TI Map URL Entity to OfficeActivity Data [Deprecated]
Id | 36a9c9e5-3dc1-4ed9-afaa-1d13617bfc2b |
Rulename | TI Map URL Entity to OfficeActivity Data [Deprecated] |
Description | This query is Deprecated as its filter conditions will never yield results. This query identifies any URL indicators of compromise (IOCs) from threat intelligence (TI) by searching for matches in OfficeActivity data. |
Severity | Medium |
Tactics | CommandAndControl |
Techniques | T1071 |
Required data connectors | MicrosoftDefenderThreatIntelligence Office365 ThreatIntelligence ThreatIntelligenceTaxii |
Kind | Scheduled |
Query frequency | 1h |
Query period | 14d |
Trigger threshold | 0 |
Trigger operator | gt |
Source Uri | https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Sentinel/blob/master/Solutions/Threat Intelligence/Analytic Rules/URLEntity_OfficeActivity.yaml |
Version | 1.2.9 |
Arm template | 36a9c9e5-3dc1-4ed9-afaa-1d13617bfc2b.json |
let dt_lookBack = 1h;
// let ioc_lookBack = 14d;
// ThreatIntelligenceIndicator
// // Picking up only IOC's that contain the entities we want
// | where isnotempty(Url)
// | where TimeGenerated >= ago(ioc_lookBack)
// | summarize LatestIndicatorTime = arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by IndicatorId
// | where Active == true and ExpirationDateTime > now()
// // using innerunique to keep perf fast and result set low, we only need one match to indicate potential malicious activity that needs to be investigated
// | join kind=innerunique (
// OfficeActivity
// | where TimeGenerated >= ago(dt_lookBack)
// //Extract the Url from a number of potential fields
// | extend Url = iif(OfficeWorkload == "AzureActiveDirectory",extract("(http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\\(\\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+)", 1,ModifiedProperties),tostring(parse_json(ModifiedProperties)[12].NewValue))
// | where isnotempty(Url)
// // Ensure we get a clean URL
// | extend Url = tostring(split(Url, ';')[0])
// | extend OfficeActivity_TimeGenerated = TimeGenerated
// // Project a single user identity that we can use for entity mapping
// | extend User = iif(isnotempty(UserId), UserId, iif(isnotempty(Actor), tostring(parse_json(Actor)[0].ID), tostring(parse_json(Parameters)[0].Value)))
// ) on Url
// | where OfficeActivity_TimeGenerated < ExpirationDateTime
// | summarize OfficeActivity_TimeGenerated = arg_max(OfficeActivity_TimeGenerated, *) by IndicatorId, Url
// | project OfficeActivity_TimeGenerated, Description, ActivityGroupNames, IndicatorId, ThreatType, ExpirationDateTime, ConfidenceScore, Operation,
// UserType, OfficeWorkload, Parameters, Url, User
// | extend timestamp = OfficeActivity_TimeGenerated, Name = tostring(split(User, '@', 0)[0]), UPNSuffix = tostring(split(User, '@', 1)[0])
datatable() []
description: |
'This query is Deprecated as its filter conditions will never yield results. This query identifies any URL indicators of compromise (IOCs) from threat intelligence (TI) by searching for matches in OfficeActivity data.'
severity: Medium
- CommandAndControl
kind: Scheduled
- T1071
OriginalUri: https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Sentinel/blob/master/Solutions/Threat Intelligence/Analytic Rules/URLEntity_OfficeActivity.yaml
queryFrequency: 1h
- fieldMappings:
- columnName: User
identifier: FullName
- columnName: Name
identifier: Name
- columnName: UPNSuffix
identifier: UPNSuffix
entityType: Account
- fieldMappings:
- columnName: Url
identifier: Url
entityType: URL
triggerThreshold: 0
queryPeriod: 14d
triggerOperator: gt
version: 1.2.9
id: 36a9c9e5-3dc1-4ed9-afaa-1d13617bfc2b
name: TI Map URL Entity to OfficeActivity Data [Deprecated]
query: |
let dt_lookBack = 1h;
// let ioc_lookBack = 14d;
// ThreatIntelligenceIndicator
// // Picking up only IOC's that contain the entities we want
// | where isnotempty(Url)
// | where TimeGenerated >= ago(ioc_lookBack)
// | summarize LatestIndicatorTime = arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by IndicatorId
// | where Active == true and ExpirationDateTime > now()
// // using innerunique to keep perf fast and result set low, we only need one match to indicate potential malicious activity that needs to be investigated
// | join kind=innerunique (
// OfficeActivity
// | where TimeGenerated >= ago(dt_lookBack)
// //Extract the Url from a number of potential fields
// | extend Url = iif(OfficeWorkload == "AzureActiveDirectory",extract("(http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\\(\\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+)", 1,ModifiedProperties),tostring(parse_json(ModifiedProperties)[12].NewValue))
// | where isnotempty(Url)
// // Ensure we get a clean URL
// | extend Url = tostring(split(Url, ';')[0])
