Log4j vulnerability exploit aka Log4Shell IP IOC
Id | 6e575295-a7e6-464c-8192-3e1d8fd6a990 |
Rulename | Log4j vulnerability exploit aka Log4Shell IP IOC |
Description | Identifies a match across various data feeds for IP IOCs related to the Log4j vulnerability exploit aka Log4Shell described in CVE-2021-44228. References: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=2021-44228 |
Severity | High |
Tactics | CommandAndControl |
Techniques | T1071 |
Required data connectors | AWS AzureActiveDirectory AzureActivity AzureFirewall AzureMonitor(IIS) AzureMonitor(VMInsights) AzureMonitor(WireData) CiscoASA CiscoAsaAma DNS MicrosoftThreatProtection Office365 PaloAltoNetworks SecurityEvents |
Kind | Scheduled |
Query frequency | 1h |
Query period | 1h |
Trigger threshold | 0 |
Trigger operator | gt |
Source Uri | https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Sentinel/blob/master/Solutions/Apache Log4j Vulnerability Detection/Analytic Rules/Log4J_IPIOC_Dec112021.yaml |
Version | 2.0.6 |
Arm template | 6e575295-a7e6-464c-8192-3e1d8fd6a990.json |
let IPList = externaldata(IPAddress:string)[@"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/Azure-Sentinel/master/Sample%20Data/Feeds/Log4j_IOC_List.csv"] with (format="csv", ignoreFirstRecord=True);
let IPRegex = '[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}';
//Network logs
let CSlogSourceIP = CommonSecurityLog | summarize by IPAddress = SourceIP, Type;
let CSlogDestIP = CommonSecurityLog | summarize by IPAddress = DestinationIP, Type;
let CSlogMsgIP = CommonSecurityLog | extend MessageIP = extract(IPRegex, 0, Message) | summarize by IPAddress = MessageIP, Type;
let DnsIP = DnsEvents | summarize by IPAddress = IPAddresses, Type;
// If you have enabled the _Im_Dns and/or imNetworkSession normalization in your workspace, you can uncomment one or both below. Reference - https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/sentinel/normalization
//let imDnsIP = _Im_Dns (response_has_any_prefix=IPList) | summarize by IPAddress = ResponseName, Type;
//let imNetSessIP = imNetworkSession (dstipaddr_has_any_prefix=IPList) | summarize by IPAddress = DstIpAddr, Type;
//Cloud service logs
let officeIP = OfficeActivity | summarize by IPAddress = ClientIP, Type;
let signinIP = SigninLogs | summarize by IPAddress, Type;
let nonintSigninIP = AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs | summarize by IPAddress, Type;
let azureActIP = AzureActivity | summarize by IPAddress = CallerIpAddress, Type;
let awsCtIP = AWSCloudTrail | summarize by IPAddress = SourceIpAddress, Type;
//Device logs
let vmConnSourceIP = VMConnection | summarize by IPAddress = SourceIp, Type;
let vmConnDestIP = VMConnection | summarize by IPAddress = DestinationIp, Type;
let iisLogIP = W3CIISLog | summarize by IPAddress = cIP, Type;
let devNetIP = DeviceNetworkEvents | summarize by IPAddress = RemoteIP, Type;
//need to parse to get IP
let azureDiagIP = AzureDiagnostics | where ResourceType == "AZUREFIREWALLS" | where Category in ("AzureFirewallApplicationRule", "AzureFirewallNetworkRule")
| where msg_s has_any (IPList) | parse msg_s with Protocol 'request from ' SourceHost ':' SourcePort 'to ' DestinationHost ':' DestinationPort '. Action:' Action | summarize by IPAddress = DestinationHost, Type;
let sysEvtIP = Event | where Source == "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon" | where EventID == 3 | where EventData has_any (IPList) | extend EvData = parse_xml(EventData)
| extend EventDetail = EvData.DataItem.EventData.Data
| extend SourceIP = tostring(EventDetail.[9].["#text"]), DestinationIP = tostring(EventDetail.[14].["#text"])
| where SourceIP in (IPList) or DestinationIP in (IPList) | extend IPAddress = iff(SourceIP in (IPList), SourceIP, DestinationIP) | summarize by IPAddress, Type;
// If you have enabled the _Im_DNS and/or imNetworkSession normalization in your workdspace, you can uncomment below and include. Reference - https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/sentinel/normalization
