Microsoft Entra ID Health Service Agents Registry Keys Access
Id | 06bbf969-fcbe-43fa-bac2-b2fa131d113a |
Rulename | Microsoft Entra ID Health Service Agents Registry Keys Access |
Description | This detection uses Windows security events to detect suspicious access attempts to the registry key values and sub-keys of Microsoft Entra ID Health service agents (e.g AD FS). Information from AD Health service agents can be used to potentially abuse some of the features provided by those services in the cloud (e.g. Federation). This detection requires an access control entry (ACE) on the system access control list (SACL) of the following securable object: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ADHealthAgent. Make sure you set the SACL to propagate to its sub-keys. You can find more information in here |
Severity | Medium |
Tactics | Collection |
Techniques | T1005 |
Required data connectors | SecurityEvents WindowsForwardedEvents WindowsSecurityEvents |
Kind | Scheduled |
Query frequency | 1d |
Query period | 1d |
Trigger threshold | 0 |
Trigger operator | gt |
Source Uri | |
Version | 1.1.5 |
Arm template | 06bbf969-fcbe-43fa-bac2-b2fa131d113a.json |
// ADHealth Monitoring Agent Registry Key
let aadHealthMonAgentRegKey = "\\REGISTRY\\MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\MicrosoftOnline\\Reporting\\MonitoringAgent";
// Filter out known processes
let aadConnectHealthProcs = dynamic ([
(union isfuzzy=true
| where EventID == '4656'
| where EventData has aadHealthMonAgentRegKey
| extend EventData = parse_xml(EventData).EventData.Data
| mv-expand bagexpansion=array EventData
| evaluate bag_unpack(EventData)
| extend Key = tostring(column_ifexists('@Name', "")), Value = column_ifexists('#text', "")
| evaluate pivot(Key, any(Value), TimeGenerated, Computer, EventID)
| extend ObjectName = column_ifexists("ObjectName", ""),
ObjectType = column_ifexists("ObjectType", "")
| where ObjectType == 'Key'
| where ObjectName == aadHealthMonAgentRegKey
| extend SubjectUserName = column_ifexists("SubjectUserName", ""),
SubjectDomainName = column_ifexists("SubjectDomainName", ""),
ProcessName = column_ifexists("ProcessName", "")
| extend Process = split(ProcessName, '\\', -1)[-1],
Account = strcat(SubjectDomainName, "\\", SubjectUserName)
| where Process !in (aadConnectHealthProcs)
| summarize StartTime = max(TimeGenerated), EndTime = min(TimeGenerated), count() by EventID, Account, Computer, Process, SubjectUserName, SubjectDomainName, ObjectName, ObjectType, ProcessName
( WindowsEvent
| where EventID == '4656' and EventData has aadHealthMonAgentRegKey
| extend ObjectType = tostring(EventData.ObjectType)
| where ObjectType == 'Key'
| extend ObjectName = tostring(EventData.ObjectName)
| where ObjectName == aadHealthMonAgentRegKey
| extend ProcessName = tostring(EventData.ProcessName)
| extend Process = tostring(split(ProcessName, '\\')[-1])
| where Process !in (aadConnectHealthProcs)
| extend Account = strcat(tostring(EventData.SubjectDomainName),"\\", tostring(EventData.SubjectUserName))
| extend SubjectUserName = tostring(EventData.SubjectUserName)
| extend SubjectDomainName = tostring(EventData.SubjectDomainName)
| summarize StartTime = max(TimeGenerated), EndTime = min(TimeGenerated), count() by EventID, Account, Computer, Process, SubjectUserName, SubjectDomainName, ObjectName, ObjectType, ProcessName
| where EventID == '4663'
| where ObjectType == 'Key'
| where ObjectName == aadHealthMonAgentRegKey
| extend Process = tostring(split(ProcessName, '\\', -1)[-1])
| where Process !in (aadConnectHealthProcs)
| summarize StartTime = max(TimeGenerated), EndTime = min(TimeGenerated), count() by EventID, Account, Computer, Process, SubjectUserName, SubjectDomainName, ObjectName, ObjectType, ProcessName
( WindowsEvent
| where EventID == '4663' and EventData has aadHealthMonAgentRegKey
| extend ObjectType = tostring(EventData.ObjectType)
| where ObjectType == 'Key'
| extend ObjectName = tostring(EventData.ObjectName)
| where ObjectName == aadHealthMonAgentRegKey
| extend ProcessName = tostring(EventData.ProcessName)
| extend Process = tostring(split(ProcessName, '\\')[-1])
| where Process !in (aadConnectHealthProcs)
| extend Account = strcat(tostring(EventData.SubjectDomainName),"\\", tostring(EventData.SubjectUserName))
| extend SubjectUserName = tostring(EventData.SubjectUserName)
| extend SubjectDomainName = tostring(EventData.SubjectDomainName)
| summarize StartTime = max(TimeGenerated), EndTime = min(TimeGenerated), count() by EventID, Account, Computer, Process, SubjectUserName, SubjectDomainName, ObjectName, ObjectType, ProcessName
// You can filter out potential machine accounts
//| where AccountType != 'Machine'
| extend HostName = tostring(split(Computer, ".")[0]), DomainIndex = toint(indexof(Computer, '.'))
