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Azure VM Run Command operations executing a unique PowerShell script

RulenameAzure VM Run Command operations executing a unique PowerShell script
DescriptionIdentifies when Azure Run command is used to execute a PowerShell script on a VM that is unique.

The uniqueness of the PowerShell script is determined by taking a combined hash of the cmdLets it imports and the file size of the PowerShell script. Alerts from this detection indicate a unique PowerShell was executed in your environment.
Required data connectorsAzureActivity
Query frequency1d
Query period1d
Trigger threshold0
Trigger operatorgt
Source Uri
Arm template5239248b-abfb-4c6a-8177-b104ade5db56.json
Deploy To Azure
let RunCommandData = materialize ( AzureActivity
// Isolate run command actions
| where OperationNameValue =~ "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/runCommand/action"
// Confirm that the operation impacted a virtual machine
| where Authorization has "virtualMachines"
// Each runcommand operation consists of three events when successful, StartTimeed, Accepted (or Rejected), Successful (or Failed).
| summarize StartTime=min(TimeGenerated), EndTime=max(TimeGenerated), max(CallerIpAddress), make_list(ActivityStatusValue) by CorrelationId, Authorization, Caller
// Limit to Run Command executions that Succeeded
| where list_ActivityStatusValue has_any ("Succeeded", "Success")
// Extract data from the Authorization field, allowing us to later extract the Caller (UPN) and CallerIpAddress
| extend Authorization_d = parse_json(Authorization)
| extend Scope = Authorization_d.scope
| extend Scope_s = split(Scope, "/")
| extend Subscription = tostring(Scope_s[2])
| extend VirtualMachineName = tostring(Scope_s[-1])
| project StartTime, EndTime, Subscription, VirtualMachineName, CorrelationId, Caller, CallerIpAddress=max_CallerIpAddress, Scope
| join kind=leftouter (
    | where InitiatingProcessFileName == "RunCommandExtension.exe"
    | extend VirtualMachineName = tostring(split(DeviceName, ".")[0])
    | project VirtualMachineName, PowershellFileCreatedTimestamp=TimeGenerated, FileName, FileSize, InitiatingProcessAccountName, InitiatingProcessAccountDomain, InitiatingProcessFolderPath, InitiatingProcessId
) on VirtualMachineName
// We need to filter by time sadly, this is the only way to link events
| where PowershellFileCreatedTimestamp between (StartTime .. EndTime)
| project StartTime, EndTime, PowershellFileCreatedTimestamp, VirtualMachineName, Caller, CallerIpAddress, FileName, FileSize, InitiatingProcessId, InitiatingProcessAccountDomain, InitiatingProcessFolderPath, Scope
| join kind=inner(
    | extend VirtualMachineName = tostring(split(DeviceName, ".")[0])
    | where InitiatingProcessCommandLine has "-File"
    // Extract the script name based on the structure used by the RunCommand extension
    | extend PowershellFileName = extract(@"\-File\s(script[0-9]{1,9}\.ps1)", 1, InitiatingProcessCommandLine)
    // Discard results that didn't successfully extract, these are not run command related
    | where isnotempty(PowershellFileName)
    | extend PSCommand = tostring(parse_json(AdditionalFields).Command)
    // The first execution of PowerShell will be the RunCommand script itself, we can discard this as it will break our hash later
    | where PSCommand != PowershellFileName 
    // Now we normalise the cmdlets, we're aiming to hash them to find scripts using rare combinations
    | extend PSCommand = toupper(PSCommand)
    | order by PSCommand asc
    | summarize PowershellExecStartTime=min(TimeGenerated), PowershellExecEnd=max(TimeGenerated), make_list(PSCommand) by PowershellFileName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine
) on $left.FileName == $right.PowershellFileName
| project StartTime, EndTime, PowershellFileCreatedTimestamp, PowershellExecStartTime, PowershellExecEnd, PowershellFileName, PowershellScriptCommands=list_PSCommand, Caller, CallerIpAddress, InitiatingProcessCommandLine, PowershellFileSize=FileSize, VirtualMachineName, Scope
| order by StartTime asc 
// We generate the hash based on the cmdlets called and the size of the powershell script
| extend TempFingerprintString = strcat(PowershellScriptCommands, PowershellFileSize)
| extend ScriptFingerprintHash = hash_sha256(tostring(PowershellScriptCommands)));
let totals = toscalar (RunCommandData
| summarize count());
let hashTotals = RunCommandData
| summarize HashCount=count() by ScriptFingerprintHash;
| join kind=leftouter (
) on ScriptFingerprintHash
// Calculate prevalence, while we don't need this, it may be useful for responders to know how rare this script is in relation to normal activity
| extend Prevalence = toreal(HashCount) / toreal(totals) * 100
// Where the hash was only ever seen once.
