Microsoft Sentinel Analytic Rules
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Anomaly found in Network Session Traffic ASIM Network Session schema

RulenameAnomaly found in Network Session Traffic (ASIM Network Session schema)
DescriptionThe rule identifies anomalous pattern in network session traffic based on previously seen data, different Device Action, Network Protocol, Network Direction or overall volume. The rule utilize ASIM normalization, and is applied to any source which supports the ASIM Network Session schema
Required data connectorsAIVectraStream
Query frequency1d
Query period14d
Trigger threshold0
Trigger operatorgt
Source Uri Session Essentials/Analytic Rules/AnomalyFoundInNetworkSessionTraffic.yaml
Arm templatecd6def0d-3ef0-4d55-a7e3-faa96c46ba12.json
Deploy To Azure
let min_t = ago(14d);
let max_t = now();
let dt = 1d;
let fieldForDvcAction = "DvcAction";
let fieldForNetworkDirection = "NetworkDirection";
let fieldForNetworkProtocol = "NetworkProtocol";
let AnomalyThreshold = 2.5;
let eps = materialize (_Im_NetworkSession | project TimeGenerated | where TimeGenerated > ago(5m) | count | extend Count = Count/300);
let maxSummarizedTime = toscalar (
    union isfuzzy=true 
                | where EventTime_t > min_t
                | summarize max_TimeGenerated=max(EventTime_t)
                | extend max_TimeGenerated = datetime_add('minute',10,max_TimeGenerated)
            | project max_TimeGenerated = print_0
      | summarize maxTimeGenerated = max(max_TimeGenerated) 
let nosummary = materialize(
              union isfuzzy=true 
                    | where EventTime_t > ago(1d) 
                    | project v = int(2)
                    print int(1) 
                    | project v = print_0
                | summarize maxv = max(v)
                | extend nosum = (maxv > 1)
let allData = union isfuzzy=true 
        (datatable(exists:int, nosum:bool)[1,false] | where toscalar(eps) > 1000 | join (nosummary) on nosum) | join (
        _Im_NetworkSession(starttime=todatetime(ago(2d)), endtime=now())
        | where TimeGenerated > maxSummarizedTime
        | summarize Count=count() by NetworkProtocol, DstPortNumber, DstAppName, NetworkDirection, DvcAction, bin(TimeGenerated,10m)
        | extend EventTime = TimeGenerated, Count = toint(Count), DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber), exists=int(1)
        ) on exists
        | project-away exists, maxv, nosum*
        (datatable(exists:int, nosum:bool)[1,false] | where toscalar(eps) between (501 .. 1000) | join (nosummary) on nosum) | join (
        _Im_NetworkSession(starttime=todatetime(ago(3d)), endtime=now())
        | where TimeGenerated > maxSummarizedTime
        | summarize Count=count() by NetworkProtocol, DstPortNumber, DstAppName, NetworkDirection, DvcAction, bin(TimeGenerated,10m)
        | extend EventTime = TimeGenerated, Count = toint(Count), DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber), exists=int(1)
        ) on exists
        | project-away exists, maxv, nosum*
        (datatable(exists:int, nosum:bool)[1,false] | where toscalar(eps) <= 500 | join (nosummary) on nosum) | join (
        _Im_NetworkSession(starttime=todatetime(ago(4d)), endtime=now())
        | where TimeGenerated > maxSummarizedTime
        | summarize Count=count() by NetworkProtocol, DstPortNumber, DstAppName, NetworkDirection, DvcAction, bin(TimeGenerated,10m)
        | extend EventTime = TimeGenerated, Count = toint(Count), DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber), exists=int(1)
        ) on exists
        | project-away exists, maxv, nosum*
        | where EventTime_t > min_t
        | project-rename NetworkProtocol=NetworkProtocol_s, DstPortNumber=DstPortNumber_d, DstAppName=DstAppName_s, NetworkDirection=NetworkDirection_s, DvcAction=DvcAction_s, Count=count__d, EventTime=EventTime_t
        | extend Count = toint(Count),DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber) 
let findVolumneBasedAnomaly = allData
        | make-series total=sum(Count) on EventTime from min_t to max_t step dt
        | extend (anomalies, score, baseline) = series_decompose_anomalies(total, AnomalyThreshold, -1, 'linefit') 
        | mv-expand anomalies, score, baseline, EventTime, total