| extend HostNameDomain = iff(DomainIndex != -1, substring(Computer, DomainIndex + 1), Computer)
| extend Name = tostring(split(Account, "\\")[1]), NTDomain = tostring(split(Account, "\\")[0])
triggerOperator: gt
triggerThreshold: 0
name: Microsoft Entra ID Health Service Agents Registry Keys Access
tier: Community
- Security - Others
- Identity
kind: Community
name: Microsoft Security Research
queryPeriod: 1d
severity: Medium
- SimuLand
kind: Scheduled
- entityType: Account
- columnName: Account
identifier: FullName
- columnName: Name
identifier: Name
- columnName: NTDomain
identifier: NTDomain
- entityType: Host
- columnName: Computer
identifier: FullName
- columnName: HostName
identifier: HostName
- columnName: HostNameDomain
identifier: DnsDomain
queryFrequency: 1d
- T1005
- dataTypes:
- SecurityEvent
connectorId: SecurityEvents
- dataTypes:
- SecurityEvents
connectorId: WindowsSecurityEvents
- dataTypes:
- WindowsEvent
connectorId: WindowsForwardedEvents
description: |
'This detection uses Windows security events to detect suspicious access attempts to the registry key values and sub-keys of Microsoft Entra ID Health service agents (e.g AD FS).
Information from AD Health service agents can be used to potentially abuse some of the features provided by those services in the cloud (e.g. Federation).
This detection requires an access control entry (ACE) on the system access control list (SACL) of the following securable object: HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ADHealthAgent.
Make sure you set the SACL to propagate to its sub-keys. You can find more information in here
- Collection
query: |
// ADHealth Monitoring Agent Registry Key
let aadHealthMonAgentRegKey = "\\REGISTRY\\MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\MicrosoftOnline\\Reporting\\MonitoringAgent";
// Filter out known processes
let aadConnectHealthProcs = dynamic ([
(union isfuzzy=true
| where EventID == '4656'
| where EventData has aadHealthMonAgentRegKey
| extend EventData = parse_xml(EventData).EventData.Data
| mv-expand bagexpansion=array EventData
| evaluate bag_unpack(EventData)
| extend Key = tostring(column_ifexists('@Name', "")), Value = column_ifexists('#text', "")
| evaluate pivot(Key, any(Value), TimeGenerated, Computer, EventID)
| extend ObjectName = column_ifexists("ObjectName", ""),
ObjectType = column_ifexists("ObjectType", "")
| where ObjectType == 'Key'
| where ObjectName == aadHealthMonAgentRegKey
| extend SubjectUserName = column_ifexists("SubjectUserName", ""),
SubjectDomainName = column_ifexists("SubjectDomainName", ""),
ProcessName = column_ifexists("ProcessName", "")
| extend Process = split(ProcessName, '\\', -1)[-1],
Account = strcat(SubjectDomainName, "\\", SubjectUserName)
| where Process !in (aadConnectHealthProcs)
| summarize StartTime = max(TimeGenerated), EndTime = min(TimeGenerated), count() by EventID, Account, Computer, Process, SubjectUserName, SubjectDomainName, ObjectName, ObjectType, ProcessName
( WindowsEvent
| where EventID == '4656' and EventData has aadHealthMonAgentRegKey
| extend ObjectType = tostring(EventData.ObjectType)
| where ObjectType == 'Key'
| extend ObjectName = tostring(EventData.ObjectName)
| where ObjectName == aadHealthMonAgentRegKey
| extend ProcessName = tostring(EventData.ProcessName)
| extend Process = tostring(split(ProcessName, '\\')[-1])
| where Process !in (aadConnectHealthProcs)
| extend Account = strcat(tostring(EventData.SubjectDomainName),"\\", tostring(EventData.SubjectUserName))
| extend SubjectUserName = tostring(EventData.SubjectUserName)
| extend SubjectDomainName = tostring(EventData.SubjectDomainName)
| summarize StartTime = max(TimeGenerated), EndTime = min(TimeGenerated), count() by EventID, Account, Computer, Process, SubjectUserName, SubjectDomainName, ObjectName, ObjectType, ProcessName
| where EventID == '4663'
| where ObjectType == 'Key'
| where ObjectName == aadHealthMonAgentRegKey
| extend Process = tostring(split(ProcessName, '\\', -1)[-1])
| where Process !in (aadConnectHealthProcs)
