigger operator | gt |
Source Uri | 0270 Detection and Hunting/Analytic Rules/Dev-0270NewUserSep2022.yaml |
Version | 1.0.3 |
Arm template | 7965f0be-c039-4d18-8ee8-9a6add8aecf3.json |
(union isfuzzy=true
| where EventID == 4688
| where CommandLine has_all ('net user', '/add')
| parse CommandLine with * "user " username " "*
| extend password = extract(@"\buser\s+[^\s]+\s+([^\s]+)", 1, CommandLine)
| where username in('DefaultAccount') or password in('P@ssw0rd1234', '_AS_@1394')
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, Account, AccountDomain, ProcessName, ProcessNameFullPath = NewProcessName, EventID, Activity, CommandLine, EventSourceName, Type
| where InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_all('net user', '/add')
| parse InitiatingProcessCommandLine with * "user " username " "*
| extend password = extract(@"\buser\s+[^\s]+\s+([^\s]+)", 1, InitiatingProcessCommandLine)
| where username in('DefaultAccount') or password in('P@ssw0rd1234', '_AS_@1394')
| extend Account = strcat(InitiatingProcessAccountDomain, @'\', InitiatingProcessAccountName), Computer = DeviceName
| extend HostName = tostring(split(Computer, ".")[0]), DomainIndex = toint(indexof(Computer, '.'))
| extend HostNameDomain = iff(DomainIndex != -1, substring(Computer, DomainIndex + 1), Computer)
| extend AccountName = tostring(split(Account, @'\')[1]), AccountNTDomain = tostring(split(Account, @'\')[0])
status: Available
triggerOperator: gt
triggerThreshold: 0
name: DEV-0270 New User Creation
OriginalUri: 0270 Detection and Hunting/Analytic Rules/Dev-0270NewUserSep2022.yaml
queryPeriod: 6h
severity: High
- Dev-0270
kind: Scheduled
- entityType: Account
- columnName: Account
identifier: FullName
- columnName: AccountName
identifier: Name
- columnName: AccountNTDomain
identifier: NTDomain
- entityType: Host
- columnName: Computer
identifier: FullName
- columnName: HostName
identifier: HostName
- columnName: HostNameDomain
identifier: DnsDomain
queryFrequency: 6h
- T1098
- dataTypes:
- SecurityEvent
connectorId: SecurityEvents
- dataTypes:
- SecurityEvent
connectorId: WindowsSecurityEvents
- dataTypes:
- DeviceProcessEvents
connectorId: MicrosoftThreatProtection
description: |
'The following query tries to detect creation of a new user using a known DEV-0270 username/password schema'
- Persistence
query: |
(union isfuzzy=true
| where EventID == 4688
| where CommandLine has_all ('net user', '/add')
| parse CommandLine with * "user " username " "*
| extend password = extract(@"\buser\s+[^\s]+\s+([^\s]+)", 1, CommandLine)
| where username in('DefaultAccount') or password in('P@ssw0rd1234', '_AS_@1394')
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, Account, AccountDomain, ProcessName, ProcessNameFullPath = NewProcessName, EventID, Activity, CommandLine, EventSourceName, Type
| where InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_all('net user', '/add')
| parse InitiatingProcessCommandLine with * "user " username " "*
| extend password = extract(@"\buser\s+[^\s]+\s+([^\s]+)", 1, InitiatingProcessCommandLine)
| where username in('DefaultAccount') or password in('P@ssw0rd1234', '_AS_@1394')
| extend Account = strcat(InitiatingProcessAccountDomain, @'\', InitiatingProcessAccountName), Computer = DeviceName
| extend HostName = tostring(split(Computer, ".")[0]), DomainIndex = toint(indexof(Computer, '.'))
| extend HostNameDomain = iff(DomainIndex != -1, substring(Computer, DomainIndex + 1), Computer)
| extend AccountName = tostring(split(Account, @'\')[1]), AccountNTDomain = tostring(split(Account, @'\')[0])
id: 7965f0be-c039-4d18-8ee8-9a6add8aecf3
version: 1.0.3
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"workspace": {
"type": "String"
"resources": [
"apiVersion": "2024-01-01-preview",
"id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/7965f0be-c039-4d18-8ee8-9a6add8aecf3')]",
"kind": "Scheduled",
"name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/7965f0be-c039-4d18-8ee8-9a6add8aecf3')]",
"properties": {
"alertRuleTemplateName": "7965f0be-c039-4d18-8ee8-9a6add8aecf3",
"customDetails": null,
"description": "'The following query tries to detect creation of a new user using a known DEV-0270 username/password schema'\n",
"displayName": "DEV-0270 New User Creation",
"enabled": true,
"entityMappings": [
"entityType": "Account",
"fieldMappings": [
"columnName": "Account",
"identifier": "FullName"
"columnName": "AccountName",
"identifier": "Name"
"columnName": "AccountNTDomain",
"identifier": "NTDomain"
"entityType": "Host",
"fieldMappings": [
"columnName": "Computer",
"identifier": "FullName"
"columnName": "HostName",
"identifier": "HostName"
"columnName": "HostNameDomain",
"identifier": "DnsDomain"
"OriginalUri": " 0270 Detection and Hunting/Analytic Rules/Dev-0270NewUserSep2022.yaml",
"query": "(union isfuzzy=true\n(SecurityEvent\n| where EventID == 4688\n| where CommandLine has_all ('net user', '/add') \n| parse CommandLine with * \"user \" username \" \"*\n| extend password = extract(@\"\\buser\\s+[^\\s]+\\s+([^\\s]+)\", 1, CommandLine) \n| where username in('DefaultAccount') or password in('P@ssw0rd1234', '_AS_@1394') \n| project TimeGenerated, Computer, Account, AccountDomain, ProcessName, ProcessNameFullPath = NewProcessName, EventID, Activity, CommandLine, EventSourceName, Type\n),\n(DeviceProcessEvents \n| where InitiatingProcessCommandLine has_all('net user', '/add') \n| parse InitiatingProcessCommandLine with * \"user \" username \" \"* \n| extend password = extract(@\"\\buser\\s+[^\\s]+\\s+([^\\s]+)\", 1, InitiatingProcessCommandLine) \n| where username in('DefaultAccount') or password in('P@ssw0rd1234', '_AS_@1394') \n| extend Account = strcat(InitiatingProcessAccountDomain, @'\\', InitiatingProcessAccountName), Computer = DeviceName\n)\n)\n| extend HostName = tostring(split(Computer, \".\")[0]), DomainIndex = toint(indexof(Computer, '.'))\n| extend HostNameDomain = iff(DomainIndex != -1, substring(Computer, DomainIndex + 1), Computer)\n| extend AccountName = tostring(split(Account, @'\\')[1]), AccountNTDomain = tostring(split(Account, @'\\')[0])\n",
"queryFrequency": "PT6H",
"queryPeriod": "PT6H",
"severity": "High",
"status": "Available",
"subTechniques": [],
"suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
"suppressionEnabled": false,
"tactics": [
"tags": [
"techniques": [
"templateVersion": "1.0.3",
"triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
"triggerThreshold": 0
"type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"