Microsoft Sentinel Analytic Rules
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Sensitive Data Discovered in the Last 24 Hours - Customized

RulenameSensitive Data Discovered in the Last 24 Hours - Customized
DescriptionCustomized query used to identify specific classifications and parameters that have been discovered on assets in the last 24 hours by Microsoft Purview. By default, the query identifies Social Security Numbers detected, but the specific classification monitored along with other data fields can be adjusted. A list of supported Microsoft Purview classifications can be found here:
Required data connectorsMicrosoftAzurePurview
Query frequency1d
Query period1d
Trigger threshold0
Trigger operatorgt
Source Uri Purview/Analytic Rules/MicrosoftPurviewSensitiveDataDiscoveredCustom.yaml
Arm template79f296d9-e6e4-45dc-9ca7-1770955435fa.json
Deploy To Azure
| where Classification contains "Social Security Number"
//| where SourceRegion == "westeurope"
//| where SourceType contains "Amazon"
| where TimeGenerated > ago(24h)
  SourceRegion: SourceRegion
  PurviewAccount: PurviewAccountName
  AssetPath: AssetPath
  AssetName: AssetName
  Classification: Classification
  LastScanTime: AssetLastScanTime
triggerOperator: gt
queryFrequency: 1d
description: |
    'Customized query used to identify specific classifications and parameters that have been discovered on assets in the last 24 hours by Microsoft Purview. By default, the query identifies Social Security Numbers detected, but the specific classification monitored along with other data fields can be adjusted. A list of supported Microsoft Purview classifications can be found here:'
version: 1.0.1
kind: Scheduled
triggerThreshold: 0
- connectorId: MicrosoftAzurePurview
  - PurviewDataSensitivityLogs
queryPeriod: 1d
name: Sensitive Data Discovered in the Last 24 Hours - Customized
OriginalUri: Purview/Analytic Rules/MicrosoftPurviewSensitiveDataDiscoveredCustom.yaml
id: 79f296d9-e6e4-45dc-9ca7-1770955435fa
  alertDescriptionFormat: Within the last 24 hours, Microsoft Purview scanned assets that contained classifications. The classifications discovered include {{Classification}}.
  alertDisplayNameFormat: Sensitive Data Discovered in the Last 24 Hours by Microsoft Purview
- Discovery
- T1087
severity: Informational
- fieldMappings:
  - identifier: ResourceId
    columnName: SourcePath
  entityType: AzureResource
- fieldMappings:
  - identifier: Name
    columnName: AssetName
  entityType: File
- fieldMappings:
  - identifier: Name
    columnName: PurviewAccountName
  entityType: Account
query: |
  | where Classification contains "Social Security Number"
  //| where SourceRegion == "westeurope"
  //| where SourceType contains "Amazon"
  | where TimeGenerated > ago(24h)  
  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "workspace": {
      "type": "String"
  "resources": [
      "apiVersion": "2023-02-01-preview",
      "id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/79f296d9-e6e4-45dc-9ca7-1770955435fa')]",
      "kind": "Scheduled",
      "name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/79f296d9-e6e4-45dc-9ca7-1770955435fa')]",
      "properties": {
        "alertDetailsOverride": {
          "alertDescriptionFormat": "Within the last 24 hours, Microsoft Purview scanned assets that contained classifications. The classifications discovered include {{Classification}}.",
          "alertDisplayNameFormat": "Sensitive Data Discovered in the Last 24 Hours by Microsoft Purview"
        "alertRuleTemplateName": "79f296d9-e6e4-45dc-9ca7-1770955435fa",
        "customDetails": {
          "AssetName": "AssetName",
          "AssetPath": "AssetPath",
          "Classification": "Classification",
          "LastScanTime": "AssetLastScanTime",
          "PurviewAccount": "PurviewAccountName",
          "SourceRegion": "SourceRegion"
        "description": "'Customized query used to identify specific classifications and parameters that have been discovered on assets in the last 24 hours by Microsoft Purview. By default, the query identifies Social Security Numbers detected, but the specific classification monitored along with other data fields can be adjusted. A list of supported Microsoft Purview classifications can be found here:'\n",
        "displayName": "Sensitive Data Discovered in the Last 24 Hours - Customized",
        "enabled": true,
        "entityMappings": [
            "entityType": "AzureResource",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "SourcePath",
                "identifier": "ResourceId"
            "entityType": "File",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "AssetName",
                "identifier": "Name"
            "entityType": "Account",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "PurviewAccountName",
                "identifier": "Name"
        "OriginalUri": " Purview/Analytic Rules/MicrosoftPurviewSensitiveDataDiscoveredCustom.yaml",
        "query": "PurviewDataSensitivityLogs\n| where Classification contains \"Social Security Number\"\n//| where SourceRegion == \"westeurope\"\n//| where SourceType contains \"Amazon\"\n| where TimeGenerated > ago(24h)\n",
        "queryFrequency": "P1D",
        "queryPeriod": "P1D",
        "severity": "Informational",
        "suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
        "suppressionEnabled": false,
        "tactics": [
        "techniques": [
        "templateVersion": "1.0.1",
        "triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
        "triggerThreshold": 0
      "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"