| where HashCount == 1
| extend timestamp = StartTime
| extend CallerName = tostring(split(Caller, "@")[0]), CallerUPNSuffix = tostring(split(Caller, "@")[1])
| project timestamp, StartTime, EndTime, PowershellFileName, VirtualMachineName, Caller, CallerName, CallerUPNSuffix, CallerIpAddress, PowershellScriptCommands, PowershellFileSize, ScriptFingerprintHash, Prevalence, Scope
triggerOperator: gt
triggerThreshold: 0
name: Azure VM Run Command operations executing a unique PowerShell script
    tier: Community
    - Security - Others
    - Identity
    kind: Community
    name: Microsoft Security Research
queryPeriod: 1d
severity: Medium
kind: Scheduled
- entityType: Account
  - columnName: Caller
    identifier: FullName
  - columnName: CallerName
    identifier: Name
  - columnName: CallerUPNSuffix
    identifier: UPNSuffix
- entityType: IP
  - columnName: CallerIpAddress
    identifier: Address
- entityType: Host
  - columnName: VirtualMachineName
    identifier: HostName
  - columnName: Scope
    identifier: AzureID
queryFrequency: 1d
- T1570
- T1059.001
- dataTypes:
  - AzureActivity
  connectorId: AzureActivity
- dataTypes:
  - DeviceFileEvents
  - DeviceEvents
  connectorId: MicrosoftThreatProtection
description: |
  'Identifies when Azure Run command is used to execute a PowerShell script on a VM that is unique.
  The uniqueness of the PowerShell script is determined by taking a combined hash of the cmdLets it imports and the file size of the PowerShell script. Alerts from this detection indicate a unique PowerShell was executed in your environment.'  
- LateralMovement
- Execution
query: |
  let RunCommandData = materialize ( AzureActivity
  // Isolate run command actions
  | where OperationNameValue =~ "Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/runCommand/action"
  // Confirm that the operation impacted a virtual machine
  | where Authorization has "virtualMachines"
  // Each runcommand operation consists of three events when successful, StartTimeed, Accepted (or Rejected), Successful (or Failed).
  | summarize StartTime=min(TimeGenerated), EndTime=max(TimeGenerated), max(CallerIpAddress), make_list(ActivityStatusValue) by CorrelationId, Authorization, Caller
  // Limit to Run Command executions that Succeeded
  | where list_ActivityStatusValue has_any ("Succeeded", "Success")
  // Extract data from the Authorization field, allowing us to later extract the Caller (UPN) and CallerIpAddress
  | extend Authorization_d = parse_json(Authorization)
  | extend Scope = Authorization_d.scope
  | extend Scope_s = split(Scope, "/")
  | extend Subscription = tostring(Scope_s[2])
  | extend VirtualMachineName = tostring(Scope_s[-1])
  | project StartTime, EndTime, Subscription, VirtualMachineName, CorrelationId, Caller, CallerIpAddress=max_CallerIpAddress, Scope
  | join kind=leftouter (
      | where InitiatingProcessFileName == "RunCommandExtension.exe"
      | extend VirtualMachineName = tostring(split(DeviceName, ".")[0])
      | project VirtualMachineName, PowershellFileCreatedTimestamp=TimeGenerated, FileName, FileSize, InitiatingProcessAccountName, InitiatingProcessAccountDomain, InitiatingProcessFolderPath, InitiatingProcessId
  ) on VirtualMachineName
  // We need to filter by time sadly, this is the only way to link events
  | where PowershellFileCreatedTimestamp between (StartTime .. EndTime)
  | project StartTime, EndTime, PowershellFileCreatedTimestamp, VirtualMachineName, Caller, CallerIpAddress, FileName, FileSize, InitiatingProcessId, InitiatingProcessAccountDomain, InitiatingProcessFolderPath, Scope
  | join kind=inner(
      | extend VirtualMachineName = tostring(split(DeviceName, ".")[0])
      | where InitiatingProcessCommandLine has "-File"
      // Extract the script name based on the structure used by the RunCommand extension
      | extend PowershellFileName = extract(@"\-File\s(script[0-9]{1,9}\.ps1)", 1, InitiatingProcessCommandLine)
      // Discard results that didn't successfully extract, these are not run command related
      | where isnotempty(PowershellFileName)
      | extend PSCommand = tostring(parse_json(AdditionalFields).Command)
      // The first execution of PowerShell will be the RunCommand script itself, we can discard this as it will break our hash later
      | where PSCommand != PowershellFileName 
