Microsoft Sentinel Analytic Rules
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Vectra AI Detect - Suspected Compromised Account

RulenameVectra AI Detect - Suspected Compromised Account
DescriptionCreate an incident when an Account is suspected to be compromised.

The higher the severity level is, the more immediate attention it requires as Vectra AI engine is more confident that this is a real threat.

Level of severity are: Low, Medium, High, Critical). Recommended configuration is to trigger an alert for at least High and Critical.
Required data connectorsAIVectraDetect
Query frequency5m
Query period5m
Trigger threshold0
Trigger operatorgt
Source Uri AI Detect/Analytic Rules/VectraDetect-Account-by-Severity.yaml
Arm template321f9dbd-64b7-4541-81dc-08cf7732ccb0.json
Deploy To Azure
// Edit this variable to only keep the Severity level where an incident needs to be created.
//Level of severity are: Low, Medium, High, Critical). Recommended configuration is to trigger an alert for at least High and Critical.'
let configured_level = dynamic(["High", "Critical"]);
let upn_has_prefix = ":";
| where DeviceVendor == "Vectra Networks"
| where DeviceProduct == "X Series"
| where DeviceEventClassID == "asc"
| extend saccount = extract("saccount=(.+?);", 1, AdditionalExtensions)
| extend type = iff(saccount matches regex upn_has_prefix, tostring(split(saccount,":")[0]) ,"network" ) 
| extend upn = iff(saccount matches regex upn_has_prefix, tostring(split(saccount,":")[1]) , saccount )
| extend name = tostring(split(upn,"@")[0])
| extend upn_suffix = tostring(split(upn,"@")[1])
| project-rename threat_score = FlexNumber1
| project-rename certainty_score = FlexNumber2
| project-rename vectra_URL = DeviceCustomString4
| project-rename detection_name = DeviceEventClassID
| project-rename score_decreases = DeviceCustomString3
| extend level = case( threat_score <  50 and certainty_score < 50, "Low",
                      threat_score < 50 and certainty_score >= 50 , "Medium", 
                      threat_score >= 50 and certainty_score <= 50, "High", 
                      threat_score >= 50 and certainty_score >= 50, "Critical",
| extend Severity = case(level == "Info", "Informational",level == "Critical", "High", level)
| where level in (configured_level) 
//keep only the event with the highest threat score per Host
| summarize arg_max(threat_score, *) by saccount
| sort by TimeGenerated
    lookbackDuration: 7d
    reopenClosedIncident: true
    enabled: true
    matchingMethod: AllEntities
  createIncident: true
  ScoreDecrease: score_decreases
OriginalUri: AI Detect/Analytic Rules/VectraDetect-Account-by-Severity.yaml
queryPeriod: 5m
description: |
  'Create an incident when an Account is suspected to be compromised. 
  The higher the severity level is, the more immediate attention it requires as Vectra AI engine is more confident that this is a real threat. 
  Level of severity are: Low, Medium, High, Critical). Recommended configuration is to trigger an alert for at least High and Critical.'  
- connectorId: AIVectraDetect
  - CommonSecurityLog
- connectorId: AIVectraDetectAma
  - CommonSecurityLog
version: 1.0.6
triggerThreshold: 0
  aggregationKind: AlertPerResult
- entityType: Account
  - identifier: Name
    columnName: name
  - identifier: UPNSuffix
    columnName: upn_suffix
status: Available
id: 321f9dbd-64b7-4541-81dc-08cf7732ccb0
- CredentialAccess
- Discovery
- LateralMovement
- Collection
- CommandAndControl
- Exfiltration
- Impact
queryFrequency: 5m
triggerOperator: gt
name: Vectra AI Detect - Suspected Compromised Account
kind: Scheduled
query: |
  // Edit this variable to only keep the Severity level where an incident needs to be created.
  //Level of severity are: Low, Medium, High, Critical). Recommended configuration is to trigger an alert for at least High and Critical.'
  let configured_level = dynamic(["High", "Critical"]);
  let upn_has_prefix = ":";
  | where DeviceVendor == "Vectra Networks"
  | where DeviceProduct == "X Series"
  | where DeviceEventClassID == "asc"
  | extend saccount = extract("saccount=(.+?);", 1, AdditionalExtensions)
  | extend type = iff(saccount matches regex upn_has_prefix, tostring(split(saccount,":")[0]) ,"network" ) 
  | extend upn = iff(saccount matches regex upn_has_prefix, tostring(split(saccount,":")[1]) , saccount )
  | extend name = tostring(split(upn,"@")[0])
  | extend upn_suffix = tostring(split(upn,"@")[1])
  | project-rename threat_score = FlexNumber1
  | project-rename certainty_score = FlexNumber2
  | project-rename vectra_URL = DeviceCustomString4
  | project-rename detection_name = DeviceEventClassID
  | project-rename score_decreases = DeviceCustomString3
  | extend level = case( threat_score <  50 and certainty_score < 50, "Low",
                        threat_score < 50 and certainty_score >= 50 , "Medium", 
                        threat_score >= 50 and certainty_score <= 50, "High", 
                        threat_score >= 50 and certainty_score >= 50, "Critical",
  | extend Severity = case(level == "Info", "Informational",level == "Critical", "High", level)
  | where level in (configured_level) 
  //keep only the event with the highest threat score per Host
