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Beacon Traffic Based on Common User Agents Visiting Limited Number of Domains

RulenameBeacon Traffic Based on Common User Agents Visiting Limited Number of Domains
DescriptionThis query searches web proxy logs for a specific type of beaconing behavior by joining a number of sources together:

- Traffic by actual web browsers - by looking at traffic generated by a UserAgent that looks like a browser and is used by multiple users to visit a large number of domains.

- Users that make requests using one of these actual browsers, but only to a small set of domains, none of which are common domains.

- The traffic is beacon-like; meaning that it occurs during many different hours of the day (i.e. periodic).
Required data connectorsZscaler
Query frequency1d
Query period7d
Trigger threshold0
Trigger operatorgt
Source Uri Rules/RecognizingBeaconingTraffic.yaml
Arm template6345c923-99eb-4a83-b11d-7af0ffa75577.json
Deploy To Azure
let timeframe = 1d; // Timeframe during which to search for beaconing behavior.
let lookback = 7d; // Look back period to find if browser was used for other domains by user.
let min_requests=50; // Minimum number of requests to consider it beacon traffic.
let min_hours=8; // Minimum number of different hours during which connections were made to consider it beacon traffic.
let trusted_user_count=10; // If visited by this many users a domain is considered 'trusted'.
let max_sites=3; // Maximum number of different sites visited using this user-agent.
// Client-specific query to obtain 'browser-like' traffic from proxy logs.
let BrowserTraffic = (p:timespan) {
| where DeviceVendor == "Zscaler" and DeviceProduct == "NSSWeblog"
| where TimeGenerated >ago(p)
| project TimeGenerated, SourceUserName, DestinationHostName, RequestClientApplication
| where (RequestClientApplication startswith "Mozilla/" and RequestClientApplication contains "Gecko")
let CommonDomains = BrowserTraffic(timeframe)
| summarize source_count=dcount(SourceUserName) by DestinationHostName
| where source_count>trusted_user_count
| project DestinationHostName;
let CommonUA = BrowserTraffic(timeframe)
| summarize source_count=dcount(SourceUserName), host_count=dcount(DestinationHostName) by RequestClientApplication
| where source_count>trusted_user_count and host_count > 100 // Normal browsers are browsers used by many people and visiting many different sites.
| project RequestClientApplication;
// Find browsers that are common, i.e. many users use them and they use them to visit many different sites,
// but some users only use the browser to visit a very limited set of sites.
// These are considered suspicious, since they might be an attacker masquerading a beacon as a legitimate browser.
let SuspiciousBrowers = BrowserTraffic(timeframe)
| where RequestClientApplication in(CommonUA)
| summarize BrowserHosts=make_set(DestinationHostName),request_count=count() by RequestClientApplication, SourceUserName
| where array_length(BrowserHosts) <= max_sites and request_count >= min_requests
| project RequestClientApplication, SourceUserName,BrowserHosts;
// Just reporting on suspicious browsers gives too many false positives.
// For example, users that have the browser open on the login screen of 1 specific application.
// In the suspicious browsers we can search for 'beacon-like' behavior.
// Get all browser traffic by the suspicious browsers.
let PotentialAlerts=SuspiciousBrowers
| join BrowserTraffic(timeframe) on RequestClientApplication, SourceUserName
// Find beaconing-like traffic - i.e. contacting the same host in many different hours.
| summarize hour_count=dcount(bin(TimeGenerated,1h)), BrowserHosts=any(BrowserHosts), request_count=count() by RequestClientApplication, SourceUserName, DestinationHostName
| where hour_count >= min_hours and request_count >= min_requests
// Remove common domains like
| join kind=leftanti CommonDomains on DestinationHostName
| summarize RareHosts=make_set(DestinationHostName), TotalRequestCount=sum(request_count), BrowserHosts=any(BrowserHosts) by RequestClientApplication, SourceUserName
// Remove browsers that visit any common domains.
| where array_length(RareHosts) == array_length(BrowserHosts);
// Look back for X days to see if the browser was not used to visit more hosts.
// This is to get rid of someone that started up the browser a long time ago, and left only a single tab open.
| join BrowserTraffic(lookback) on SourceUserName, RequestClientApplication
| summarize RareHosts=any(RareHosts),BrowserHosts1d=any(BrowserHosts),BrowserHostsLookback=make_set(DestinationHostName) by SourceUserName, RequestClientApplication
| where array_length(RareHosts) == array_length(BrowserHostsLookback)
status: Available
triggerOperator: gt
triggerThreshold: 0
name: Beacon Traffic Based on Common User Agents Visiting Limited Number of Domains
OriginalUri: Rules/RecognizingBeaconingTraffic.yaml
queryPeriod: 7d
severity: Medium
kind: Scheduled
- entityType: Account
  - columnName: SourceUserName
    identifier: FullName
queryFrequency: 1d
- T1071.001
- dataTypes:
  - CommonSecurityLog
  connectorId: Zscaler
description: |
  This query searches web proxy logs for a specific type of beaconing behavior by joining a number of sources together: 
  - Traffic by actual web browsers - by looking at traffic generated by a UserAgent that looks like a browser and is used by multiple users to visit a large number of domains.