        | extend anomalies = toint(anomalies), score = toint(score), baseline = toint(baseline), EventTime = todatetime(EventTime), total = tolong(total)
        | where EventTime >= ago(1d)
        | where score >= 2*AnomalyThreshold
let findAnomalies = (field:string){
        | where isnotempty(column_ifexists(field,""))
        | make-series total=sum(Count) on EventTime from min_t to max_t step dt by column_ifexists(field,"")
        | extend (anomalies, score, baseline) = series_decompose_anomalies(total, AnomalyThreshold, -1, 'linefit')
        | mv-expand anomalies, score, baseline, EventTime, total
        | extend anomalies = toint(anomalies), score = toint(score), baseline = toint(baseline), EventTime = todatetime(EventTime), total = tolong(total)
        | where EventTime >= ago(1d)
        | where score >= 2*AnomalyThreshold
union findAnomalies(fieldForDvcAction), findAnomalies(fieldForNetworkDirection), findAnomalies(fieldForNetworkProtocol), findVolumneBasedAnomaly
| extend anomalyFieldType  = case (isnotempty(column_ifexists(fieldForDvcAction,"")), "DvcAction",
                                  isnotempty(column_ifexists(fieldForNetworkDirection,"")), "NetworkDirection",
                                  isnotempty(column_ifexists(fieldForNetworkProtocol,"")), "NetworkProtocol",
        anomalyFieldValue  = case (isnotempty(column_ifexists(fieldForDvcAction,"")), column_ifexists(fieldForDvcAction,""),
                                  isnotempty(column_ifexists(fieldForNetworkDirection,"")), column_ifexists(fieldForNetworkDirection,""),
                                  isnotempty(column_ifexists(fieldForNetworkProtocol,"")), column_ifexists(fieldForNetworkProtocol,""),
  AnomalyFieldValue: anomalyFieldValue
  Score: score
  AnomalyFieldType: anomalyFieldType
triggerOperator: gt
queryFrequency: 1d
description: |
    'The rule identifies anomalous pattern in network session traffic based on previously seen data, different Device Action, Network Protocol, Network Direction or overall volume. The rule utilize [ASIM]( normalization, and is applied to any source which supports the ASIM Network Session schema'
  alertDescriptionFormat: Based on past data, anomaly was observed in {{anomalyFieldValue}} Traffic with a score of {{score}}.
  alertDisplayNameFormat: Anomaly was observed with {{anomalyFieldValue}} Traffic
status: Available
kind: Scheduled
triggerThreshold: 0
- connectorId: AWSS3
  - AWSVPCFlow
- connectorId: MicrosoftThreatProtection
  - DeviceNetworkEvents
- connectorId: SecurityEvents
  - SecurityEvent
- connectorId: WindowsForwardedEvents
  - WindowsEvent
- connectorId: Zscaler
  - CommonSecurityLog
- connectorId: MicrosoftSysmonForLinux
  - Syslog
- connectorId: PaloAltoNetworks
  - CommonSecurityLog
- connectorId: AzureMonitor(VMInsights)
  - VMConnection
- connectorId: AzureFirewall
  - AzureDiagnostics
- connectorId: AzureNSG
  - AzureDiagnostics
- connectorId: CiscoASA
  - CommonSecurityLog
- connectorId: Corelight
  - Corelight_CL
- connectorId: AIVectraStream
  - VectraStream
- connectorId: CheckPoint
  - CommonSecurityLog
- connectorId: Fortinet
  - CommonSecurityLog
- connectorId: CiscoMeraki
  - Syslog
  - CiscoMerakiNativePoller
version: 1.0.0
  aggregationKind: AlertPerResult
queryPeriod: 14d
name: Anomaly found in Network Session Traffic (ASIM Network Session schema)
OriginalUri: Session Essentials/Analytic Rules/AnomalyFoundInNetworkSessionTraffic.yaml
id: cd6def0d-3ef0-4d55-a7e3-faa96c46ba12
- Schema: ASimNetworkSessions
  SchemaVersion: 0.2.4
- CommandAndControl
- Discovery
- Exfiltration
- LateralMovement
- T1095
- T1071
- T1046
- T1030
- T1210
severity: Medium
query: |
  let min_t = ago(14d);
  let max_t = now();
  let dt = 1d;
  let fieldForDvcAction = "DvcAction";
  let fieldForNetworkDirection = "NetworkDirection";
  let fieldForNetworkProtocol = "NetworkProtocol";
  let AnomalyThreshold = 2.5;
  let eps = materialize (_Im_NetworkSession | project TimeGenerated | where TimeGenerated > ago(5m) | count | extend Count = Count/300);
  let maxSummarizedTime = toscalar (
      union isfuzzy=true 
                  | where EventTime_t > min_t
                  | summarize max_TimeGenerated=max(EventTime_t)