  | summarize arg_max(threat_score, *) by saccount
  | sort by TimeGenerated  
severity: Informational
  alertSeverityColumnName: Severity
  alertDisplayNameFormat: Vectra AI Detect - Account {{saccount}} reaches {{level}} severity
  alertDescriptionFormat: |
    The account {{saccount}} has a threat score of {{threat_score}} and a
    certainty of {{certainty_score}}    
  - value: vectra_URL
    alertProperty: AlertLink
  - value: DeviceProduct
    alertProperty: ProductName
  - value: DeviceVendor
    alertProperty: ProviderName
  - value: certainty_score
    alertProperty: ConfidenceScore
  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "workspace": {
      "type": "String"
  "resources": [
      "apiVersion": "2023-02-01-preview",
      "id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/321f9dbd-64b7-4541-81dc-08cf7732ccb0')]",
      "kind": "Scheduled",
      "name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/321f9dbd-64b7-4541-81dc-08cf7732ccb0')]",
      "properties": {
        "alertDetailsOverride": {
          "alertDescriptionFormat": "The account {{saccount}} has a threat score of {{threat_score}} and a\ncertainty of {{certainty_score}}\n",
          "alertDisplayNameFormat": "Vectra AI Detect - Account {{saccount}} reaches {{level}} severity",
          "alertDynamicProperties": [
              "alertProperty": "AlertLink",
              "value": "vectra_URL"
              "alertProperty": "ProductName",
              "value": "DeviceProduct"
              "alertProperty": "ProviderName",
              "value": "DeviceVendor"
              "alertProperty": "ConfidenceScore",
              "value": "certainty_score"
          "alertSeverityColumnName": "Severity"
        "alertRuleTemplateName": "321f9dbd-64b7-4541-81dc-08cf7732ccb0",
        "customDetails": {
          "ScoreDecrease": "score_decreases"
        "description": "'Create an incident when an Account is suspected to be compromised. \nThe higher the severity level is, the more immediate attention it requires as Vectra AI engine is more confident that this is a real threat. \nLevel of severity are: Low, Medium, High, Critical). Recommended configuration is to trigger an alert for at least High and Critical.'\n",
        "displayName": "Vectra AI Detect - Suspected Compromised Account",
        "enabled": true,
        "entityMappings": [
            "entityType": "Account",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "name",
                "identifier": "Name"
                "columnName": "upn_suffix",
                "identifier": "UPNSuffix"
        "eventGroupingSettings": {
          "aggregationKind": "AlertPerResult"
        "incidentConfiguration": {
          "createIncident": true,
          "groupingConfiguration": {
            "enabled": true,
            "lookbackDuration": "P7D",
            "matchingMethod": "AllEntities",
            "reopenClosedIncident": true
        "OriginalUri": " AI Detect/Analytic Rules/VectraDetect-Account-by-Severity.yaml",
        "query": "// Edit this variable to only keep the Severity level where an incident needs to be created.\n//Level of severity are: Low, Medium, High, Critical). Recommended configuration is to trigger an alert for at least High and Critical.'\nlet configured_level = dynamic([\"High\", \"Critical\"]);\nlet upn_has_prefix = \":\";\nCommonSecurityLog\n| where DeviceVendor == \"Vectra Networks\"\n| where DeviceProduct == \"X Series\"\n| where DeviceEventClassID == \"asc\"\n| extend saccount = extract(\"saccount=(.+?);\", 1, AdditionalExtensions)\n| extend type = iff(saccount matches regex upn_has_prefix, tostring(split(saccount,\":\")[0]) ,\"network\" ) \n| extend upn = iff(saccount matches regex upn_has_prefix, tostring(split(saccount,\":\")[1]) , saccount )\n| extend name = tostring(split(upn,\"@\")[0])\n| extend upn_suffix = tostring(split(upn,\"@\")[1])\n| project-rename threat_score = FlexNumber1\n| project-rename certainty_score = FlexNumber2\n| project-rename vectra_URL = DeviceCustomString4\n| project-rename detection_name = DeviceEventClassID\n| project-rename score_decreases = DeviceCustomString3\n| extend level = case( threat_score <  50 and certainty_score < 50, \"Low\",\n                      threat_score < 50 and certainty_score >= 50 , \"Medium\", \n                      threat_score >= 50 and certainty_score <= 50, \"High\", \n                      threat_score >= 50 and certainty_score >= 50, \"Critical\",\n                      \"UNKNOWN\")\n| extend Severity = case(level == \"Info\", \"Informational\",level == \"Critical\", \"High\", level)\n| where level in (configured_level) \n//keep only the event with the highest threat score per Host\n| summarize arg_max(threat_score, *) by saccount\n| sort by TimeGenerated\n",
        "queryFrequency": "PT5M",
        "queryPeriod": "PT5M",
        "severity": "Informational",
        "status": "Available",
        "suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
        "suppressionEnabled": false,
        "tactics": [
        "techniques": null,
        "templateVersion": "1.0.6",
        "triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
        "triggerThreshold": 0
      "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"