//let ipsort = union isfuzzy=true CSlogDestIP, CSlogMsgIP, CSlogSourceIP, DnsIP, officeIP, signinIP, nonintSigninIP, azureActIP, awsCtIP, vmConnDestIP, vmConnSourceIP, azureDiagIP, sysEvtIP, imDnsIP, imNetSessIP
// If you uncomment above, then comment out the line below
let ipsort = union isfuzzy=true CSlogDestIP, CSlogMsgIP, CSlogSourceIP, DnsIP, officeIP, signinIP, nonintSigninIP, azureActIP, awsCtIP, vmConnDestIP, vmConnSourceIP, azureDiagIP, sysEvtIP
| summarize by IPAddress
| where isnotempty(IPAddress) | where not(ipv4_is_private(IPAddress)) and IPAddress !in ('','');
let ipMatch = ipsort | where IPAddress in (IPList);
(union isfuzzy=true
| where SourceIP in (ipMatch) or DestinationIP in (ipMatch) or Message has_any (ipMatch)
| project TimeGenerated, SourceIP, DestinationIP, Message, SourceUserID, RequestURL, Type
| extend MessageIP = extract(IPRegex, 0, Message)
| extend IPMatch = case(SourceIP in (ipMatch), "SourceIP", DestinationIP in (ipMatch), "DestinationIP", MessageIP in (ipMatch), "Message", "No Match")
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = case(IPMatch == "SourceIP", SourceIP, IPMatch == "DestinationIP", DestinationIP, IPMatch == "Message", MessageIP, "No Match")
| where ClientIP in (ipMatch)
| project TimeGenerated, UserAgent, Operation, RecordType, UserId, ClientIP, Type
| extend SourceIPAddress = ClientIP, Account = UserId
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated , IPEntity = SourceIPAddress , AccountEntity = Account
| where IPAddresses has_any (ipMatch)
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, IPAddresses, Name, ClientIP, Type
| extend DestinationIPAddress = IPAddresses, Host = Computer
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = DestinationIPAddress, HostEntity = Host
| where SourceIp in (ipMatch) or DestinationIp in (ipMatch)
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, SourceIp, DestinationIp, Type
| extend IPMatch = case( SourceIp in (ipMatch), "SourceIP", DestinationIp in (ipMatch), "DestinationIP", "None")
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated , IPEntity = case(IPMatch == "SourceIP", SourceIp, IPMatch == "DestinationIP", DestinationIp, "None"), Host = Computer
| where Source =~ "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon"
| where EventID == 3
| where EventData has_any (ipMatch)
| project TimeGenerated, EventData, UserName, Computer, Type
| extend EvData = parse_xml(EventData)
| extend EventDetail = EvData.DataItem.EventData.Data
| extend SourceIP = tostring(EventDetail.[9].["#text"]), DestinationIP = tostring(EventDetail.[14].["#text"])
| where SourceIP in (ipMatch) or DestinationIP in (ipMatch)
| extend IPMatch = case( SourceIP in (ipMatch), "SourceIP", DestinationIP in (ipMatch), "DestinationIP", "None")
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, AccountEntity = UserName, HostEntity = Computer , IPEntity = case(IPMatch == "SourceIP", SourceIP, IPMatch == "DestinationIP", DestinationIP, "None")
| where IPAddress in (ipMatch)
| project TimeGenerated, UserPrincipalName, IPAddress, Type
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, AccountEntity = UserPrincipalName, IPEntity = IPAddress
| where IPAddress in (ipMatch)
| project TimeGenerated, UserPrincipalName, IPAddress, Type
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, AccountEntity = UserPrincipalName, IPEntity = IPAddress
| where cIP in (ipMatch)
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, cIP, csUserName, Type
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = cIP, HostEntity = Computer, AccountEntity = csUserName
| where CallerIpAddress in (ipMatch)
| project TimeGenerated, CallerIpAddress, Caller, Type
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = CallerIpAddress, AccountEntity = Caller
| where SourceIpAddress in (ipMatch)
| project TimeGenerated, SourceIpAddress, UserIdentityUserName, Type
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = SourceIpAddress, AccountEntity = UserIdentityUserName