// | extend OfficeActivity_TimeGenerated = TimeGenerated
// // Project a single user identity that we can use for entity mapping
// | extend User = iif(isnotempty(UserId), UserId, iif(isnotempty(Actor), tostring(parse_json(Actor)[0].ID), tostring(parse_json(Parameters)[0].Value)))
// ) on Url
// | where OfficeActivity_TimeGenerated < ExpirationDateTime
// | summarize OfficeActivity_TimeGenerated = arg_max(OfficeActivity_TimeGenerated, *) by IndicatorId, Url
// | project OfficeActivity_TimeGenerated, Description, ActivityGroupNames, IndicatorId, ThreatType, ExpirationDateTime, ConfidenceScore, Operation,
// UserType, OfficeWorkload, Parameters, Url, User
// | extend timestamp = OfficeActivity_TimeGenerated, Name = tostring(split(User, '@', 0)[0]), UPNSuffix = tostring(split(User, '@', 1)[0])
datatable() []
- dataTypes:
- OfficeActivity
connectorId: Office365
- dataTypes:
- ThreatIntelligenceIndicator
connectorId: ThreatIntelligence
- dataTypes:
- ThreatIntelligenceIndicator
connectorId: MicrosoftDefenderThreatIntelligence
- dataTypes:
- ThreatIntelligenceIndicator
connectorId: ThreatIntelligenceTaxii
"$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2019-04-01/deploymentTemplate.json#",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"workspace": {
"type": "String"
"resources": [
"apiVersion": "2024-01-01-preview",
"id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/36a9c9e5-3dc1-4ed9-afaa-1d13617bfc2b')]",
"kind": "Scheduled",
"name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/36a9c9e5-3dc1-4ed9-afaa-1d13617bfc2b')]",
"properties": {
"alertRuleTemplateName": "36a9c9e5-3dc1-4ed9-afaa-1d13617bfc2b",
"customDetails": null,
"description": "'This query is Deprecated as its filter conditions will never yield results. This query identifies any URL indicators of compromise (IOCs) from threat intelligence (TI) by searching for matches in OfficeActivity data.'\n",
"displayName": "TI Map URL Entity to OfficeActivity Data [Deprecated]",
"enabled": true,
"entityMappings": [
"entityType": "Account",
"fieldMappings": [
"columnName": "User",
"identifier": "FullName"
"columnName": "Name",
"identifier": "Name"
"columnName": "UPNSuffix",
"identifier": "UPNSuffix"
"entityType": "URL",
"fieldMappings": [
"columnName": "Url",
"identifier": "Url"
"OriginalUri": "https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Sentinel/blob/master/Solutions/Threat Intelligence/Analytic Rules/URLEntity_OfficeActivity.yaml",
"query": "let dt_lookBack = 1h;\n// let ioc_lookBack = 14d;\n// ThreatIntelligenceIndicator\n// // Picking up only IOC's that contain the entities we want\n// | where isnotempty(Url)\n// | where TimeGenerated >= ago(ioc_lookBack)\n// | summarize LatestIndicatorTime = arg_max(TimeGenerated, *) by IndicatorId\n// | where Active == true and ExpirationDateTime > now()\n// // using innerunique to keep perf fast and result set low, we only need one match to indicate potential malicious activity that needs to be investigated\n// | join kind=innerunique (\n// OfficeActivity\n// | where TimeGenerated >= ago(dt_lookBack)\n// //Extract the Url from a number of potential fields\n// | extend Url = iif(OfficeWorkload == \"AzureActiveDirectory\",extract(\"(http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\\\\(\\\\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+)\", 1,ModifiedProperties),tostring(parse_json(ModifiedProperties)[12].NewValue))\n// | where isnotempty(Url)\n// // Ensure we get a clean URL\n// | extend Url = tostring(split(Url, ';')[0])\n// | extend OfficeActivity_TimeGenerated = TimeGenerated\n// // Project a single user identity that we can use for entity mapping\n// | extend User = iif(isnotempty(UserId), UserId, iif(isnotempty(Actor), tostring(parse_json(Actor)[0].ID), tostring(parse_json(Parameters)[0].Value)))\n// ) on Url\n// | where OfficeActivity_TimeGenerated < ExpirationDateTime\n// | summarize OfficeActivity_TimeGenerated = arg_max(OfficeActivity_TimeGenerated, *) by IndicatorId, Url\n// | project OfficeActivity_TimeGenerated, Description, ActivityGroupNames, IndicatorId, ThreatType, ExpirationDateTime, ConfidenceScore, Operation,\n// UserType, OfficeWorkload, Parameters, Url, User\n// | extend timestamp = OfficeActivity_TimeGenerated, Name = tostring(split(User, '@', 0)[0]), UPNSuffix = tostring(split(User, '@', 1)[0])\ndatatable() []\n",
"queryFrequency": "PT1H",
"queryPeriod": "P14D",
"severity": "Medium",
"subTechniques": [],
"suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
"suppressionEnabled": false,
"tactics": [
"techniques": [
"templateVersion": "1.2.9",
"triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
"triggerThreshold": 0
"type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"