Microsoft Sentinel Analytic Rules
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full_access_as_app Granted To Application

Rulenamefull_access_as_app Granted To Application
DescriptionThis detection looks for the full_access_as_app permission being granted to an OAuth application with Admin Consent.

This permission provide access to all Exchange mailboxes via the EWS API can could be exploited to access sensitive data

by being added to a compromised application. The application granted this permission should be reviewed to ensure that it

is absolutely necessary for the applications function.

Required data connectorsAzureActiveDirectory
Query frequency1h
Query period1h
Trigger threshold0
Trigger operatorgt
Source Uri Entra ID/Analytic Rules/ExchangeFullAccessGrantedToApp.yaml
Arm template54e22fed-0ec6-4fb2-8312-2a3809a93f63.json
Deploy To Azure
| where LoggedByService =~ "Core Directory"
| where Category =~ "ApplicationManagement"
| where OperationName =~ "Consent to application"
| where TargetResources has "full_access_as_app"
| mv-expand TargetResources
| extend OAuthAppName = TargetResources.displayName
| extend ModifiedProperties = TargetResources.modifiedProperties 
| mv-apply Property = ModifiedProperties on 
      where Property.displayName =~ "ConsentContext.isAdminConsent"
      | extend AdminConsent = tostring(Property.newValue)
| mv-apply Property = ModifiedProperties on 
      where Property.displayName =~ "ConsentAction.Permissions"
      | extend Permissions = tostring(Property.newValue)
| mv-apply Property = ModifiedProperties on 
      where Property.displayName =~ "TargetId.ServicePrincipalNames"
      | extend AppId = tostring(Property.newValue)
| mv-apply Property = AdditionalDetails on 
      where Property.key =~ "User-Agent"
      | extend InitiatingUserAgent = replace('"', '', tostring(Property.value))
| project-away Property
| parse Permissions with * "ConsentType: " GrantConsentType ", Scope: " GrantScope1 "," *
| where GrantScope1 =~ "full_access_as_app"
| extend InitiatingAppName = tostring(
| extend InitiatingAppServicePrincipalId = tostring(
| extend InitiatingUserPrincipalName = tostring(InitiatedBy.user.userPrincipalName)
| extend InitiatingAadUserId = tostring(
| extend InitiatingIpAddress = tostring(iff(isnotempty(InitiatedBy.user.ipAddress), InitiatedBy.user.ipAddress,
| project-reorder TimeGenerated, OAuthAppName, AppId, AdminConsent, Permissions, InitiatingUserPrincipalName, InitiatingAadUserId, InitiatingAppName, InitiatingAppServicePrincipalId, InitiatingIpAddress, InitiatingUserAgent, GrantScope1, GrantConsentType
| extend GrantInitiatedBy = tostring(iff(isnotempty(InitiatingUserPrincipalName), InitiatingUserPrincipalName, InitiatingAppName))
| extend Name = split(InitiatingUserPrincipalName, "@")[0], UPNSuffix = split(InitiatingUserPrincipalName, "@")[1]
  OAuthAppId: AppId
  UserAgent: InitiatingUserAgent
  OAuthApplication: OAuthAppName
triggerOperator: gt
queryFrequency: 1h
description: |
  'This detection looks for the full_access_as_app permission being granted to an OAuth application with Admin Consent.
  This permission provide access to all Exchange mailboxes via the EWS API can could be exploited to access sensitive data 
  by being added to a compromised application. The application granted this permission should be reviewed to ensure that it 
  is absolutely necessary for the applications function.
status: Available
kind: Scheduled
triggerThreshold: 0
- connectorId: AzureActiveDirectory
  - AuditLogs
version: 1.0.1
queryPeriod: 1h
name: full_access_as_app Granted To Application
OriginalUri: Entra ID/Analytic Rules/ExchangeFullAccessGrantedToApp.yaml
id: 54e22fed-0ec6-4fb2-8312-2a3809a93f63
  alertDescriptionFormat: |
    This detection looks for the full_access_as_app permission being granted to an OAuth application with Admin Consent.
    This permission provide access to all Exchange mailboxes via the EWS API can could be exploited to access sensitive data 
    by being added to a compromised application. The application granted this permission should be reviewed to ensure that it 
    is absolutely necessary for the applications function.
