Microsoft Sentinel Analytic Rules
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Drop attempts stateful anomaly on database

RulenameDrop attempts stateful anomaly on database
DescriptionThis query detects batches of distinct SQL queries that execute (or attempt to) commands that could indicate potential security issues - such as attempts to drop tables or databases (e.g. for data vandalism).
Required data connectorsAzureSql
Query frequency1h
Query period14d
Trigger threshold0
Trigger operatorgt
Source Uri SQL Database solution for sentinel/Analytic Rules/Detection-HotwordsDropStatefulAnomalyOnDatabase.yaml
Arm template237c3855-138c-4588-a68f-b870abd3bfc9.json
Deploy To Azure
let monitoredStatementsThreshold = 1;           // Minimal number of monitored statements in the slice to trigger an anomaly.
let trainingSlicesThreshold = 5;                // The maximal amount of slices with monitored statements in the training window before anomaly detection is throttled.
let timeSliceSize = 1h;                         // The size of the single timeSlice for individual aggregation.
let detectionWindow = 1h;                       // The size of the recent detection window for detecting anomalies.  
let trainingWindow = detectionWindow + 14d;     // The size of the training window before the detection window for learning the normal state.
let hotwords = pack_array('drop table', 'drop database'); // List of monitored hot words.
let processedData = materialize (
    | where TimeGenerated >= ago(trainingWindow)
    | where Category == 'SQLSecurityAuditEvents' and action_id_s has_any ("RCM", "BCM") // Keep only SQL affected rows
    | project TimeGenerated, PrincipalName = server_principal_name_s, ClientIp = client_ip_s, HostName = host_name_s, ResourceId,
              ApplicationName = application_name_s, ActionName = action_name_s, Database = strcat(LogicalServerName_s, '/', database_name_s),
              IsSuccess = succeeded_s, AffectedRows = affected_rows_d,
              ResponseRows = response_rows_d, Statement = statement_s,
              Error = case( additional_information_s has 'error_code', toint(extract("<error_code>([0-9.]+)", 1, additional_information_s))
                    , additional_information_s has 'failure_reason', toint(extract("<failure_reason>Err ([0-9.]+)", 1, additional_information_s))
                    , 0),
              State = case( additional_information_s has 'error_state', toint(extract("<error_state>([0-9.]+)", 1, additional_information_s))
                    , additional_information_s has 'failure_reason', toint(extract("<failure_reason>Err ([0-9.]+), Level ([0-9.]+)", 2, additional_information_s))
                    , 0),
              AdditionalInfo = additional_information_s, timeSlice = floor(TimeGenerated, timeSliceSize)
    | extend hasHotword = iff(Statement has_any (hotwords), 1, 0)
    | summarize countEvents = count(), countStatements = dcount(Statement)
        , countStatementsWithHotwords = dcountif(Statement, hasHotword == 1)
        , countFailedStatementsWithHotwords = dcountif(Statement, (hasHotword == 1) and (Error > 0))
        , countSuccessfulStatementsWithHotwords = dcountif(Statement, ((hasHotword == 1)) and (Error == 0))
        , anyMonitoredStatement = anyif(Statement, (hasHotword == 1))
        , anySuccessfulMonitoredStatement = anyif(Statement, (hasHotword == 1) and (Error == 0))
        , anyInfo = anyif(AdditionalInfo, hasHotword == 1)
        , hotWord = anyif(extract(strcat_array(hotwords, '|'), 0, tolower(Statement)), hasHotword == 1)
        by Database, ClientIp, ApplicationName, PrincipalName, timeSlice,HostName,ResourceId   
    | extend WindowType = case( timeSlice >= ago(detectionWindow), 'detection',
                                           (ago(trainingWindow) <= timeSlice and timeSlice < ago(detectionWindow)), 'training', 'other')
    | where WindowType in ('detection', 'training'));
let trainingSet =
    | where WindowType == 'training'
    | summarize countSlicesWithHotwords = dcountif(timeSlice, countStatementsWithHotwords >= monitoredStatementsThreshold)
        by Database;
| where WindowType == 'detection' 
| join kind = inner (trainingSet) on Database
| extend IsHotwordAnomalyOnStatement = iff(((countStatementsWithHotwords >= monitoredStatementsThreshold) and (countSlicesWithHotwords <= trainingSlicesThreshold)), true, false)
    , anomalyScore = round(countStatementsWithHotwords/monitoredStatementsThreshold, 0)
| where IsHotwordAnomalyOnStatement == 'true'
| sort by countSuccessfulStatementsWithHotwords desc,  anomalyScore desc, timeSlice desc
| extend Name = tostring(split(PrincipalName,'@',0)[0]), UPNSuffix = tostring(split(PrincipalName,'@',1)[0])    
query: |
  let monitoredStatementsThreshold = 1;           // Minimal number of monitored statements in the slice to trigger an anomaly.