| summarize StartTime = max(TimeGenerated), EndTime = min(TimeGenerated), count() by EventID, Account, Computer, Process, SubjectUserName, SubjectDomainName, ObjectName, ObjectType, ProcessName
( WindowsEvent
| where EventID == '4663' and EventData has aadHealthMonAgentRegKey
| extend ObjectType = tostring(EventData.ObjectType)
| where ObjectType == 'Key'
| extend ObjectName = tostring(EventData.ObjectName)
| where ObjectName == aadHealthMonAgentRegKey
| extend ProcessName = tostring(EventData.ProcessName)
| extend Process = tostring(split(ProcessName, '\\')[-1])
| where Process !in (aadConnectHealthProcs)
| extend Account = strcat(tostring(EventData.SubjectDomainName),"\\", tostring(EventData.SubjectUserName))
| extend SubjectUserName = tostring(EventData.SubjectUserName)
| extend SubjectDomainName = tostring(EventData.SubjectDomainName)
| summarize StartTime = max(TimeGenerated), EndTime = min(TimeGenerated), count() by EventID, Account, Computer, Process, SubjectUserName, SubjectDomainName, ObjectName, ObjectType, ProcessName
// You can filter out potential machine accounts
//| where AccountType != 'Machine'
| extend HostName = tostring(split(Computer, ".")[0]), DomainIndex = toint(indexof(Computer, '.'))
| extend HostNameDomain = iff(DomainIndex != -1, substring(Computer, DomainIndex + 1), Computer)
| extend Name = tostring(split(Account, "\\")[1]), NTDomain = tostring(split(Account, "\\")[0])
id: 06bbf969-fcbe-43fa-bac2-b2fa131d113a
version: 1.1.5
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"workspace": {
"type": "String"
"resources": [
"apiVersion": "2024-01-01-preview",
"id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/06bbf969-fcbe-43fa-bac2-b2fa131d113a')]",
"kind": "Scheduled",
"name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/06bbf969-fcbe-43fa-bac2-b2fa131d113a')]",
"properties": {
"alertRuleTemplateName": "06bbf969-fcbe-43fa-bac2-b2fa131d113a",
"customDetails": null,
"description": "'This detection uses Windows security events to detect suspicious access attempts to the registry key values and sub-keys of Microsoft Entra ID Health service agents (e.g AD FS).\nInformation from AD Health service agents can be used to potentially abuse some of the features provided by those services in the cloud (e.g. Federation).\nThis detection requires an access control entry (ACE) on the system access control list (SACL) of the following securable object: HKLM:\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\ADHealthAgent.\nMake sure you set the SACL to propagate to its sub-keys. You can find more information in here\n'\n",
"displayName": "Microsoft Entra ID Health Service Agents Registry Keys Access",
"enabled": true,
"entityMappings": [
"entityType": "Account",
"fieldMappings": [
"columnName": "Account",
"identifier": "FullName"
"columnName": "Name",
"identifier": "Name"
"columnName": "NTDomain",
"identifier": "NTDomain"
"entityType": "Host",
"fieldMappings": [
"columnName": "Computer",
"identifier": "FullName"
"columnName": "HostName",
"identifier": "HostName"
"columnName": "HostNameDomain",
"identifier": "DnsDomain"
"OriginalUri": "",
"query": "// ADHealth Monitoring Agent Registry Key\nlet aadHealthMonAgentRegKey = \"\\\\REGISTRY\\\\MACHINE\\\\SOFTWARE\\\\Microsoft\\\\MicrosoftOnline\\\\Reporting\\\\MonitoringAgent\";\n// Filter out known processes\nlet aadConnectHealthProcs = dynamic ([\n 'Microsoft.Identity.Health.Adfs.DiagnosticsAgent.exe',\n 'Microsoft.Identity.Health.Adfs.InsightsService.exe',\n 'Microsoft.Identity.Health.Adfs.MonitoringAgent.Startup.exe',\n 'Microsoft.Identity.Health.Adfs.PshSurrogate.exe',\n 'Microsoft.Identity.Health.Common.Clients.ResourceMonitor.exe',\n 'Microsoft.Identity.Health.AadSync.MonitoringAgent.Startup.exe',\n 'Microsoft.Identity.AadConnect.Health.AadSync.Host.exe',\n 'Microsoft.Azure.ActiveDirectory.Synchronization.Upgrader.exe',\n 'miiserver.exe'\n]);\n(union isfuzzy=true\n(\nSecurityEvent\n| where EventID == '4656'\n| where EventData has