| where RemoteIP in (ipMatch)
| where ActionType =~ "InboundConnectionAccepted"
| project TimeGenerated, RemoteIP, DeviceName, Type
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = RemoteIP, HostEntity = DeviceName
| where ResourceType =~ "AZUREFIREWALLS"
| where Category in ("AzureFirewallApplicationRule", "AzureFirewallNetworkRule")
| where msg_s has_any (ipMatch)
| project TimeGenerated, msg_s, Type
| parse msg_s with Protocol 'request from ' SourceIP ':' SourcePort 'to ' DestinationIP ':' DestinationPort '. Action:' Action
| where DestinationIP has_any (ipMatch)
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = DestinationIP
// If you have enabled the _Im_Dns and/or imNetworkSession normalization in your workdspace, you can uncomment below and include. Reference - https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/sentinel/normalization
//(_Im_Dns (response_has_any_prefix=IPList)
//| project TimeGenerated, ResponseName, SrcIpAddr, Type
//| extend DestinationIPAddress = ResponseName, Host = SrcIpAddr
//| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = DestinationIPAddress, HostEntity = Host
//(imNetworkSession (dstipaddr_has_any_prefix=IPList)
//| project TimeGenerated, DstIpAddr, SrcIpAddr, Type
//| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = DstIpAddr, HostEntity = SrcIpAddr
| extend Name = tostring(split(AccountEntity, '@', 0)[0]), UPNSuffix = tostring(split(AccountEntity, '@', 1)[0])
| extend HostName = tostring(split(HostEntity, '.', 0)[0]), DnsDomain = tostring(strcat_array(array_slice(split(HostEntity, '.'), 1, -1), '.'))
description: |
'Identifies a match across various data feeds for IP IOCs related to the Log4j vulnerability exploit aka Log4Shell described in CVE-2021-44228.
References: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=2021-44228'
- CommandAndControl
- connectorId: Office365
- OfficeActivity
- connectorId: DNS
- DnsEvents
- connectorId: AzureMonitor(VMInsights)
- VMConnection
- connectorId: CiscoASA
- CommonSecurityLog
- connectorId: CiscoAsaAma
- CommonSecurityLog
- connectorId: PaloAltoNetworks
- CommonSecurityLog
- connectorId: SecurityEvents
- SecurityEvent
- connectorId: AzureActiveDirectory
- SigninLogs
- connectorId: AzureActiveDirectory
- AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs
- connectorId: AzureMonitor(WireData)
- WireData
- connectorId: AzureMonitor(IIS)
- connectorId: AzureActivity
- AzureActivity
- connectorId: AWS
- AWSCloudTrail
- connectorId: MicrosoftThreatProtection
- DeviceNetworkEvents
- connectorId: AzureFirewall
- AzureDiagnostics
version: 2.0.6
- T1071
OriginalUri: https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Sentinel/blob/master/Solutions/Apache Log4j Vulnerability Detection/Analytic Rules/Log4J_IPIOC_Dec112021.yaml
id: 6e575295-a7e6-464c-8192-3e1d8fd6a990
- Log4j
- Log4Shell
- CVE-2021-44228
- Schema: ASIMDns
SchemaVersion: 0.1.1
- Schema: ASIMNetworkSession
SchemaVersion: 0.2.0
severity: High
- fieldMappings:
- columnName: Name
identifier: Name
- columnName: UPNSuffix
identifier: UPNSuffix
entityType: Account
- fieldMappings:
- columnName: HostName
identifier: HostName
- columnName: DnsDomain
identifier: DnsDomain
entityType: Host
- fieldMappings:
- columnName: IPEntity
identifier: Address
entityType: IP
triggerThreshold: 0
queryFrequency: 1h
status: Available
queryPeriod: 1h
triggerOperator: gt
kind: Scheduled
query: |
let IPList = externaldata(IPAddress:string)[@"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/Azure-Sentinel/master/Sample%20Data/Feeds/Log4j_IOC_List.csv"] with (format="csv", ignoreFirstRecord=True);
let IPRegex = '[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\.[0-9]{1,3}';
//Network logs
let CSlogSourceIP = CommonSecurityLog | summarize by IPAddress = SourceIP, Type;
let CSlogDestIP = CommonSecurityLog | summarize by IPAddress = DestinationIP, Type;
let CSlogMsgIP = CommonSecurityLog | extend MessageIP = extract(IPRegex, 0, Message) | summarize by IPAddress = MessageIP, Type;