  - Users that make requests using one of these actual browsers, but only to a small set of domains, none of which are common domains.
  - The traffic is beacon-like; meaning that it occurs during many different hours of the day (i.e. periodic).   
- CommandAndControl
query: |
  let timeframe = 1d; // Timeframe during which to search for beaconing behavior.
  let lookback = 7d; // Look back period to find if browser was used for other domains by user.
  let min_requests=50; // Minimum number of requests to consider it beacon traffic.
  let min_hours=8; // Minimum number of different hours during which connections were made to consider it beacon traffic.
  let trusted_user_count=10; // If visited by this many users a domain is considered 'trusted'.
  let max_sites=3; // Maximum number of different sites visited using this user-agent.
  // Client-specific query to obtain 'browser-like' traffic from proxy logs.
  let BrowserTraffic = (p:timespan) {
  | where DeviceVendor == "Zscaler" and DeviceProduct == "NSSWeblog"
  | where TimeGenerated >ago(p)
  | project TimeGenerated, SourceUserName, DestinationHostName, RequestClientApplication
  | where (RequestClientApplication startswith "Mozilla/" and RequestClientApplication contains "Gecko")
  let CommonDomains = BrowserTraffic(timeframe)
  | summarize source_count=dcount(SourceUserName) by DestinationHostName
  | where source_count>trusted_user_count
  | project DestinationHostName;
  let CommonUA = BrowserTraffic(timeframe)
  | summarize source_count=dcount(SourceUserName), host_count=dcount(DestinationHostName) by RequestClientApplication
  | where source_count>trusted_user_count and host_count > 100 // Normal browsers are browsers used by many people and visiting many different sites.
  | project RequestClientApplication;
  // Find browsers that are common, i.e. many users use them and they use them to visit many different sites,
  // but some users only use the browser to visit a very limited set of sites.
  // These are considered suspicious, since they might be an attacker masquerading a beacon as a legitimate browser.
  let SuspiciousBrowers = BrowserTraffic(timeframe)
  | where RequestClientApplication in(CommonUA)
  | summarize BrowserHosts=make_set(DestinationHostName),request_count=count() by RequestClientApplication, SourceUserName
  | where array_length(BrowserHosts) <= max_sites and request_count >= min_requests
  | project RequestClientApplication, SourceUserName,BrowserHosts;
  // Just reporting on suspicious browsers gives too many false positives.
  // For example, users that have the browser open on the login screen of 1 specific application.
  // In the suspicious browsers we can search for 'beacon-like' behavior.
  // Get all browser traffic by the suspicious browsers.
  let PotentialAlerts=SuspiciousBrowers
  | join BrowserTraffic(timeframe) on RequestClientApplication, SourceUserName
  // Find beaconing-like traffic - i.e. contacting the same host in many different hours.
  | summarize hour_count=dcount(bin(TimeGenerated,1h)), BrowserHosts=any(BrowserHosts), request_count=count() by RequestClientApplication, SourceUserName, DestinationHostName
  | where hour_count >= min_hours and request_count >= min_requests
  // Remove common domains like
  | join kind=leftanti CommonDomains on DestinationHostName
  | summarize RareHosts=make_set(DestinationHostName), TotalRequestCount=sum(request_count), BrowserHosts=any(BrowserHosts) by RequestClientApplication, SourceUserName
  // Remove browsers that visit any common domains.
  | where array_length(RareHosts) == array_length(BrowserHosts);
  // Look back for X days to see if the browser was not used to visit more hosts.
  // This is to get rid of someone that started up the browser a long time ago, and left only a single tab open.