      // Now we normalise the cmdlets, we're aiming to hash them to find scripts using rare combinations
      | extend PSCommand = toupper(PSCommand)
      | order by PSCommand asc
      | summarize PowershellExecStartTime=min(TimeGenerated), PowershellExecEnd=max(TimeGenerated), make_list(PSCommand) by PowershellFileName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine
  ) on $left.FileName == $right.PowershellFileName
  | project StartTime, EndTime, PowershellFileCreatedTimestamp, PowershellExecStartTime, PowershellExecEnd, PowershellFileName, PowershellScriptCommands=list_PSCommand, Caller, CallerIpAddress, InitiatingProcessCommandLine, PowershellFileSize=FileSize, VirtualMachineName, Scope
  | order by StartTime asc 
  // We generate the hash based on the cmdlets called and the size of the powershell script
  | extend TempFingerprintString = strcat(PowershellScriptCommands, PowershellFileSize)
  | extend ScriptFingerprintHash = hash_sha256(tostring(PowershellScriptCommands)));
  let totals = toscalar (RunCommandData
  | summarize count());
  let hashTotals = RunCommandData
  | summarize HashCount=count() by ScriptFingerprintHash;
  | join kind=leftouter (
  ) on ScriptFingerprintHash
  // Calculate prevalence, while we don't need this, it may be useful for responders to know how rare this script is in relation to normal activity
  | extend Prevalence = toreal(HashCount) / toreal(totals) * 100
  // Where the hash was only ever seen once.
  | where HashCount == 1
  | extend timestamp = StartTime
  | extend CallerName = tostring(split(Caller, "@")[0]), CallerUPNSuffix = tostring(split(Caller, "@")[1])
  | project timestamp, StartTime, EndTime, PowershellFileName, VirtualMachineName, Caller, CallerName, CallerUPNSuffix, CallerIpAddress, PowershellScriptCommands, PowershellFileSize, ScriptFingerprintHash, Prevalence, Scope  
id: 5239248b-abfb-4c6a-8177-b104ade5db56
version: 1.0.8
  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "workspace": {
      "type": "String"
  "resources": [
      "apiVersion": "2024-01-01-preview",
      "id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/5239248b-abfb-4c6a-8177-b104ade5db56')]",
      "kind": "Scheduled",
      "name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/5239248b-abfb-4c6a-8177-b104ade5db56')]",
      "properties": {
        "alertRuleTemplateName": "5239248b-abfb-4c6a-8177-b104ade5db56",
        "customDetails": null,
        "description": "'Identifies when Azure Run command is used to execute a PowerShell script on a VM that is unique.\nThe uniqueness of the PowerShell script is determined by taking a combined hash of the cmdLets it imports and the file size of the PowerShell script. Alerts from this detection indicate a unique PowerShell was executed in your environment.'\n",
        "displayName": "Azure VM Run Command operations executing a unique PowerShell script",
        "enabled": true,
        "entityMappings": [
            "entityType": "Account",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "Caller",
                "identifier": "FullName"
                "columnName": "CallerName",
                "identifier": "Name"
                "columnName": "CallerUPNSuffix",
                "identifier": "UPNSuffix"
            "entityType": "IP",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "CallerIpAddress",
                "identifier": "Address"
            "entityType": "Host",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "VirtualMachineName",
                "identifier": "HostName"
                "columnName": "Scope",
                "identifier": "AzureID"
        "OriginalUri": "",
        "query": "let RunCommandData = materialize ( AzureActivity\n// Isolate run command actions\n| where OperationNameValue =~ \"Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/runCommand/action\"\n// Confirm that the operation impacted a virtual machine\n| where Authorization has \"virtualMachines\"\n// Each runcommand operation consists of three events when successful, StartTimeed, Accepted (or Rejected), Successful (or Failed).