let DnsIP = DnsEvents | summarize by IPAddress = IPAddresses, Type;
// If you have enabled the _Im_Dns and/or imNetworkSession normalization in your workspace, you can uncomment one or both below. Reference - https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/sentinel/normalization
//let imDnsIP = _Im_Dns (response_has_any_prefix=IPList) | summarize by IPAddress = ResponseName, Type;
//let imNetSessIP = imNetworkSession (dstipaddr_has_any_prefix=IPList) | summarize by IPAddress = DstIpAddr, Type;
//Cloud service logs
let officeIP = OfficeActivity | summarize by IPAddress = ClientIP, Type;
let signinIP = SigninLogs | summarize by IPAddress, Type;
let nonintSigninIP = AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs | summarize by IPAddress, Type;
let azureActIP = AzureActivity | summarize by IPAddress = CallerIpAddress, Type;
let awsCtIP = AWSCloudTrail | summarize by IPAddress = SourceIpAddress, Type;
//Device logs
let vmConnSourceIP = VMConnection | summarize by IPAddress = SourceIp, Type;
let vmConnDestIP = VMConnection | summarize by IPAddress = DestinationIp, Type;
let iisLogIP = W3CIISLog | summarize by IPAddress = cIP, Type;
let devNetIP = DeviceNetworkEvents | summarize by IPAddress = RemoteIP, Type;
//need to parse to get IP
let azureDiagIP = AzureDiagnostics | where ResourceType == "AZUREFIREWALLS" | where Category in ("AzureFirewallApplicationRule", "AzureFirewallNetworkRule")
| where msg_s has_any (IPList) | parse msg_s with Protocol 'request from ' SourceHost ':' SourcePort 'to ' DestinationHost ':' DestinationPort '. Action:' Action | summarize by IPAddress = DestinationHost, Type;
let sysEvtIP = Event | where Source == "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon" | where EventID == 3 | where EventData has_any (IPList) | extend EvData = parse_xml(EventData)
| extend EventDetail = EvData.DataItem.EventData.Data
| extend SourceIP = tostring(EventDetail.[9].["#text"]), DestinationIP = tostring(EventDetail.[14].["#text"])
| where SourceIP in (IPList) or DestinationIP in (IPList) | extend IPAddress = iff(SourceIP in (IPList), SourceIP, DestinationIP) | summarize by IPAddress, Type;
// If you have enabled the _Im_DNS and/or imNetworkSession normalization in your workdspace, you can uncomment below and include. Reference - https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/sentinel/normalization
//let ipsort = union isfuzzy=true CSlogDestIP, CSlogMsgIP, CSlogSourceIP, DnsIP, officeIP, signinIP, nonintSigninIP, azureActIP, awsCtIP, vmConnDestIP, vmConnSourceIP, azureDiagIP, sysEvtIP, imDnsIP, imNetSessIP
// If you uncomment above, then comment out the line below
let ipsort = union isfuzzy=true CSlogDestIP, CSlogMsgIP, CSlogSourceIP, DnsIP, officeIP, signinIP, nonintSigninIP, azureActIP, awsCtIP, vmConnDestIP, vmConnSourceIP, azureDiagIP, sysEvtIP
| summarize by IPAddress
| where isnotempty(IPAddress) | where not(ipv4_is_private(IPAddress)) and IPAddress !in ('','');
let ipMatch = ipsort | where IPAddress in (IPList);
(union isfuzzy=true
| where SourceIP in (ipMatch) or DestinationIP in (ipMatch) or Message has_any (ipMatch)
| project TimeGenerated, SourceIP, DestinationIP, Message, SourceUserID, RequestURL, Type
| extend MessageIP = extract(IPRegex, 0, Message)
| extend IPMatch = case(SourceIP in (ipMatch), "SourceIP", DestinationIP in (ipMatch), "DestinationIP", MessageIP in (ipMatch), "Message", "No Match")
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = case(IPMatch == "SourceIP", SourceIP, IPMatch == "DestinationIP", DestinationIP, IPMatch == "Message", MessageIP, "No Match")
| where ClientIP in (ipMatch)
| project TimeGenerated, UserAgent, Operation, RecordType, UserId, ClientIP, Type
| extend SourceIPAddress = ClientIP, Account = UserId
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated , IPEntity = SourceIPAddress , AccountEntity = Account
| where IPAddresses has_any (ipMatch)
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, IPAddresses, Name, ClientIP, Type
