Microsoft Sentinel Analytic Rules
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Guest accounts added in Entra ID Groups other than the ones specified

RulenameGuest accounts added in Entra ID Groups other than the ones specified
DescriptionGuest Accounts are added in the Organization Tenants to perform various tasks i.e projects execution, support etc.. This detection notifies when guest users are added to Microsoft Entra ID Groups other than the ones specified and poses a risk to gain access to sensitive apps or data.
Required data connectorsAzureActiveDirectory
Query frequency2h
Query period2h
Trigger threshold0
Trigger operatorgt
Source Uri Entra ID/Analytic Rules/GuestAccountsAddedinAADGroupsOtherThanTheOnesSpecified.yaml
Arm template6ab1f7b2-61b8-442f-bc81-96afe7ad8c53.json
Deploy To Azure
// OBJECT ID of AAD Groups can be found by navigating to Azure Active Directory then from menu on the left, select Groups and from the list shown of AAD Groups, the Second Column shows the ObjectID of each
let GroupIDs = dynamic(["List with Custom AAD GROUP OBJECT ID 1","Custom AAD GROUP OBJECT ID 2"]);
| where OperationName in ('Add member to group', 'Add owner to group')
| extend InitiatingAppName = tostring(
| extend InitiatingAppServicePrincipalId = tostring(
| extend InitiatingUserPrincipalName = tostring(InitiatedBy.user.userPrincipalName)
| extend InitiatingAadUserId = tostring(
| extend InitiatingIpAddress = tostring(iff(isnotempty(InitiatedBy.user.ipAddress), InitiatedBy.user.ipAddress,
// Uncomment the following line to filter events where the inviting user was a guest user
//| where InitiatedBy has_any ("CUSTOM DOMAIN NAME#", "#EXT#")
| mv-apply TargetResource = TargetResources on 
      where TargetResource.type =~ "User"
      | extend InvitedUserPrincipalName = trim(@'"',tostring(TargetResource.userPrincipalName)),
               Properties = TargetResource.modifiedProperties
| mv-apply Property = Properties on 
      where Property.displayName =~ "Group.DisplayName"
      | extend AADGroup = trim('"',tostring(Property.newValue))
| where InvitedUserPrincipalName has_any ("CUSTOM DOMAIN NAME#", "#EXT#")
| mv-apply Property = Properties on
     where Property.displayName =~ "Group.ObjectID"
     | extend AADGroupId = trim('"',tostring(Property.newValue))
| project-away TargetResource, Property
| where AADGroupId !in (GroupIDs)
| extend Name = tostring(split(InitiatingUserPrincipalName,'@',0)[0]), UPNSuffix = tostring(split(InitiatingUserPrincipalName,'@',1)[0])
| extend InvitedUserName = tostring(split(InvitedUserPrincipalName,'@',0)[0]), InvitedUPNSuffix = tostring(split(InvitedUserPrincipalName,'@',1)[0])
status: Available
triggerOperator: gt
triggerThreshold: 0
name: Guest accounts added in Entra ID Groups other than the ones specified
OriginalUri: Entra ID/Analytic Rules/GuestAccountsAddedinAADGroupsOtherThanTheOnesSpecified.yaml
queryPeriod: 2h
severity: High
kind: Scheduled
- entityType: Account
  - columnName: InvitedUserPrincipalName
    identifier: FullName
  - columnName: InvitedUserName
    identifier: Name
  - columnName: InvitedUPNSuffix
    identifier: UPNSuffix
- entityType: Account
  - columnName: InitiatingUserPrincipalName
    identifier: FullName
  - columnName: Name
    identifier: Name
  - columnName: UPNSuffix
    identifier: UPNSuffix
- entityType: Account
  - columnName: InitiatingAadUserId
    identifier: AadUserId
- entityType: Account
  - columnName: InitiatingAppServicePrincipalId
    identifier: AadUserId
- entityType: IP
  - columnName: InitiatingIpAddress
    identifier: Address
- entityType: SecurityGroup
  - columnName: AADGroup
    identifier: DistinguishedName
  - columnName: AADGroupId
    identifier: ObjectGuid
queryFrequency: 2h
- T1078.004
- T1136.003
- T1087.004
- dataTypes:
  - AuditLogs
  connectorId: AzureActiveDirectory
description: |
    'Guest Accounts are added in the Organization Tenants to perform various tasks i.e projects execution, support etc.. This detection notifies when guest users are added to Microsoft Entra ID Groups other than the ones specified and poses a risk to gain access to sensitive apps or data.'