  let trainingSlicesThreshold = 5;                // The maximal amount of slices with monitored statements in the training window before anomaly detection is throttled.
  let timeSliceSize = 1h;                         // The size of the single timeSlice for individual aggregation.
  let detectionWindow = 1h;                       // The size of the recent detection window for detecting anomalies.  
  let trainingWindow = detectionWindow + 14d;     // The size of the training window before the detection window for learning the normal state.
  let hotwords = pack_array('drop table', 'drop database'); // List of monitored hot words.
  let processedData = materialize (
      | where TimeGenerated >= ago(trainingWindow)
      | where Category == 'SQLSecurityAuditEvents' and action_id_s has_any ("RCM", "BCM") // Keep only SQL affected rows
      | project TimeGenerated, PrincipalName = server_principal_name_s, ClientIp = client_ip_s, HostName = host_name_s, ResourceId,
                ApplicationName = application_name_s, ActionName = action_name_s, Database = strcat(LogicalServerName_s, '/', database_name_s),
                IsSuccess = succeeded_s, AffectedRows = affected_rows_d,
                ResponseRows = response_rows_d, Statement = statement_s,
                Error = case( additional_information_s has 'error_code', toint(extract("<error_code>([0-9.]+)", 1, additional_information_s))
                      , additional_information_s has 'failure_reason', toint(extract("<failure_reason>Err ([0-9.]+)", 1, additional_information_s))
                      , 0),
                State = case( additional_information_s has 'error_state', toint(extract("<error_state>([0-9.]+)", 1, additional_information_s))
                      , additional_information_s has 'failure_reason', toint(extract("<failure_reason>Err ([0-9.]+), Level ([0-9.]+)", 2, additional_information_s))
                      , 0),
                AdditionalInfo = additional_information_s, timeSlice = floor(TimeGenerated, timeSliceSize)
      | extend hasHotword = iff(Statement has_any (hotwords), 1, 0)
      | summarize countEvents = count(), countStatements = dcount(Statement)
          , countStatementsWithHotwords = dcountif(Statement, hasHotword == 1)
          , countFailedStatementsWithHotwords = dcountif(Statement, (hasHotword == 1) and (Error > 0))
          , countSuccessfulStatementsWithHotwords = dcountif(Statement, ((hasHotword == 1)) and (Error == 0))
          , anyMonitoredStatement = anyif(Statement, (hasHotword == 1))
          , anySuccessfulMonitoredStatement = anyif(Statement, (hasHotword == 1) and (Error == 0))
          , anyInfo = anyif(AdditionalInfo, hasHotword == 1)
          , hotWord = anyif(extract(strcat_array(hotwords, '|'), 0, tolower(Statement)), hasHotword == 1)
          by Database, ClientIp, ApplicationName, PrincipalName, timeSlice,HostName,ResourceId   
      | extend WindowType = case( timeSlice >= ago(detectionWindow), 'detection',
                                             (ago(trainingWindow) <= timeSlice and timeSlice < ago(detectionWindow)), 'training', 'other')
      | where WindowType in ('detection', 'training'));
  let trainingSet =
      | where WindowType == 'training'
      | summarize countSlicesWithHotwords = dcountif(timeSlice, countStatementsWithHotwords >= monitoredStatementsThreshold)
          by Database;
  | where WindowType == 'detection' 
  | join kind = inner (trainingSet) on Database
  | extend IsHotwordAnomalyOnStatement = iff(((countStatementsWithHotwords >= monitoredStatementsThreshold) and (countSlicesWithHotwords <= trainingSlicesThreshold)), true, false)
      , anomalyScore = round(countStatementsWithHotwords/monitoredStatementsThreshold, 0)
  | where IsHotwordAnomalyOnStatement == 'true'
  | sort by countSuccessfulStatementsWithHotwords desc,  anomalyScore desc, timeSlice desc
  | extend Name = tostring(split(PrincipalName,'@',0)[0]), UPNSuffix = tostring(split(PrincipalName,'@',1)[0])      
description: |
    'This query detects batches of distinct SQL queries that execute (or attempt to) commands that could indicate potential security issues - such as attempts to drop tables or databases (e.g. for data vandalism).'