                  | extend max_TimeGenerated = datetime_add('minute',10,max_TimeGenerated)
              | project max_TimeGenerated = print_0
        | summarize maxTimeGenerated = max(max_TimeGenerated) 
  let nosummary = materialize(
                union isfuzzy=true 
                      | where EventTime_t > ago(1d) 
                      | project v = int(2)
                      print int(1) 
                      | project v = print_0
                  | summarize maxv = max(v)
                  | extend nosum = (maxv > 1)
  let allData = union isfuzzy=true 
          (datatable(exists:int, nosum:bool)[1,false] | where toscalar(eps) > 1000 | join (nosummary) on nosum) | join (
          _Im_NetworkSession(starttime=todatetime(ago(2d)), endtime=now())
          | where TimeGenerated > maxSummarizedTime
          | summarize Count=count() by NetworkProtocol, DstPortNumber, DstAppName, NetworkDirection, DvcAction, bin(TimeGenerated,10m)
          | extend EventTime = TimeGenerated, Count = toint(Count), DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber), exists=int(1)
          ) on exists
          | project-away exists, maxv, nosum*
          (datatable(exists:int, nosum:bool)[1,false] | where toscalar(eps) between (501 .. 1000) | join (nosummary) on nosum) | join (
          _Im_NetworkSession(starttime=todatetime(ago(3d)), endtime=now())
          | where TimeGenerated > maxSummarizedTime
          | summarize Count=count() by NetworkProtocol, DstPortNumber, DstAppName, NetworkDirection, DvcAction, bin(TimeGenerated,10m)
          | extend EventTime = TimeGenerated, Count = toint(Count), DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber), exists=int(1)
          ) on exists
          | project-away exists, maxv, nosum*
          (datatable(exists:int, nosum:bool)[1,false] | where toscalar(eps) <= 500 | join (nosummary) on nosum) | join (
          _Im_NetworkSession(starttime=todatetime(ago(4d)), endtime=now())
          | where TimeGenerated > maxSummarizedTime
          | summarize Count=count() by NetworkProtocol, DstPortNumber, DstAppName, NetworkDirection, DvcAction, bin(TimeGenerated,10m)
          | extend EventTime = TimeGenerated, Count = toint(Count), DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber), exists=int(1)
          ) on exists
          | project-away exists, maxv, nosum*
          | where EventTime_t > min_t
          | project-rename NetworkProtocol=NetworkProtocol_s, DstPortNumber=DstPortNumber_d, DstAppName=DstAppName_s, NetworkDirection=NetworkDirection_s, DvcAction=DvcAction_s, Count=count__d, EventTime=EventTime_t
          | extend Count = toint(Count),DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber) 
  let findVolumneBasedAnomaly = allData
          | make-series total=sum(Count) on EventTime from min_t to max_t step dt
          | extend (anomalies, score, baseline) = series_decompose_anomalies(total, AnomalyThreshold, -1, 'linefit') 
          | mv-expand anomalies, score, baseline, EventTime, total
          | extend anomalies = toint(anomalies), score = toint(score), baseline = toint(baseline), EventTime = todatetime(EventTime), total = tolong(total)
          | where EventTime >= ago(1d)
          | where score >= 2*AnomalyThreshold
  let findAnomalies = (field:string){
          | where isnotempty(column_ifexists(field,""))
          | make-series total=sum(Count) on EventTime from min_t to max_t step dt by column_ifexists(field,"")
          | extend (anomalies, score, baseline) = series_decompose_anomalies(total, AnomalyThreshold, -1, 'linefit')
          | mv-expand anomalies, score, baseline, EventTime, total
          | extend anomalies = toint(anomalies), score = toint(score), baseline = toint(baseline), EventTime = todatetime(EventTime), total = tolong(total)
          | where EventTime >= ago(1d)
          | where score >= 2*AnomalyThreshold
  union findAnomalies(fieldForDvcAction), findAnomalies(fieldForNetworkDirection), findAnomalies(fieldForNetworkProtocol), findVolumneBasedAnomaly
  | extend anomalyFieldType  = case (isnotempty(column_ifexists(fieldForDvcAction,"")), "DvcAction",
                                    isnotempty(column_ifexists(fieldForNetworkDirection,"")), "NetworkDirection",