    In this case {{GrantInitiatedBy}} granted full_access_as_app to {{OAuthAppName}} from {{InitiatingIpAddress}}
  alertDisplayNameFormat: User or App {{GrantInitiatedBy}} granted full_access_as_app to {{OAuthAppName}}
- DefenseEvasion
- T1550.001
severity: Medium
- fieldMappings:
  - identifier: FullName
    columnName: InitiatingUserPrincipalName
  - identifier: Name
    columnName: Name
  - identifier: UPNSuffix
    columnName: UPNSuffix
  entityType: Account
- fieldMappings:
  - identifier: AadUserId
    columnName: InitiatingAadUserId
  entityType: Account
- fieldMappings:
  - identifier: AadUserId
    columnName: InitiatingAppServicePrincipalId
  entityType: Account
- fieldMappings:
  - identifier: Address
    columnName: InitiatingIpAddress
  entityType: IP
query: |
  | where LoggedByService =~ "Core Directory"
  | where Category =~ "ApplicationManagement"
  | where OperationName =~ "Consent to application"
  | where TargetResources has "full_access_as_app"
  | mv-expand TargetResources
  | extend OAuthAppName = TargetResources.displayName
  | extend ModifiedProperties = TargetResources.modifiedProperties 
  | mv-apply Property = ModifiedProperties on 
        where Property.displayName =~ "ConsentContext.isAdminConsent"
        | extend AdminConsent = tostring(Property.newValue)
  | mv-apply Property = ModifiedProperties on 
        where Property.displayName =~ "ConsentAction.Permissions"
        | extend Permissions = tostring(Property.newValue)
  | mv-apply Property = ModifiedProperties on 
        where Property.displayName =~ "TargetId.ServicePrincipalNames"
        | extend AppId = tostring(Property.newValue)
  | mv-apply Property = AdditionalDetails on 
        where Property.key =~ "User-Agent"
        | extend InitiatingUserAgent = replace('"', '', tostring(Property.value))
  | project-away Property
  | parse Permissions with * "ConsentType: " GrantConsentType ", Scope: " GrantScope1 "," *
  | where GrantScope1 =~ "full_access_as_app"
  | extend InitiatingAppName = tostring(
  | extend InitiatingAppServicePrincipalId = tostring(
  | extend InitiatingUserPrincipalName = tostring(InitiatedBy.user.userPrincipalName)
  | extend InitiatingAadUserId = tostring(
  | extend InitiatingIpAddress = tostring(iff(isnotempty(InitiatedBy.user.ipAddress), InitiatedBy.user.ipAddress,
  | project-reorder TimeGenerated, OAuthAppName, AppId, AdminConsent, Permissions, InitiatingUserPrincipalName, InitiatingAadUserId, InitiatingAppName, InitiatingAppServicePrincipalId, InitiatingIpAddress, InitiatingUserAgent, GrantScope1, GrantConsentType
  | extend GrantInitiatedBy = tostring(iff(isnotempty(InitiatingUserPrincipalName), InitiatingUserPrincipalName, InitiatingAppName))
  | extend Name = split(InitiatingUserPrincipalName, "@")[0], UPNSuffix = split(InitiatingUserPrincipalName, "@")[1]  
  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "workspace": {
      "type": "String"
  "resources": [
      "apiVersion": "2023-02-01-preview",
      "id": "[concat(resourceId('Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers', parameters('workspace'), 'Microsoft.SecurityInsights'),'/alertRules/54e22fed-0ec6-4fb2-8312-2a3809a93f63')]",
      "kind": "Scheduled",
      "name": "[concat(parameters('workspace'),'/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/54e22fed-0ec6-4fb2-8312-2a3809a93f63')]",
      "properties": {
        "alertDetailsOverride": {
          "alertDescriptionFormat": "This detection looks for the full_access_as_app permission being granted to an OAuth application with Admin Consent.\nThis permission provide access to all Exchange mailboxes via the EWS API can could be exploited to access sensitive data \nby being added to a compromised application. The application granted this permission should be reviewed to ensure that it \nis absolutely necessary for the applications function.\nIn this case {{GrantInitiatedBy}} granted full_access_as_app to {{OAuthAppName}} from {{InitiatingIpAddress}}\nRef:\n",
          "alertDisplayNameFormat": "User or App {{GrantInitiatedBy}} granted full_access_as_app to {{OAuthAppName}}"
        "alertRuleTemplateName": "54e22fed-0ec6-4fb2-8312-2a3809a93f63",