triggerThreshold: 0
- dataTypes:
  - AzureDiagnostics
  connectorId: AzureSql
name: Drop attempts stateful anomaly on database
- T1190
queryPeriod: 14d
severity: Medium
triggerOperator: gt
version: 1.1.1
queryFrequency: 1h
- entityType: Account
  - identifier: Name
    columnName: Name
  - identifier: UPNSuffix
    columnName: UPNSuffix
- entityType: IP
  - identifier: Address
    columnName: ClientIp
- entityType: Host
  - identifier: HostName
    columnName: HostName
- entityType: CloudApplication
  - identifier: Name
    columnName: ApplicationName
- entityType: AzureResource
  - identifier: ResourceId
    columnName: ResourceId
kind: Scheduled
status: Available
- InitialAccess
id: 237c3855-138c-4588-a68f-b870abd3bfc9
OriginalUri: SQL Database solution for sentinel/Analytic Rules/Detection-HotwordsDropStatefulAnomalyOnDatabase.yaml
  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "workspace": {
      "type": "String"
  "resources": [
      "apiVersion": "2024-01-01-preview",
      "id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/237c3855-138c-4588-a68f-b870abd3bfc9')]",
      "kind": "Scheduled",
      "name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/237c3855-138c-4588-a68f-b870abd3bfc9')]",
      "properties": {
        "alertRuleTemplateName": "237c3855-138c-4588-a68f-b870abd3bfc9",
        "customDetails": null,
        "description": "'This query detects batches of distinct SQL queries that execute (or attempt to) commands that could indicate potential security issues - such as attempts to drop tables or databases (e.g. for data vandalism).'\n",
        "displayName": "Drop attempts stateful anomaly on database",
        "enabled": true,
        "entityMappings": [
            "entityType": "Account",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "Name",
                "identifier": "Name"
                "columnName": "UPNSuffix",
                "identifier": "UPNSuffix"
            "entityType": "IP",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "ClientIp",
                "identifier": "Address"
            "entityType": "Host",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "HostName",
                "identifier": "HostName"
            "entityType": "CloudApplication",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "ApplicationName",
                "identifier": "Name"
            "entityType": "AzureResource",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "ResourceId",
                "identifier": "ResourceId"
        "OriginalUri": " SQL Database solution for sentinel/Analytic Rules/Detection-HotwordsDropStatefulAnomalyOnDatabase.yaml",
        "query": "let monitoredStatementsThreshold = 1;           // Minimal number of monitored statements in the slice to trigger an anomaly.\nlet trainingSlicesThreshold = 5;                // The maximal amount of slices with monitored statements in the training window before anomaly detection is throttled.\nlet timeSliceSize = 1h;                         // The size of the single timeSlice for individual aggregation.\nlet detectionWindow = 1h;                       // The size of the recent detection window for detecting anomalies.  \nlet trainingWindow = detectionWindow + 14d;     // The size of the training window before the detection window for learning the normal state.\nlet hotwords = pack_array('drop table', 'drop database'); // List of monitored hot words.