                                    isnotempty(column_ifexists(fieldForNetworkProtocol,"")), "NetworkProtocol",
          anomalyFieldValue  = case (isnotempty(column_ifexists(fieldForDvcAction,"")), column_ifexists(fieldForDvcAction,""),
                                    isnotempty(column_ifexists(fieldForNetworkDirection,"")), column_ifexists(fieldForNetworkDirection,""),
                                    isnotempty(column_ifexists(fieldForNetworkProtocol,"")), column_ifexists(fieldForNetworkProtocol,""),
  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "workspace": {
      "type": "String"
  "resources": [
      "apiVersion": "2023-02-01-preview",
      "id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/cd6def0d-3ef0-4d55-a7e3-faa96c46ba12')]",
      "kind": "Scheduled",
      "name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/cd6def0d-3ef0-4d55-a7e3-faa96c46ba12')]",
      "properties": {
        "alertDetailsOverride": {
          "alertDescriptionFormat": "Based on past data, anomaly was observed in {{anomalyFieldValue}} Traffic with a score of {{score}}.",
          "alertDisplayNameFormat": "Anomaly was observed with {{anomalyFieldValue}} Traffic"
        "alertRuleTemplateName": "cd6def0d-3ef0-4d55-a7e3-faa96c46ba12",
        "customDetails": {
          "AnomalyFieldType": "anomalyFieldType",
          "AnomalyFieldValue": "anomalyFieldValue",
          "Score": "score"
        "description": "'The rule identifies anomalous pattern in network session traffic based on previously seen data, different Device Action, Network Protocol, Network Direction or overall volume. The rule utilize [ASIM]( normalization, and is applied to any source which supports the ASIM Network Session schema'\n",
        "displayName": "Anomaly found in Network Session Traffic (ASIM Network Session schema)",
        "enabled": true,
        "entityMappings": null,
        "eventGroupingSettings": {
          "aggregationKind": "AlertPerResult"
        "OriginalUri": " Session Essentials/Analytic Rules/AnomalyFoundInNetworkSessionTraffic.yaml",
        "query": "let min_t = ago(14d);\nlet max_t = now();\nlet dt = 1d;\nlet fieldForDvcAction = \"DvcAction\";\nlet fieldForNetworkDirection = \"NetworkDirection\";\nlet fieldForNetworkProtocol = \"NetworkProtocol\";\nlet AnomalyThreshold = 2.5;\nlet eps = materialize (_Im_NetworkSession | project TimeGenerated | where TimeGenerated > ago(5m) | count | extend Count = Count/300);\nlet maxSummarizedTime = toscalar (\n    union isfuzzy=true \n        (\n            NetworkCustomAnalytics_protocol_CL\n                | where EventTime_t > min_t\n                | summarize max_TimeGenerated=max(EventTime_t)\n                | extend max_TimeGenerated = datetime_add('minute',10,max_TimeGenerated)\n        ),\n        (\n            print(min_t)\n            | project max_TimeGenerated = print_0\n        )\n      | summarize maxTimeGenerated = max(max_TimeGenerated) \n    );\nlet nosummary = materialize(\n              union isfuzzy=true \n                (\n                    NetworkCustomAnalytics_protocol_CL\n                    | where EventTime_t > ago(1d) \n                    | project v = int(2)\n                ),\n                (\n                    print int(1) \n                    | project v = print_0\n                )\n                | summarize maxv = max(v)\n                | extend nosum = (maxv > 1)\n              );\nlet allData = union isfuzzy=true \n    (\n        (datatable(exists:int, nosum:bool)[1,false] | where toscalar(eps) > 1000 | join (nosummary) on nosum) | join (\n        _Im_NetworkSession(starttime=todatetime(ago(2d)), endtime=now())\n        | where TimeGenerated > maxSummarizedTime\n        | summarize Count=count() by NetworkProtocol, DstPortNumber, DstAppName, NetworkDirection, DvcAction, bin(TimeGenerated,10m)\n        | extend EventTime = TimeGenerated, Count = toint(Count), DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber), exists=int(1)\n        ) on exists\n        | project-away exists, maxv, nosum*\n    ),\n    (\n        (datatable(exists:int, nosum:bool)[1,false] | where toscalar(eps) between (501 .. 