- InitialAccess
- Persistence
- Discovery
query: |
  // OBJECT ID of AAD Groups can be found by navigating to Azure Active Directory then from menu on the left, select Groups and from the list shown of AAD Groups, the Second Column shows the ObjectID of each
  let GroupIDs = dynamic(["List with Custom AAD GROUP OBJECT ID 1","Custom AAD GROUP OBJECT ID 2"]);
  | where OperationName in ('Add member to group', 'Add owner to group')
  | extend InitiatingAppName = tostring(
  | extend InitiatingAppServicePrincipalId = tostring(
  | extend InitiatingUserPrincipalName = tostring(InitiatedBy.user.userPrincipalName)
  | extend InitiatingAadUserId = tostring(
  | extend InitiatingIpAddress = tostring(iff(isnotempty(InitiatedBy.user.ipAddress), InitiatedBy.user.ipAddress,
  // Uncomment the following line to filter events where the inviting user was a guest user
  //| where InitiatedBy has_any ("CUSTOM DOMAIN NAME#", "#EXT#")
  | mv-apply TargetResource = TargetResources on 
        where TargetResource.type =~ "User"
        | extend InvitedUserPrincipalName = trim(@'"',tostring(TargetResource.userPrincipalName)),
                 Properties = TargetResource.modifiedProperties
  | mv-apply Property = Properties on 
        where Property.displayName =~ "Group.DisplayName"
        | extend AADGroup = trim('"',tostring(Property.newValue))
  | where InvitedUserPrincipalName has_any ("CUSTOM DOMAIN NAME#", "#EXT#")
  | mv-apply Property = Properties on
       where Property.displayName =~ "Group.ObjectID"
       | extend AADGroupId = trim('"',tostring(Property.newValue))
  | project-away TargetResource, Property
  | where AADGroupId !in (GroupIDs)
  | extend Name = tostring(split(InitiatingUserPrincipalName,'@',0)[0]), UPNSuffix = tostring(split(InitiatingUserPrincipalName,'@',1)[0])
  | extend InvitedUserName = tostring(split(InvitedUserPrincipalName,'@',0)[0]), InvitedUPNSuffix = tostring(split(InvitedUserPrincipalName,'@',1)[0])  
id: 6ab1f7b2-61b8-442f-bc81-96afe7ad8c53
version: 1.0.6
  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "workspace": {
      "type": "String"
  "resources": [
      "apiVersion": "2024-01-01-preview",
      "id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/6ab1f7b2-61b8-442f-bc81-96afe7ad8c53')]",
      "kind": "Scheduled",
      "name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/6ab1f7b2-61b8-442f-bc81-96afe7ad8c53')]",
      "properties": {
        "alertRuleTemplateName": "6ab1f7b2-61b8-442f-bc81-96afe7ad8c53",
        "customDetails": null,
        "description": "'Guest Accounts are added in the Organization Tenants to perform various tasks i.e projects execution, support etc.. This detection notifies when guest users are added to Microsoft Entra ID Groups other than the ones specified and poses a risk to gain access to sensitive apps or data.'\n",
        "displayName": "Guest accounts added in Entra ID Groups other than the ones specified",
        "enabled": true,
        "entityMappings": [
            "entityType": "Account",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "InvitedUserPrincipalName",
                "identifier": "FullName"
                "columnName": "InvitedUserName",
                "identifier": "Name"
                "columnName": "InvitedUPNSuffix",
                "identifier": "UPNSuffix"
            "entityType": "Account",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "InitiatingUserPrincipalName",
                "identifier": "FullName"
                "columnName": "Name",
                "identifier": "Name"
                "columnName": "UPNSuffix",
                "identifier": "UPNSuffix"
            "entityType": "Account",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "InitiatingAadUserId",
                "identifier": "AadUserId"
            "entityType": "Account",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "InitiatingAppServicePrincipalId",
                "identifier": "AadUserId"
            "entityType": "IP",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "InitiatingIpAddress",
                "identifier": "Address"
            "entityType": "SecurityGroup",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "AADGroup",
                "identifier": "DistinguishedName"
                "columnName": "AADGroupId",
                "identifier": "ObjectGuid"
        "OriginalUri": " Entra ID/Analytic Rules/GuestAccountsAddedinAADGroupsOtherThanTheOnesSpecified.yaml",
        "query": "// OBJECT ID of AAD Groups can be found by navigating to Azure Active Directory then from menu on the left, select Groups and from the list shown of AAD Groups, the Second Column shows the ObjectID of each\nlet GroupIDs = dynamic([\"List with Custom AAD GROUP OBJECT ID 1\",\"Custom AAD GROUP OBJECT ID 2\"]);\nAuditLogs\n| where OperationName in ('Add member to group', 'Add owner to group')\n| extend InitiatingAppName = tostring(\n| extend InitiatingAppServicePrincipalId = tostring(\n| extend InitiatingUserPrincipalName = tostring(InitiatedBy.user.userPrincipalName)\n| extend InitiatingAadUserId = tostring(\n| extend InitiatingIpAddress = tostring(iff(isnotempty(InitiatedBy.user.ipAddress), InitiatedBy.user.ipAddress,\n// Uncomment the following line to filter events where the inviting user was a guest user\n//| where InitiatedBy has_any (\"CUSTOM DOMAIN NAME#\", \"#EXT#\")\n| mv-apply TargetResource = TargetResources on \n  (\n      where TargetResource.type =~ \"User\"\n      | extend InvitedUserPrincipalName = trim(@'\"',tostring(TargetResource.userPrincipalName)),\n               Properties = TargetResource.modifiedProperties\n  )\n| mv-apply Property = Properties on \n  (\n      where Property.displayName =~ \"Group.DisplayName\"\n      | extend AADGroup = trim('\"',tostring(Property.newValue))\n  )\n| where InvitedUserPrincipalName has_any (\"CUSTOM DOMAIN NAME#\", \"#EXT#\")\n| mv-apply Property = Properties on\n   (\n     where Property.displayName =~ \"Group.ObjectID\"\n     | extend AADGroupId = trim('\"',tostring(Property.newValue))\n   )\n| project-away TargetResource, Property\n| where AADGroupId !in (GroupIDs)\n| extend Name = tostring(split(InitiatingUserPrincipalName,'@',0)[0]), UPNSuffix = tostring(split(InitiatingUserPrincipalName,'@',1)[0])\n| extend InvitedUserName = tostring(split(InvitedUserPrincipalName,'@',0)[0]), InvitedUPNSuffix = tostring(split(InvitedUserPrincipalName,'@',1)[0])\n",
        "queryFrequency": "PT2H",
        "queryPeriod": "PT2H",
        "severity": "High",
        "status": "Available",
        "subTechniques": [
        "suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
        "suppressionEnabled": false,
        "tactics": [
        "techniques": [
        "templateVersion": "1.0.6",
        "triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
        "triggerThreshold": 0
      "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"