aadHealthMonAgentRegKey\n| extend EventData = parse_xml(EventData).EventData.Data\n| mv-expand bagexpansion=array EventData\n| evaluate bag_unpack(EventData)\n| extend Key = tostring(column_ifexists('@Name', \"\")), Value = column_ifexists('#text', \"\")\n| evaluate pivot(Key, any(Value), TimeGenerated, Computer, EventID)\n| extend ObjectName = column_ifexists(\"ObjectName\", \"\"),\n ObjectType = column_ifexists(\"ObjectType\", \"\")\n| where ObjectType == 'Key'\n| where ObjectName == aadHealthMonAgentRegKey\n| extend SubjectUserName = column_ifexists(\"SubjectUserName\", \"\"),\n SubjectDomainName = column_ifexists(\"SubjectDomainName\", \"\"),\n ProcessName = column_ifexists(\"ProcessName\", \"\")\n| extend Process = split(ProcessName, '\\\\', -1)[-1],\n Account = strcat(SubjectDomainName, \"\\\\\", SubjectUserName)\n| where Process !in (aadConnectHealthProcs)\n| summarize StartTime = max(TimeGenerated), EndTime = min(TimeGenerated), count() by EventID, Account, Computer, Process, SubjectUserName, SubjectDomainName, ObjectName, ObjectType, ProcessName\n),\n ( WindowsEvent\n| where EventID == '4656' and EventData has aadHealthMonAgentRegKey\n| extend ObjectType = tostring(EventData.ObjectType)\n| where ObjectType == 'Key'\n| extend ObjectName = tostring(EventData.ObjectName)\n| where ObjectName == aadHealthMonAgentRegKey\n| extend ProcessName = tostring(EventData.ProcessName)\n| extend Process = tostring(split(ProcessName, '\\\\')[-1])\n| where Process !in (aadConnectHealthProcs)\n| extend Account = strcat(tostring(EventData.SubjectDomainName),\"\\\\\", tostring(EventData.SubjectUserName))\n| extend SubjectUserName = tostring(EventData.SubjectUserName)\n| extend SubjectDomainName = tostring(EventData.SubjectDomainName)\n| summarize StartTime = max(TimeGenerated), EndTime = min(TimeGenerated), count() by EventID, Account, Computer, Process, SubjectUserName, SubjectDomainName, ObjectName, ObjectType, ProcessName\n),\n(\nSecurityEvent\n| where EventID == '4663'\n| where ObjectType == 'Key'\n| where ObjectName == aadHealthMonAgentRegKey\n| extend Process = tostring(split(ProcessName, '\\\\', -1)[-1])\n| where Process !in (aadConnectHealthProcs)\n| summarize StartTime = max(TimeGenerated), EndTime = min(TimeGenerated), count() by EventID, Account, Computer, Process, SubjectUserName, SubjectDomainName, ObjectName, ObjectType, ProcessName\n),\n( WindowsEvent\n| where EventID == '4663' and EventData has aadHealthMonAgentRegKey\n| extend ObjectType = tostring(EventData.ObjectType)\n| where ObjectType == 'Key'\n| extend ObjectName = tostring(EventData.ObjectName)\n| where ObjectName == aadHealthMonAgentRegKey\n| extend ProcessName = tostring(EventData.ProcessName)\n| extend Process = tostring(split(ProcessName, '\\\\')[-1])\n| where Process !in (aadConnectHealthProcs)\n| extend Account = strcat(tostring(EventData.SubjectDomainName),\"\\\\\", tostring(EventData.SubjectUserName))\n| extend SubjectUserName = tostring(EventData.SubjectUserName)\n| extend SubjectDomainName = tostring(EventData.SubjectDomainName)\n| summarize StartTime = max(TimeGenerated), EndTime = min(TimeGenerated), count() by EventID, Account, Computer, Process, SubjectUserName, SubjectDomainName, ObjectName, ObjectType, ProcessName\n)\n)\n// You can filter out potential machine accounts\n//| where AccountType != 'Machine'\n| extend HostName = tostring(split(Computer, \".\")[0]), DomainIndex = toint(indexof(Computer, '.'))\n| extend HostNameDomain = iff(DomainIndex != -1, substring(Computer, DomainIndex + 1), Computer)\n| extend Name = tostring(split(Account, \"\\\\\")[1]), NTDomain = tostring(split(Account, \"\\\\\")[0])\n",
"queryFrequency": "P1D",
"queryPeriod": "P1D",
"severity": "Medium",
"subTechniques": [],
"suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
"suppressionEnabled": false,
"tactics": [
"tags": [
"techniques": [
"templateVersion": "1.1.5",
"triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
"triggerThreshold": 0
"type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"