| extend DestinationIPAddress = IPAddresses, Host = Computer
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = DestinationIPAddress, HostEntity = Host
| where SourceIp in (ipMatch) or DestinationIp in (ipMatch)
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, SourceIp, DestinationIp, Type
| extend IPMatch = case( SourceIp in (ipMatch), "SourceIP", DestinationIp in (ipMatch), "DestinationIP", "None")
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated , IPEntity = case(IPMatch == "SourceIP", SourceIp, IPMatch == "DestinationIP", DestinationIp, "None"), Host = Computer
| where Source =~ "Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon"
| where EventID == 3
| where EventData has_any (ipMatch)
| project TimeGenerated, EventData, UserName, Computer, Type
| extend EvData = parse_xml(EventData)
| extend EventDetail = EvData.DataItem.EventData.Data
| extend SourceIP = tostring(EventDetail.[9].["#text"]), DestinationIP = tostring(EventDetail.[14].["#text"])
| where SourceIP in (ipMatch) or DestinationIP in (ipMatch)
| extend IPMatch = case( SourceIP in (ipMatch), "SourceIP", DestinationIP in (ipMatch), "DestinationIP", "None")
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, AccountEntity = UserName, HostEntity = Computer , IPEntity = case(IPMatch == "SourceIP", SourceIP, IPMatch == "DestinationIP", DestinationIP, "None")
| where IPAddress in (ipMatch)
| project TimeGenerated, UserPrincipalName, IPAddress, Type
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, AccountEntity = UserPrincipalName, IPEntity = IPAddress
| where IPAddress in (ipMatch)
| project TimeGenerated, UserPrincipalName, IPAddress, Type
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, AccountEntity = UserPrincipalName, IPEntity = IPAddress
| where cIP in (ipMatch)
| project TimeGenerated, Computer, cIP, csUserName, Type
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = cIP, HostEntity = Computer, AccountEntity = csUserName
| where CallerIpAddress in (ipMatch)
| project TimeGenerated, CallerIpAddress, Caller, Type
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = CallerIpAddress, AccountEntity = Caller
| where SourceIpAddress in (ipMatch)
| project TimeGenerated, SourceIpAddress, UserIdentityUserName, Type
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = SourceIpAddress, AccountEntity = UserIdentityUserName
| where RemoteIP in (ipMatch)
| where ActionType =~ "InboundConnectionAccepted"
| project TimeGenerated, RemoteIP, DeviceName, Type
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = RemoteIP, HostEntity = DeviceName
| where ResourceType =~ "AZUREFIREWALLS"
| where Category in ("AzureFirewallApplicationRule", "AzureFirewallNetworkRule")
| where msg_s has_any (ipMatch)
| project TimeGenerated, msg_s, Type
| parse msg_s with Protocol 'request from ' SourceIP ':' SourcePort 'to ' DestinationIP ':' DestinationPort '. Action:' Action
| where DestinationIP has_any (ipMatch)
| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = DestinationIP
// If you have enabled the _Im_Dns and/or imNetworkSession normalization in your workdspace, you can uncomment below and include. Reference - https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/sentinel/normalization
//(_Im_Dns (response_has_any_prefix=IPList)
//| project TimeGenerated, ResponseName, SrcIpAddr, Type
//| extend DestinationIPAddress = ResponseName, Host = SrcIpAddr
//| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = DestinationIPAddress, HostEntity = Host
//(imNetworkSession (dstipaddr_has_any_prefix=IPList)
//| project TimeGenerated, DstIpAddr, SrcIpAddr, Type
//| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = DstIpAddr, HostEntity = SrcIpAddr
| extend Name = tostring(split(AccountEntity, '@', 0)[0]), UPNSuffix = tostring(split(AccountEntity, '@', 1)[0])
| extend HostName = tostring(split(HostEntity, '.', 0)[0]), DnsDomain = tostring(strcat_array(array_slice(split(HostEntity, '.'), 1, -1), '.'))
