OMI Vulnerability Exploitation
Id | 3cc5ccd8-b416-4141-bb2d-4eba370e37a5 |
Rulename | OMI Vulnerability Exploitation |
Description | Following the September 14th, 2021 release of three Elevation of Privilege (EoP) vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-38645, CVE-2021-38649, CVE-2021-38648) and one unauthenticated Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability (CVE-2021-38647) in the Open Management Infrastructure (OMI) Framework. This detection validates that any OMS-agent that is reporting to the Microsoft Sentinel workspace is updated with the patch. The detection will go over the heartbeats received from all agents over the last day and will create alert for those agents who are not updated. |
Severity | Medium |
Tactics | InitialAccess |
Techniques | T1190 |
Kind | Scheduled |
Query frequency | 1d |
Query period | 1d |
Trigger threshold | 0 |
Trigger operator | gt |
Source Uri | |
Version | 1.1.5 |
Arm template | 3cc5ccd8-b416-4141-bb2d-4eba370e37a5.json |
let OMIVulnerabilityPatchVersion = "OMIVulnerabilityPatchVersion:1.13.40-0";
| where Category == "Direct Agent"
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated,*) by Computer
| parse strcat("Version:" , Version) with * "Version:" Major:long "."
Minor:long "." Patch:long "-" *
| parse OMIVulnerabilityPatchVersion with * "OMIVulnerabilityPatchVersion:"
OMIVersionMajor:long "." OMIVersionMinor:long "." OMIVersionPatch:long "-" *
| where Major <OMIVersionMajor or (Major==OMIVersionMajor and Minor
<OMIVersionMinor) or (Major==OMIVersionMajor and Minor==OMIVersionMinor and
| project Version, Major,Minor,Patch,
id: 3cc5ccd8-b416-4141-bb2d-4eba370e37a5
- InitialAccess
queryPeriod: 1d
- Security - Vulnerability Management
kind: Community
tier: Community
name: Ron Marsiano
triggerThreshold: 0
name: OMI Vulnerability Exploitation
query: |
let OMIVulnerabilityPatchVersion = "OMIVulnerabilityPatchVersion:1.13.40-0";
| where Category == "Direct Agent"
| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated,*) by Computer
| parse strcat("Version:" , Version) with * "Version:" Major:long "."
Minor:long "." Patch:long "-" *
| parse OMIVulnerabilityPatchVersion with * "OMIVulnerabilityPatchVersion:"
OMIVersionMajor:long "." OMIVersionMinor:long "." OMIVersionPatch:long "-" *
| where Major <OMIVersionMajor or (Major==OMIVersionMajor and Minor
<OMIVersionMinor) or (Major==OMIVersionMajor and Minor==OMIVersionMinor and
| project Version, Major,Minor,Patch,
severity: Medium
OSName: OSName
HostIp: ComputerIP
OSType: OSType
triggerOperator: gt
kind: Scheduled
- T1190
- CVE-2021-38647
queryFrequency: 1d
requiredDataConnectors: []
description: |
Following the September 14th, 2021 release of three Elevation of Privilege (EoP) vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-38645, CVE-2021-38649, CVE-2021-38648) and one unauthenticated Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability (CVE-2021-38647) in the Open Management Infrastructure (OMI) Framework.
This detection validates that any OMS-agent that is reporting to the Microsoft Sentinel workspace is updated with the patch. The detection will go over the heartbeats received from all agents over the last day and will create alert for those agents who are not updated.
version: 1.1.5
- fieldMappings:
- columnName: Computer
identifier: HostName
entityType: Host
- fieldMappings:
- columnName: ResourceId
identifier: ResourceId
entityType: AzureResource
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"workspace": {
"type": "String"
"resources": [
"apiVersion": "2024-01-01-preview",
"id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/3cc5ccd8-b416-4141-bb2d-4eba370e37a5')]",
"kind": "Scheduled",
"name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/3cc5ccd8-b416-4141-bb2d-4eba370e37a5')]",
"properties": {
"alertRuleTemplateName": "3cc5ccd8-b416-4141-bb2d-4eba370e37a5",
"customDetails": {
"HostIp": "ComputerIP",
"OSName": "OSName",
"OSType": "OSType"
"description": "Following the September 14th, 2021 release of three Elevation of Privilege (EoP) vulnerabilities (CVE-2021-38645, CVE-2021-38649, CVE-2021-38648) and one unauthenticated Remote Code Execution (RCE) vulnerability (CVE-2021-38647) in the Open Management Infrastructure (OMI) Framework.\nThis detection validates that any OMS-agent that is reporting to the Microsoft Sentinel workspace is updated with the patch. The detection will go over the heartbeats received from all agents over the last day and will create alert for those agents who are not updated.\n",
"displayName": "OMI Vulnerability Exploitation",
"enabled": true,
"entityMappings": [
"entityType": "Host",
"fieldMappings": [
"columnName": "Computer",
"identifier": "HostName"
"entityType": "AzureResource",
"fieldMappings": [
"columnName": "ResourceId",
"identifier": "ResourceId"
"OriginalUri": "",
"query": "let OMIVulnerabilityPatchVersion = \"OMIVulnerabilityPatchVersion:1.13.40-0\";\nHeartbeat\n| where Category == \"Direct Agent\"\n| summarize arg_max(TimeGenerated,*) by Computer\n| parse strcat(\"Version:\" , Version) with * \"Version:\" Major:long \".\"\nMinor:long \".\" Patch:long \"-\" *\n| parse OMIVulnerabilityPatchVersion with * \"OMIVulnerabilityPatchVersion:\"\nOMIVersionMajor:long \".\" OMIVersionMinor:long \".\" OMIVersionPatch:long \"-\" *\n| where Major <OMIVersionMajor or (Major==OMIVersionMajor and Minor\n<OMIVersionMinor) or (Major==OMIVersionMajor and Minor==OMIVersionMinor and\nPatch<OMIVersionPatch) \n| project Version, Major,Minor,Patch,\nComputer,ComputerIP,OSType,OSName,ResourceId\n",
"queryFrequency": "P1D",
"queryPeriod": "P1D",
"severity": "Medium",
"subTechniques": [],
"suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
"suppressionEnabled": false,
"tactics": [
"tags": [
"techniques": [
"templateVersion": "1.1.5",
"triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
"triggerThreshold": 0
"type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"