\n| summarize StartTime=min(TimeGenerated), EndTime=max(TimeGenerated), max(CallerIpAddress), make_list(ActivityStatusValue) by CorrelationId, Authorization, Caller\n// Limit to Run Command executions that Succeeded\n| where list_ActivityStatusValue has_any (\"Succeeded\", \"Success\")\n// Extract data from the Authorization field, allowing us to later extract the Caller (UPN) and CallerIpAddress\n| extend Authorization_d = parse_json(Authorization)\n| extend Scope = Authorization_d.scope\n| extend Scope_s = split(Scope, \"/\")\n| extend Subscription = tostring(Scope_s[2])\n| extend VirtualMachineName = tostring(Scope_s[-1])\n| project StartTime, EndTime, Subscription, VirtualMachineName, CorrelationId, Caller, CallerIpAddress=max_CallerIpAddress, Scope\n| join kind=leftouter (\n    DeviceFileEvents\n    | where InitiatingProcessFileName == \"RunCommandExtension.exe\"\n    | extend VirtualMachineName = tostring(split(DeviceName, \".\")[0])\n    | project VirtualMachineName, PowershellFileCreatedTimestamp=TimeGenerated, FileName, FileSize, InitiatingProcessAccountName, InitiatingProcessAccountDomain, InitiatingProcessFolderPath, InitiatingProcessId\n) on VirtualMachineName\n// We need to filter by time sadly, this is the only way to link events\n| where PowershellFileCreatedTimestamp between (StartTime .. EndTime)\n| project StartTime, EndTime, PowershellFileCreatedTimestamp, VirtualMachineName, Caller, CallerIpAddress, FileName, FileSize, InitiatingProcessId, InitiatingProcessAccountDomain, InitiatingProcessFolderPath, Scope\n| join kind=inner(\n    DeviceEvents\n    | extend VirtualMachineName = tostring(split(DeviceName, \".\")[0])\n    | where InitiatingProcessCommandLine has \"-File\"\n    // Extract the script name based on the structure used by the RunCommand extension\n    | extend PowershellFileName = extract(@\"\\-File\\s(script[0-9]{1,9}\\.ps1)\", 1, InitiatingProcessCommandLine)\n    // Discard results that didn't successfully extract, these are not run command related\n    | where isnotempty(PowershellFileName)\n    | extend PSCommand = tostring(parse_json(AdditionalFields).Command)\n    // The first execution of PowerShell will be the RunCommand script itself, we can discard this as it will break our hash later\n    | where PSCommand != PowershellFileName \n    // Now we normalise the cmdlets, we're aiming to hash them to find scripts using rare combinations\n    | extend PSCommand = toupper(PSCommand)\n    | order by PSCommand asc\n    | summarize PowershellExecStartTime=min(TimeGenerated), PowershellExecEnd=max(TimeGenerated), make_list(PSCommand) by PowershellFileName, InitiatingProcessCommandLine\n) on $left.FileName == $right.PowershellFileName\n| project StartTime, EndTime, PowershellFileCreatedTimestamp, PowershellExecStartTime, PowershellExecEnd, PowershellFileName, PowershellScriptCommands=list_PSCommand, Caller, CallerIpAddress, InitiatingProcessCommandLine, PowershellFileSize=FileSize, VirtualMachineName, Scope\n| order by StartTime asc \n// We generate the hash based on the cmdlets called and the size of the powershell script\n| extend TempFingerprintString = strcat(PowershellScriptCommands, PowershellFileSize)\n| extend ScriptFingerprintHash = hash_sha256(tostring(PowershellScriptCommands)));\nlet totals = toscalar (RunCommandData\n| summarize count());\nlet hashTotals = RunCommandData\n| summarize HashCount=count() by ScriptFingerprintHash;\nRunCommandData\n| join kind=leftouter (\nhashTotals\n) on ScriptFingerprintHash\n// Calculate prevalence, while we don't need this, it may be useful for responders to know how rare this script is in relation to normal activity\n| extend Prevalence = toreal(HashCount) / toreal(totals) * 100\n// Where the hash was only ever seen once.\n| where HashCount == 1\n| extend timestamp = StartTime\n| extend CallerName = tostring(split(Caller, \"@\")[0]), CallerUPNSuffix = tostring(split(Caller, \"@\")[1])\n| project timestamp, StartTime, EndTime, PowershellFileName, VirtualMachineName, Caller, CallerName, CallerUPNSuffix, CallerIpAddress, PowershellScriptCommands, PowershellFileSize, ScriptFingerprintHash, Prevalence, Scope\n",
        "queryFrequency": "P1D",
        "queryPeriod": "P1D",
        "severity": "Medium",
        "subTechniques": [
        "suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
        "suppressionEnabled": false,
        "tactics": [
        "techniques": [
        "templateVersion": "1.0.8",
        "triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
        "triggerThreshold": 0
      "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"