s from IPs that attempt sign-ins to disabled accounts
Id | 500c103a-0319-4d56-8e99-3cec8d860757 |
Rulename | Sign-ins from IPs that attempt sign-ins to disabled accounts |
Description | Identifies IPs with failed attempts to sign in to one or more disabled accounts using the IP through which successful signins from other accounts have happened. This could indicate an attacker who obtained credentials for a list of accounts and is attempting to login with those accounts, some of which may have already been disabled. References: 50057 - User account is disabled. The account has been disabled by an administrator. This query has also been updated to include UEBA logs IdentityInfo and BehaviorAnalytics for contextual information around the results. |
Severity | Medium |
Tactics | InitialAccess Persistence |
Techniques | T1078 T1098 |
Required data connectors | AzureActiveDirectory BehaviorAnalytics |
Kind | Scheduled |
Query frequency | 1d |
Query period | 1d |
Trigger threshold | 0 |
Trigger operator | gt |
Source Uri | Entra ID/Analytic Rules/SigninAttemptsByIPviaDisabledAccounts.yaml |
Version | 2.1.3 |
Arm template | 500c103a-0319-4d56-8e99-3cec8d860757.json |
let aadFunc = (tableName: string) {
let failed_signins = table(tableName)
| where ResultType == "50057"
| where ResultDescription == "User account is disabled. The account has been disabled by an administrator.";
let disabled_users = failed_signins | summarize by UserPrincipalName;
| where ResultType == 0
| where isnotempty(UserPrincipalName)
| where UserPrincipalName !in (disabled_users)
| summarize
successfulAccountsTargettedCount = dcount(UserPrincipalName),
successfulAccountSigninSet = make_set(UserPrincipalName, 100),
successfulApplicationSet = make_set(AppDisplayName, 100)
by IPAddress, Type
// Assume IPs associated with sign-ins from 100+ distinct user accounts are safe
| where successfulAccountsTargettedCount < 50
| where isnotempty(successfulAccountsTargettedCount)
| join kind=inner (failed_signins
| summarize
StartTime = min(TimeGenerated),
EndTime = max(TimeGenerated),
totalDisabledAccountLoginAttempts = count(),
disabledAccountsTargettedCount = dcount(UserPrincipalName),
applicationsTargeted = dcount(AppDisplayName),
disabledAccountSet = make_set(UserPrincipalName, 100),
disabledApplicationSet = make_set(AppDisplayName, 100)
by IPAddress, Type
| order by totalDisabledAccountLoginAttempts desc) on IPAddress
| project StartTime, EndTime, IPAddress, totalDisabledAccountLoginAttempts, disabledAccountsTargettedCount, disabledAccountSet, disabledApplicationSet, successfulApplicationSet, successfulAccountsTargettedCount, successfulAccountSigninSet, Type
| order by totalDisabledAccountLoginAttempts};
let aadSignin = aadFunc("SigninLogs");
let aadNonInt = aadFunc("AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs");
union isfuzzy=true aadSignin, aadNonInt
| join kind=leftouter (
| where ActivityType in ("FailedLogOn", "LogOn")
| where EventSource =~ "Azure AD"
| project UsersInsights, DevicesInsights, ActivityInsights, InvestigationPriority, SourceIPAddress, UserPrincipalName
| project-rename IPAddress = SourceIPAddress
| summarize
Users = make_set(UserPrincipalName, 100),
UsersInsights = make_set(UsersInsights, 100),
DevicesInsights = make_set(DevicesInsights, 100),
IPInvestigationPriority = sum(InvestigationPriority)
by IPAddress
) on IPAddress
| extend SFRatio = toreal(toreal(disabledAccountsTargettedCount)/toreal(successfulAccountsTargettedCount))