  | join BrowserTraffic(lookback) on SourceUserName, RequestClientApplication
  | summarize RareHosts=any(RareHosts),BrowserHosts1d=any(BrowserHosts),BrowserHostsLookback=make_set(DestinationHostName) by SourceUserName, RequestClientApplication
  | where array_length(RareHosts) == array_length(BrowserHostsLookback)  
id: 6345c923-99eb-4a83-b11d-7af0ffa75577
version: 1.0.1
  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "workspace": {
      "type": "String"
  "resources": [
      "apiVersion": "2024-01-01-preview",
      "id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/6345c923-99eb-4a83-b11d-7af0ffa75577')]",
      "kind": "Scheduled",
      "name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/6345c923-99eb-4a83-b11d-7af0ffa75577')]",
      "properties": {
        "alertRuleTemplateName": "6345c923-99eb-4a83-b11d-7af0ffa75577",
        "customDetails": null,
        "description": "This query searches web proxy logs for a specific type of beaconing behavior by joining a number of sources together: \n- Traffic by actual web browsers - by looking at traffic generated by a UserAgent that looks like a browser and is used by multiple users to visit a large number of domains.\n- Users that make requests using one of these actual browsers, but only to a small set of domains, none of which are common domains.\n- The traffic is beacon-like; meaning that it occurs during many different hours of the day (i.e. periodic). \n",
        "displayName": "Beacon Traffic Based on Common User Agents Visiting Limited Number of Domains",
        "enabled": true,
        "entityMappings": [
            "entityType": "Account",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "SourceUserName",
                "identifier": "FullName"
        "OriginalUri": " Rules/RecognizingBeaconingTraffic.yaml",
        "query": "let timeframe = 1d; // Timeframe during which to search for beaconing behavior.\nlet lookback = 7d; // Look back period to find if browser was used for other domains by user.\nlet min_requests=50; // Minimum number of requests to consider it beacon traffic.\nlet min_hours=8; // Minimum number of different hours during which connections were made to consider it beacon traffic.\nlet trusted_user_count=10; // If visited by this many users a domain is considered 'trusted'.\nlet max_sites=3; // Maximum number of different sites visited using this user-agent.\n// Client-specific query to obtain 'browser-like' traffic from proxy logs.\nlet BrowserTraffic = (p:timespan) {\nCommonSecurityLog\n| where DeviceVendor == \"Zscaler\" and DeviceProduct == \"NSSWeblog\"\n| where TimeGenerated >ago(p)\n| project TimeGenerated, SourceUserName, DestinationHostName, RequestClientApplication\n| where (RequestClientApplication startswith \"Mozilla/\" and RequestClientApplication contains \"Gecko\")\n};\nlet CommonDomains = BrowserTraffic(timeframe)\n| summarize source_count=dcount(SourceUserName) by DestinationHostName\n| where source_count>trusted_user_count\n| project DestinationHostName;\nlet CommonUA = BrowserTraffic(timeframe)\n| summarize source_count=dcount(SourceUserName), host_count=dcount(DestinationHostName) by RequestClientApplication\n| where source_count>trusted_user_count and host_count > 100 // Normal browsers are browsers used by many people and visiting many different sites.\n| project RequestClientApplication;\n// Find browsers that are common, i.e. many users use them and they use them to visit many different sites,\n// but some users only use the browser to visit a very limited set of sites.\n// These are considered suspicious, since they might be an attacker masquerading a beacon as a legitimate browser.\nlet SuspiciousBrowers = BrowserTraffic(timeframe)\n| where RequestClientApplication in(CommonUA)\n| summarize BrowserHosts=make_set(DestinationHostName),request_count=count() by RequestClientApplication, SourceUserName\n| where array_length(BrowserHosts) <= max_sites and request_count >= min_requests\n| project RequestClientApplication, SourceUserName,BrowserHosts;\n// Just reporting on suspicious browsers gives too many false positives.\n// For example, users that have the browser open on the login screen of 1 specific application.\n// In the suspicious browsers we can search for 'beacon-like' behavior.\n// Get all browser traffic by the suspicious browsers.\nlet PotentialAlerts=SuspiciousBrowers\n| join BrowserTraffic(timeframe) on RequestClientApplication, SourceUserName\n// Find beaconing-like traffic - i.e. contacting the same host in many different hours.\n| summarize hour_count=dcount(bin(TimeGenerated,1h)), BrowserHosts=any(BrowserHosts), request_count=count() by RequestClientApplication, SourceUserName, DestinationHostName\n| where hour_count >= min_hours and request_count >= min_requests\n// Remove common domains like\n| join kind=leftanti CommonDomains on DestinationHostName\n| summarize RareHosts=make_set(DestinationHostName), TotalRequestCount=sum(request_count), BrowserHosts=any(BrowserHosts) by RequestClientApplication, SourceUserName\n// Remove browsers that visit any common domains.\n| where array_length(RareHosts) == array_length(BrowserHosts);\n// Look back for X days to see if the browser was not used to visit more hosts.\n// This is to get rid of someone that started up the browser a long time ago, and left only a single tab open.\nPotentialAlerts\n| join BrowserTraffic(lookback) on SourceUserName, RequestClientApplication\n| summarize RareHosts=any(RareHosts),BrowserHosts1d=any(BrowserHosts),BrowserHostsLookback=make_set(DestinationHostName) by SourceUserName, RequestClientApplication\n| where array_length(RareHosts) == array_length(BrowserHostsLookback)\n",
        "queryFrequency": "P1D",
        "queryPeriod": "P7D",
        "severity": "Medium",
        "status": "Available",
        "subTechniques": [
        "suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
        "suppressionEnabled": false,
        "tactics": [
        "techniques": [
        "templateVersion": "1.0.1",
        "triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
        "triggerThreshold": 0
      "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"