\nlet processedData = materialize (\n    AzureDiagnostics\n    | where TimeGenerated >= ago(trainingWindow)\n    | where Category == 'SQLSecurityAuditEvents' and action_id_s has_any (\"RCM\", \"BCM\") // Keep only SQL affected rows\n    | project TimeGenerated, PrincipalName = server_principal_name_s, ClientIp = client_ip_s, HostName = host_name_s, ResourceId,\n              ApplicationName = application_name_s, ActionName = action_name_s, Database = strcat(LogicalServerName_s, '/', database_name_s),\n              IsSuccess = succeeded_s, AffectedRows = affected_rows_d,\n              ResponseRows = response_rows_d, Statement = statement_s,\n              Error = case( additional_information_s has 'error_code', toint(extract(\"<error_code>([0-9.]+)\", 1, additional_information_s))\n                    , additional_information_s has 'failure_reason', toint(extract(\"<failure_reason>Err ([0-9.]+)\", 1, additional_information_s))\n                    , 0),\n              State = case( additional_information_s has 'error_state', toint(extract(\"<error_state>([0-9.]+)\", 1, additional_information_s))\n                    , additional_information_s has 'failure_reason', toint(extract(\"<failure_reason>Err ([0-9.]+), Level ([0-9.]+)\", 2, additional_information_s))\n                    , 0),\n              AdditionalInfo = additional_information_s, timeSlice = floor(TimeGenerated, timeSliceSize)\n    | extend hasHotword = iff(Statement has_any (hotwords), 1, 0)\n    | summarize countEvents = count(), countStatements = dcount(Statement)\n        , countStatementsWithHotwords = dcountif(Statement, hasHotword == 1)\n        , countFailedStatementsWithHotwords = dcountif(Statement, (hasHotword == 1) and (Error > 0))\n        , countSuccessfulStatementsWithHotwords = dcountif(Statement, ((hasHotword == 1)) and (Error == 0))\n        , anyMonitoredStatement = anyif(Statement, (hasHotword == 1))\n        , anySuccessfulMonitoredStatement = anyif(Statement, (hasHotword == 1) and (Error == 0))\n        , anyInfo = anyif(AdditionalInfo, hasHotword == 1)\n        , hotWord = anyif(extract(strcat_array(hotwords, '|'), 0, tolower(Statement)), hasHotword == 1)\n        by Database, ClientIp, ApplicationName, PrincipalName, timeSlice,HostName,ResourceId   \n    | extend WindowType = case( timeSlice >= ago(detectionWindow), 'detection',\n                                           (ago(trainingWindow) <= timeSlice and timeSlice < ago(detectionWindow)), 'training', 'other')\n    | where WindowType in ('detection', 'training'));\nlet trainingSet =\n    processedData\n    | where WindowType == 'training'\n    | summarize countSlicesWithHotwords = dcountif(timeSlice, countStatementsWithHotwords >= monitoredStatementsThreshold)\n        by Database;\nprocessedData\n| where WindowType == 'detection' \n| join kind = inner (trainingSet) on Database\n| extend IsHotwordAnomalyOnStatement = iff(((countStatementsWithHotwords >= monitoredStatementsThreshold) and (countSlicesWithHotwords <= trainingSlicesThreshold)), true, false)\n    , anomalyScore = round(countStatementsWithHotwords/monitoredStatementsThreshold, 0)\n| where IsHotwordAnomalyOnStatement == 'true'\n| sort by countSuccessfulStatementsWithHotwords desc,  anomalyScore desc, timeSlice desc\n| extend Name = tostring(split(PrincipalName,'@',0)[0]), UPNSuffix = tostring(split(PrincipalName,'@',1)[0])    \n",
        "queryFrequency": "PT1H",
        "queryPeriod": "P14D",
        "severity": "Medium",
        "status": "Available",
        "subTechniques": [],
        "suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
        "suppressionEnabled": false,
        "tactics": [
        "tags": [
        "techniques": [
        "templateVersion": "1.1.1",
        "triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
        "triggerThreshold": 0
      "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"