| where SFRatio >= 0.5
| sort by IPInvestigationPriority desc
- connectorId: AzureActiveDirectory
- SigninLogs
- connectorId: AzureActiveDirectory
- AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs
- connectorId: BehaviorAnalytics
- BehaviorAnalytics
query: |
let aadFunc = (tableName: string) {
let failed_signins = table(tableName)
| where ResultType == "50057"
| where ResultDescription == "User account is disabled. The account has been disabled by an administrator.";
let disabled_users = failed_signins | summarize by UserPrincipalName;
| where ResultType == 0
| where isnotempty(UserPrincipalName)
| where UserPrincipalName !in (disabled_users)
| summarize
successfulAccountsTargettedCount = dcount(UserPrincipalName),
successfulAccountSigninSet = make_set(UserPrincipalName, 100),
successfulApplicationSet = make_set(AppDisplayName, 100)
by IPAddress, Type
// Assume IPs associated with sign-ins from 100+ distinct user accounts are safe
| where successfulAccountsTargettedCount < 50
| where isnotempty(successfulAccountsTargettedCount)
| join kind=inner (failed_signins
| summarize
StartTime = min(TimeGenerated),
EndTime = max(TimeGenerated),
totalDisabledAccountLoginAttempts = count(),
disabledAccountsTargettedCount = dcount(UserPrincipalName),
applicationsTargeted = dcount(AppDisplayName),
disabledAccountSet = make_set(UserPrincipalName, 100),
disabledApplicationSet = make_set(AppDisplayName, 100)
by IPAddress, Type
| order by totalDisabledAccountLoginAttempts desc) on IPAddress
| project StartTime, EndTime, IPAddress, totalDisabledAccountLoginAttempts, disabledAccountsTargettedCount, disabledAccountSet, disabledApplicationSet, successfulApplicationSet, successfulAccountsTargettedCount, successfulAccountSigninSet, Type
| order by totalDisabledAccountLoginAttempts};
let aadSignin = aadFunc("SigninLogs");
let aadNonInt = aadFunc("AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs");
union isfuzzy=true aadSignin, aadNonInt
| join kind=leftouter (
| where ActivityType in ("FailedLogOn", "LogOn")
| where EventSource =~ "Azure AD"
| project UsersInsights, DevicesInsights, ActivityInsights, InvestigationPriority, SourceIPAddress, UserPrincipalName
| project-rename IPAddress = SourceIPAddress
| summarize
Users = make_set(UserPrincipalName, 100),
UsersInsights = make_set(UsersInsights, 100),
DevicesInsights = make_set(DevicesInsights, 100),
IPInvestigationPriority = sum(InvestigationPriority)
by IPAddress
) on IPAddress
| extend SFRatio = toreal(toreal(disabledAccountsTargettedCount)/toreal(successfulAccountsTargettedCount))
| where SFRatio >= 0.5
| sort by IPInvestigationPriority desc
kind: Scheduled
severity: Medium
triggerThreshold: 0
queryFrequency: 1d
id: 500c103a-0319-4d56-8e99-3cec8d860757
OriginalUri: Entra ID/Analytic Rules/SigninAttemptsByIPviaDisabledAccounts.yaml
- InitialAccess
- Persistence
triggerOperator: gt
description: |
'Identifies IPs with failed attempts to sign in to one or more disabled accounts using the IP through which successful signins from other accounts have happened.
This could indicate an attacker who obtained credentials for a list of accounts and is attempting to login with those accounts, some of which may have already been disabled.
50057 - User account is disabled. The account has been disabled by an administrator.
This query has also been updated to include UEBA logs IdentityInfo and BehaviorAnalytics for contextual information around the results.'