name: Log4j vulnerability exploit aka Log4Shell IP IOC
"$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentTemplate.json#",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"workspace": {
"type": "String"
"resources": [
"apiVersion": "2024-01-01-preview",
"id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/6e575295-a7e6-464c-8192-3e1d8fd6a990')]",
"kind": "Scheduled",
"name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/6e575295-a7e6-464c-8192-3e1d8fd6a990')]",
"properties": {
"alertRuleTemplateName": "6e575295-a7e6-464c-8192-3e1d8fd6a990",
"customDetails": null,
"description": "'Identifies a match across various data feeds for IP IOCs related to the Log4j vulnerability exploit aka Log4Shell described in CVE-2021-44228.\n References: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=2021-44228'\n",
"displayName": "Log4j vulnerability exploit aka Log4Shell IP IOC",
"enabled": true,
"entityMappings": [
"entityType": "Account",
"fieldMappings": [
"columnName": "Name",
"identifier": "Name"
"columnName": "UPNSuffix",
"identifier": "UPNSuffix"
"entityType": "Host",
"fieldMappings": [
"columnName": "HostName",
"identifier": "HostName"
"columnName": "DnsDomain",
"identifier": "DnsDomain"
"entityType": "IP",
"fieldMappings": [
"columnName": "IPEntity",
"identifier": "Address"
"OriginalUri": "https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Sentinel/blob/master/Solutions/Apache Log4j Vulnerability Detection/Analytic Rules/Log4J_IPIOC_Dec112021.yaml",
"query": "let IPList = externaldata(IPAddress:string)[@\"https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Azure/Azure-Sentinel/master/Sample%20Data/Feeds/Log4j_IOC_List.csv\"] with (format=\"csv\", ignoreFirstRecord=True);\nlet IPRegex = '[0-9]{1,3}\\\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\\\.[0-9]{1,3}\\\\.[0-9]{1,3}';\n//Network logs\nlet CSlogSourceIP = CommonSecurityLog | summarize by IPAddress = SourceIP, Type;\nlet CSlogDestIP = CommonSecurityLog | summarize by IPAddress = DestinationIP, Type;\nlet CSlogMsgIP = CommonSecurityLog | extend MessageIP = extract(IPRegex, 0, Message) | summarize by IPAddress = MessageIP, Type;\nlet DnsIP = DnsEvents | summarize by IPAddress = IPAddresses, Type;\n// If you have enabled the _Im_Dns and/or imNetworkSession normalization in your workspace, you can uncomment one or both below. Reference - https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/sentinel/normalization\n//let imDnsIP = _Im_Dns (response_has_any_prefix=IPList) | summarize by IPAddress = ResponseName, Type;\n//let imNetSessIP = imNetworkSession (dstipaddr_has_any_prefix=IPList) | summarize by IPAddress = DstIpAddr, Type;\n//Cloud service logs\nlet officeIP = OfficeActivity | summarize by IPAddress = ClientIP, Type;\nlet signinIP = SigninLogs | summarize by IPAddress, Type;\nlet nonintSigninIP = AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs | summarize by IPAddress, Type;\nlet azureActIP = AzureActivity | summarize by IPAddress = CallerIpAddress, Type;\nlet awsCtIP = AWSCloudTrail | summarize by IPAddress = SourceIpAddress, Type;\n//Device logs\nlet vmConnSourceIP = VMConnection | summarize by IPAddress = SourceIp, Type;\nlet vmConnDestIP = VMConnection | summarize by IPAddress = DestinationIp, Type;\nlet iisLogIP = W3CIISLog | summarize by IPAddress = cIP, Type;\nlet devNetIP = DeviceNetworkEvents | summarize by IPAddress = RemoteIP, Type;\n//need to parse to get IP\nlet azureDiagIP = AzureDiagnostics | where ResourceType == \"AZUREFIREWALLS\" | where Category in (\"AzureFirewallApplicationRule\", \"AzureFirewallNetworkRule\")\n| where msg_s has_any (IPList) | parse msg_s with Protocol 'request from ' SourceHost ':' SourcePort 'to ' DestinationHost ':' DestinationPort '. Action:' Action | summarize by IPAddress = DestinationHost, Type;\nlet sysEvtIP = Event | where Source == \"Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon\" | where EventID == 3 | where EventData has_any (IPList) | extend EvData = parse_xml(EventData)\n| extend EventDetail = EvData.DataItem.EventData.Data\n| extend SourceIP = tostring(EventDetail.