1000) | join (nosummary) on nosum) | join (\n        _Im_NetworkSession(starttime=todatetime(ago(3d)), endtime=now())\n        | where TimeGenerated > maxSummarizedTime\n        | summarize Count=count() by NetworkProtocol, DstPortNumber, DstAppName, NetworkDirection, DvcAction, bin(TimeGenerated,10m)\n        | extend EventTime = TimeGenerated, Count = toint(Count), DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber), exists=int(1)\n        ) on exists\n        | project-away exists, maxv, nosum*\n    ),\n    (\n        (datatable(exists:int, nosum:bool)[1,false] | where toscalar(eps) <= 500 | join (nosummary) on nosum) | join (\n        _Im_NetworkSession(starttime=todatetime(ago(4d)), endtime=now())\n        | where TimeGenerated > maxSummarizedTime\n        | summarize Count=count() by NetworkProtocol, DstPortNumber, DstAppName, NetworkDirection, DvcAction, bin(TimeGenerated,10m)\n        | extend EventTime = TimeGenerated, Count = toint(Count), DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber), exists=int(1)\n        ) on exists\n        | project-away exists, maxv, nosum*\n    ),\n    (\n        NetworkCustomAnalytics_protocol_CL\n        | where EventTime_t > min_t\n        | project-rename NetworkProtocol=NetworkProtocol_s, DstPortNumber=DstPortNumber_d, DstAppName=DstAppName_s, NetworkDirection=NetworkDirection_s, DvcAction=DvcAction_s, Count=count__d, EventTime=EventTime_t\n        | extend Count = toint(Count),DstPortNumber = toint(DstPortNumber) \n    )\n;\nlet findVolumneBasedAnomaly = allData\n        | make-series total=sum(Count) on EventTime from min_t to max_t step dt\n        | extend (anomalies, score, baseline) = series_decompose_anomalies(total, AnomalyThreshold, -1, 'linefit') \n        | mv-expand anomalies, score, baseline, EventTime, total\n        | extend anomalies = toint(anomalies), score = toint(score), baseline = toint(baseline), EventTime = todatetime(EventTime), total = tolong(total)\n        | where EventTime >= ago(1d)\n        | where score >= 2*AnomalyThreshold\n        ;\nlet findAnomalies = (field:string){\n    allData\n        | where isnotempty(column_ifexists(field,\"\"))\n        | make-series total=sum(Count) on EventTime from min_t to max_t step dt by column_ifexists(field,\"\")\n        | extend (anomalies, score, baseline) = series_decompose_anomalies(total, AnomalyThreshold, -1, 'linefit')\n        | mv-expand anomalies, score, baseline, EventTime, total\n        | extend anomalies = toint(anomalies), score = toint(score), baseline = toint(baseline), EventTime = todatetime(EventTime), total = tolong(total)\n        | where EventTime >= ago(1d)\n        | where score >= 2*AnomalyThreshold\n};\nunion findAnomalies(fieldForDvcAction), findAnomalies(fieldForNetworkDirection), findAnomalies(fieldForNetworkProtocol), findVolumneBasedAnomaly\n| extend anomalyFieldType  = case (isnotempty(column_ifexists(fieldForDvcAction,\"\")), \"DvcAction\",\n                                  isnotempty(column_ifexists(fieldForNetworkDirection,\"\")), \"NetworkDirection\",\n                                  isnotempty(column_ifexists(fieldForNetworkProtocol,\"\")), \"NetworkProtocol\",\n                                  \"TotalVolume\"\n                                ),\n        anomalyFieldValue  = case (isnotempty(column_ifexists(fieldForDvcAction,\"\")), column_ifexists(fieldForDvcAction,\"\"),\n                                  isnotempty(column_ifexists(fieldForNetworkDirection,\"\")), column_ifexists(fieldForNetworkDirection,\"\"),\n                                  isnotempty(column_ifexists(fieldForNetworkProtocol,\"\")), column_ifexists(fieldForNetworkProtocol,\"\"),\n                                  \"Overall\"\n                                )\n",
        "queryFrequency": "P1D",
        "queryPeriod": "P14D",
        "severity": "Medium",
        "status": "Available",
        "suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
        "suppressionEnabled": false,
        "tactics": [
        "tags": [
            "Schema": "ASimNetworkSessions",
            "SchemaVersion": "0.2.4"
        "techniques": [
        "templateVersion": "1.0.0",
        "triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
        "triggerThreshold": 0
      "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"