status: Available
queryPeriod: 1d
name: Sign-ins from IPs that attempt sign-ins to disabled accounts
- entityType: IP
- identifier: Address
columnName: IPAddress
- T1078
- T1098
version: 2.1.3
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"workspace": {
"type": "String"
"resources": [
"apiVersion": "2024-01-01-preview",
"id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/500c103a-0319-4d56-8e99-3cec8d860757')]",
"kind": "Scheduled",
"name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/500c103a-0319-4d56-8e99-3cec8d860757')]",
"properties": {
"alertRuleTemplateName": "500c103a-0319-4d56-8e99-3cec8d860757",
"customDetails": null,
"description": "'Identifies IPs with failed attempts to sign in to one or more disabled accounts using the IP through which successful signins from other accounts have happened.\nThis could indicate an attacker who obtained credentials for a list of accounts and is attempting to login with those accounts, some of which may have already been disabled.\nReferences:\n50057 - User account is disabled. The account has been disabled by an administrator.\nThis query has also been updated to include UEBA logs IdentityInfo and BehaviorAnalytics for contextual information around the results.'\n",
"displayName": "Sign-ins from IPs that attempt sign-ins to disabled accounts",
"enabled": true,
"entityMappings": [
"entityType": "IP",
"fieldMappings": [
"columnName": "IPAddress",
"identifier": "Address"
"OriginalUri": " Entra ID/Analytic Rules/SigninAttemptsByIPviaDisabledAccounts.yaml",
"query": "let aadFunc = (tableName: string) {\nlet failed_signins = table(tableName)\n| where ResultType == \"50057\"\n| where ResultDescription == \"User account is disabled. The account has been disabled by an administrator.\";\nlet disabled_users = failed_signins | summarize by UserPrincipalName;\ntable(tableName)\n | where ResultType == 0\n | where isnotempty(UserPrincipalName)\n | where UserPrincipalName !in (disabled_users)\n| summarize\n successfulAccountsTargettedCount = dcount(UserPrincipalName),\n successfulAccountSigninSet = make_set(UserPrincipalName, 100),\n successfulApplicationSet = make_set(AppDisplayName, 100)\n by IPAddress, Type\n // Assume IPs associated with sign-ins from 100+ distinct user accounts are safe\n | where successfulAccountsTargettedCount < 50\n | where isnotempty(successfulAccountsTargettedCount)\n | join kind=inner (failed_signins\n| summarize\n StartTime = min(TimeGenerated),\n EndTime = max(TimeGenerated),\n totalDisabledAccountLoginAttempts = count(),\n disabledAccountsTargettedCount = dcount(UserPrincipalName),\n applicationsTargeted = dcount(AppDisplayName),\n disabledAccountSet = make_set(UserPrincipalName, 100),\n disabledApplicationSet = make_set(AppDisplayName, 100)\nby IPAddress, Type\n| order by totalDisabledAccountLoginAttempts desc) on IPAddress\n| project StartTime, EndTime, IPAddress, totalDisabledAccountLoginAttempts, disabledAccountsTargettedCount, disabledAccountSet, disabledApplicationSet, successfulApplicationSet, successfulAccountsTargettedCount, successfulAccountSigninSet, Type\n| order by totalDisabledAccountLoginAttempts};\nlet aadSignin = aadFunc(\"SigninLogs\");\nlet aadNonInt = aadFunc(\"AADNonInteractiveUserSignInLogs\");\nunion isfuzzy=true aadSignin, aadNonInt\n| join kind=leftouter (\n BehaviorAnalytics\n | where ActivityType in (\"FailedLogOn\", \"LogOn\")\n | where EventSource =~ \"Azure AD\"\n | project UsersInsights, DevicesInsights, ActivityInsights, InvestigationPriority, SourceIPAddress, UserPrincipalName\n | project-rename IPAddress = SourceIPAddress\n | summarize\n Users = make_set(UserPrincipalName, 100),\n UsersInsights = make_set(UsersInsights, 100),\n DevicesInsights = make_set(DevicesInsights, 100),\n IPInvestigationPriority = sum(InvestigationPriority)\n by IPAddress\n) on IPAddress\n| extend SFRatio = toreal(toreal(disabledAccountsTargettedCount)/toreal(successfulAccountsTargettedCount))\n| where SFRatio >= 0.5\n| sort by IPInvestigationPriority desc\n",
"queryFrequency": "P1D",
"queryPeriod": "P1D",
"severity": "Medium",
"status": "Available",
"subTechniques": [],
"suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
"suppressionEnabled": false,
"tactics": [
"techniques": [
"templateVersion": "2.1.3",
"triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
"triggerThreshold": 0
"type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"