[9].[\"#text\"]), DestinationIP = tostring(EventDetail.[14].[\"#text\"])\n| where SourceIP in (IPList) or DestinationIP in (IPList) | extend IPAddress = iff(SourceIP in (IPList), SourceIP, DestinationIP) | summarize by IPAddress, Type;\n// If you have enabled the _Im_DNS and/or imNetworkSession normalization in your workdspace, you can uncomment below and include. Reference - https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/sentinel/normalization\n//let ipsort = union isfuzzy=true CSlogDestIP, CSlogMsgIP, CSlogSourceIP, DnsIP, officeIP, signinIP, nonintSigninIP, azureActIP, awsCtIP, vmConnDestIP, vmConnSourceIP, azureDiagIP, sysEvtIP, imDnsIP, imNetSessIP\n// If you uncomment above, then comment out the line below\nlet ipsort = union isfuzzy=true CSlogDestIP, CSlogMsgIP, CSlogSourceIP, DnsIP, officeIP, signinIP, nonintSigninIP, azureActIP, awsCtIP, vmConnDestIP, vmConnSourceIP, azureDiagIP, sysEvtIP\n| summarize by IPAddress\n| where isnotempty(IPAddress) | where not(ipv4_is_private(IPAddress)) and IPAddress !in ('','');\nlet ipMatch = ipsort | where IPAddress in (IPList);\n(union isfuzzy=true\n(CommonSecurityLog\n| where SourceIP in (ipMatch) or DestinationIP in (ipMatch) or Message has_any (ipMatch)\n| project TimeGenerated, SourceIP, DestinationIP, Message, SourceUserID, RequestURL, Type\n| extend MessageIP = extract(IPRegex, 0, Message)\n| extend IPMatch = case(SourceIP in (ipMatch), \"SourceIP\", DestinationIP in (ipMatch), \"DestinationIP\", MessageIP in (ipMatch), \"Message\", \"No Match\")\n| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = case(IPMatch == \"SourceIP\", SourceIP, IPMatch == \"DestinationIP\", DestinationIP, IPMatch == \"Message\", MessageIP, \"No Match\")\n),\n(OfficeActivity\n| where ClientIP in (ipMatch)\n| project TimeGenerated, UserAgent, Operation, RecordType, UserId, ClientIP, Type\n| extend SourceIPAddress = ClientIP, Account = UserId\n| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated , IPEntity = SourceIPAddress , AccountEntity = Account\n),\n(DnsEvents\n| where IPAddresses has_any (ipMatch)\n| project TimeGenerated, Computer, IPAddresses, Name, ClientIP, Type\n| extend DestinationIPAddress = IPAddresses, Host = Computer\n| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = DestinationIPAddress, HostEntity = Host\n),\n(VMConnection\n| where SourceIp in (ipMatch) or DestinationIp in (ipMatch)\n| project TimeGenerated, Computer, SourceIp, DestinationIp, Type\n| extend IPMatch = case( SourceIp in (ipMatch), \"SourceIP\", DestinationIp in (ipMatch), \"DestinationIP\", \"None\")\n| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated , IPEntity = case(IPMatch == \"SourceIP\", SourceIp, IPMatch == \"DestinationIP\", DestinationIp, \"None\"), Host = Computer\n),\n(Event\n| where Source =~ \"Microsoft-Windows-Sysmon\"\n| where EventID == 3\n| where EventData has_any (ipMatch)\n| project TimeGenerated, EventData, UserName, Computer, Type\n| extend EvData = parse_xml(EventData)\n| extend EventDetail = EvData.DataItem.EventData.Data\n| extend SourceIP = tostring(EventDetail.[9].[\"#text\"]), DestinationIP = tostring(EventDetail.[14].