        "customDetails": {
          "OAuthAppId": "AppId",
          "OAuthApplication": "OAuthAppName",
          "UserAgent": "InitiatingUserAgent"
        "description": "'This detection looks for the full_access_as_app permission being granted to an OAuth application with Admin Consent.\nThis permission provide access to all Exchange mailboxes via the EWS API can could be exploited to access sensitive data \nby being added to a compromised application. The application granted this permission should be reviewed to ensure that it \nis absolutely necessary for the applications function.\nRef:'\n",
        "displayName": "full_access_as_app Granted To Application",
        "enabled": true,
        "entityMappings": [
            "entityType": "Account",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "InitiatingUserPrincipalName",
                "identifier": "FullName"
                "columnName": "Name",
                "identifier": "Name"
                "columnName": "UPNSuffix",
                "identifier": "UPNSuffix"
            "entityType": "Account",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "InitiatingAadUserId",
                "identifier": "AadUserId"
            "entityType": "Account",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "InitiatingAppServicePrincipalId",
                "identifier": "AadUserId"
            "entityType": "IP",
            "fieldMappings": [
                "columnName": "InitiatingIpAddress",
                "identifier": "Address"
        "OriginalUri": " Entra ID/Analytic Rules/ExchangeFullAccessGrantedToApp.yaml",
        "query": "AuditLogs\n| where LoggedByService =~ \"Core Directory\"\n| where Category =~ \"ApplicationManagement\"\n| where OperationName =~ \"Consent to application\"\n| where TargetResources has \"full_access_as_app\"\n| mv-expand TargetResources\n| extend OAuthAppName = TargetResources.displayName\n| extend ModifiedProperties = TargetResources.modifiedProperties \n| mv-apply Property = ModifiedProperties on \n  (\n      where Property.displayName =~ \"ConsentContext.isAdminConsent\"\n      | extend AdminConsent = tostring(Property.newValue)\n  )\n| mv-apply Property = ModifiedProperties on \n  (\n      where Property.displayName =~ \"ConsentAction.Permissions\"\n      | extend Permissions = tostring(Property.newValue)\n  )\n| mv-apply Property = ModifiedProperties on \n  (\n      where Property.displayName =~ \"TargetId.ServicePrincipalNames\"\n      | extend AppId = tostring(Property.newValue)\n  )\n| mv-apply Property = AdditionalDetails on \n  (\n      where Property.key =~ \"User-Agent\"\n      | extend InitiatingUserAgent = replace('\"', '', tostring(Property.value))\n  )\n| project-away Property\n| parse Permissions with * \"ConsentType: \" GrantConsentType \", Scope: \" GrantScope1 \",\" *\n| where GrantScope1 =~ \"full_access_as_app\"\n| extend InitiatingAppName = tostring(\n| extend InitiatingAppServicePrincipalId = tostring(\n| extend InitiatingUserPrincipalName = tostring(InitiatedBy.user.userPrincipalName)\n| extend InitiatingAadUserId = tostring(\n| extend InitiatingIpAddress = tostring(iff(isnotempty(InitiatedBy.user.ipAddress), InitiatedBy.user.ipAddress,\n| project-reorder TimeGenerated, OAuthAppName, AppId, AdminConsent, Permissions, InitiatingUserPrincipalName, InitiatingAadUserId, InitiatingAppName, InitiatingAppServicePrincipalId, InitiatingIpAddress, InitiatingUserAgent, GrantScope1, GrantConsentType\n| extend GrantInitiatedBy = tostring(iff(isnotempty(InitiatingUserPrincipalName), InitiatingUserPrincipalName, InitiatingAppName))\n| extend Name = split(InitiatingUserPrincipalName, \"@\")[0], UPNSuffix = split(InitiatingUserPrincipalName, \"@\")[1]\n",
        "queryFrequency": "PT1H",
        "queryPeriod": "PT1H",
        "severity": "Medium",
        "status": "Available",
        "suppressionDuration": "PT1H",
        "suppressionEnabled": false,
        "tactics": [
        "techniques": [
        "templateVersion": "1.0.1",
        "triggerOperator": "GreaterThan",
        "triggerThreshold": 0
      "type": "Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/providers/alertRules"