[\"#text\"])\n| where SourceIP in (ipMatch) or DestinationIP in (ipMatch)\n| extend IPMatch = case( SourceIP in (ipMatch), \"SourceIP\", DestinationIP in (ipMatch), \"DestinationIP\", \"None\")\n| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, AccountEntity = UserName, HostEntity = Computer , IPEntity = case(IPMatch == \"SourceIP\", SourceIP, IPMatch == \"DestinationIP\", DestinationIP, \"None\")\n),\n(SigninLogs\n| where IPAddress in (ipMatch)\n| project TimeGenerated, UserPrincipalName, IPAddress, Type\n| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, AccountEntity = UserPrincipalName, IPEntity = IPAddress\n),\n(AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs\n| where IPAddress in (ipMatch)\n| project TimeGenerated, UserPrincipalName, IPAddress, Type\n| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, AccountEntity = UserPrincipalName, IPEntity = IPAddress\n),\n(W3CIISLog\n| where cIP in (ipMatch)\n| project TimeGenerated, Computer, cIP, csUserName, Type\n| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = cIP, HostEntity = Computer, AccountEntity = csUserName\n),\n(AzureActivity\n| where CallerIpAddress in (ipMatch)\n| project TimeGenerated, CallerIpAddress, Caller, Type\n| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = CallerIpAddress, AccountEntity = Caller\n),\n(\nAWSCloudTrail\n| where SourceIpAddress in (ipMatch)\n| project TimeGenerated, SourceIpAddress, UserIdentityUserName, Type\n| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = SourceIpAddress, AccountEntity = UserIdentityUserName\n),\n(\nDeviceNetworkEvents\n| where RemoteIP in (ipMatch)\n| where ActionType =~ \"InboundConnectionAccepted\"\n| project TimeGenerated, RemoteIP, DeviceName, Type\n| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = RemoteIP, HostEntity = DeviceName\n),\n(\nAzureDiagnostics\n| where ResourceType =~ \"AZUREFIREWALLS\"\n| where Category in (\"AzureFirewallApplicationRule\", \"AzureFirewallNetworkRule\")\n| where msg_s has_any (ipMatch)\n| project TimeGenerated, msg_s, Type\n| parse msg_s with Protocol 'request from ' SourceIP ':' SourcePort 'to ' DestinationIP ':' DestinationPort '. Action:' Action\n| where DestinationIP has_any (ipMatch)\n| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = DestinationIP\n)\n// If you have enabled the _Im_Dns and/or imNetworkSession normalization in your workdspace, you can uncomment below and include. Reference - https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/sentinel/normalization\n//,\n//(_Im_Dns (response_has_any_prefix=IPList)\n//| project TimeGenerated, ResponseName, SrcIpAddr, Type\n//| extend DestinationIPAddress = ResponseName, Host = SrcIpAddr\n//| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = DestinationIPAddress, HostEntity = Host\n//),\n//(imNetworkSession (dstipaddr_has_any_prefix=IPList)\n//| project TimeGenerated, DstIpAddr, SrcIpAddr, Type\n//| extend timestamp = TimeGenerated, IPEntity = DstIpAddr, HostEntity = SrcIpAddr\n//)\n)\n| extend Name = tostring(split(AccountEntity, '@', 0)[0]), UPNSuffix = tostring(split(AccountEntity, '@', 1)[0])\n| extend HostName = tostring(split(HostEntity, '.', 0)[0]), DnsDomain = tostring(strcat_array(array_slice(split(HostEntity, '.'), 1, -1), '.'))\n",
"queryFrequency": "PT1H",
"queryPeriod": "PT1H",
"severity": "High",
"status": "Available",
"subTechniques": [],
"suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
"suppressionEnabled": false,
"tactics": [
"tags": [
"Schema": "ASIMDns",
"SchemaVersion": "0.1.1"
"Schema": "ASIMNetworkSession",
"SchemaVersion": "0.2.0"
"techniques": [
"templateVersion": "2.0.6",
"triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
"triggerThreshold": 0
"type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"